Crontab not run command in docker - cron

* * * * * mkdir /Documents/my_folder && docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=my_container_name") bundle exec rake batch:run_job --trace >>/dev/null 2>&1
I set crontab on local machine.
"my_folder" folder is created, but command in docker did not.
I tested run :
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=my_container_name") bundle exec rake batch:run_job --trace
It's still work.


cron job doesn't execute docker command

I'm facing weird behavior on setting up cronjob.
I'm trying to execute simple docker run command at specific time every day, everything except docker is working, but docker command like just ignored or skipped.
I've tried to put command directly in crontab
6 4 * * * docker run -it --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image
Doesn't work. Then I tried to echo to some file to see if it actually triggered
6 4 * * * echo "works" > file.txt && docker run -it --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image
Echo is working, but docker still not executed. I also tried to save output from the docker to the file, but file is empty.
6 4 * * * docker run -it --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image > file.log
Then I moved the entire command to the bash script and run in manually to confirm command is correct and it works, so I've put this script file to cron, also added echo
40 4 * * * /root/ >> /root/file.log (/root is a home folder)
Nothing is working, I tried to update bash file and put echo before and after docker command, and I see the result of those 2 (START,DONE), but docker still not executed and skipped.
echo "START"
docker run -it --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image
echo "DONE"
I've tried with sudo in crontab, still no result.
I've checked /var/log/syslog file and see that cron triggered
Oct 16 04:40:01 ubuntu-8gb-nbg1-1 CRON[433288]: (root) CMD (sudo /root/ >> /root/file.log)
Here's output of permissions on the file
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 176 Oct 16 04:38
Please help with understanding what I missed or how to troubleshoot the problem.
Try to remove -it flags from docker command since the Crontab doesn't support terminal (you may add -d flag to your docker command optionally if you want the container run and continue in the background).
6 4 * * * docker run --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image
6 4 * * * docker run -d --rm -e -e PASS=SOMEPASS docker_image
Is your user in docker group? Can you run docker --ps on bash. Does cronjob belong to root? : Only exec "$#" not working

I was struggling to fix this issue from couple of days.
File 1 :
set -e
source /home/${HADOOP_INSTALL_USERNAME}/.bashrc
kinit -kt /home/${HADOOP_INSTALL_USERNAME}/keytab/dept-test-hadoop.${HADOOP_INSTALL_ENV}.keytab dept-test-hadoop
mkdir /tmp/test222222
exec "$#"
Dockerfile :
ENTRYPOINT ["/home/dept-test-hadoop/"]
docker run command :
docker run -it hadoop-hive:v1 /bin/mkdir /tmp/test1
The challenge or what I am trying is to execute what ever the command that pass as command-line argument to docker run command.Please note these commands required kerberos authentication
1) I have noticed /tmp/test222222 but I could not see a directly like /tmp/test1 with above docker run command. I think my exec "$#" in not executing. But I can confirm the script is executing as I can see the /tmp/test222222
2) Is there way that we can assign the values from environment variables ?
ENTRYPOINT ["/home/dept-test-hadoop/"]
You container will exit as long as it creates the directory. You container life is the life of exec command or docker-entrypoint, so your container will die soon after exec "$#".
If you are looking for a way to create a directory from env then you can try this
set -x
source /home/${HADOOP_INSTALL_USERNAME}/.bashrc
kinit -kt /home/${HADOOP_INSTALL_USERNAME}/keytab/dept-test-hadoop.${HADOOP_INSTALL_ENV}.keytab dept-test-hadoop
mkdir $MY_DIR
exec "$#"
so now pass MY_DIR to env but keep the long process in mind.
docker run -it -e MY_DIR=abcd hadoop-hive:v1 "your_long_running_process_to_exec"
for example
docker run -it -e MY_DIR=abcd hadoop-hive:v1 "<hadoop command>"
If you run any process from ENV in exec then also you can try
set -x
mkdir $MY_DIR
so you can pass during run time
docker run -it -e MY_DIR=abcd -e START_PROCESS=my_process hadoop-hive:v1

I can't get env var in the Docker container

I've ran my Docker container using this command:
docker run --name test1 -d -e FLAG='***' rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd
Now, when I connect to it via SSH, I can't get my env there via printenv FLAG.
How can I fix this? When running with -it and sh, I can my get env via printenv FLAG.
Now, when I connect to it via SSH, I can't get my env there via
printenv FLAG. How can I fix this? When running with -it and sh, I can
my get env via printenv FLAG
You are doing two different things:
docker run -it -e FLAG='***' rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd sh will run a container in interactive mode with a shell, and this shell session will have the environment variable you passed on the command line. With docker run -d -e FLAG='***' rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd, a SSH daemon process will start with defined env vars.
when you connect in the container with SSH you will create a new shell session which does not have these environment variable set.
This can be observed when running a container, connecting to it using ssh and showing all processes and their environment variable:
docker run -d -p 2222:22 -e FLAG='test' rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd
ssh root#localhost -p 2222
We are now connected into the container, we can see the SSH daemon process (PID 1) and our SSH session process (PID 7):
root#788fa982c2d0:~# ps -xf
1 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D # <== does have the FLAG env var
7 ? Ss 0:00 sshd: root#pts/0 # <== no FLAG env var
Lets check it out, print our current process env var, and the env var of the SSH daemon process:
root#788fa982c2d0:~# printenv FLAG # Nothing
root#788fa982c2d0:~# cat /proc/1/environ # We see the FLAG env var!
As pointed out by #Dmitrii, you can read Dockerize an SSH service for more details.
Try Using below Command:
docker exec <container-id> bash -c 'echo "$<variable-name>"'
As suggested by docs
you might need to create your own Dockerfile with following changes
FROM rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd
COPY /usr/local/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
echo "export FLAG=$FLAG" >> /etc/profile
exec "$#"
docker build -t your-ubuntu-sshd .
docker run --name test1 -d -e FLAG='abc' -p 2222:22 your-ubuntu-sshd

jenkins container without root authority

I run a docker container by
[root#compute maven]# docker run -d -p 8083:8080 --name jenkins -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /root/maven-tar/:/root csphere/jenkins:1.609
Then I get into the container by "docker exec"
[root#compute maven]# docker exec -it jenkins /bin/bash
I try run "docker ps",it showes this
jenkins#e40f704478e5:/$ docker ps
/usr/bin/docker: 2: .: Can't open /etc/sysconfig/docker

Docker tool in Jenkins container (with mounted Docker socket) is not finding a Docker daemon to connect to

I just started a Jenkins docker container with a mounted docker socket like the following:
docker run -d \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--publish 50000:50000 \
--volume /my_jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name my_jenkins_container \
Then I bash into the container like this:
docker exec -it my_jenkins_container bash
A tool 'docker' command in a Jenkins pipeline script has automatically installed a Docker binary at the following path: /var/jenkins_home/tools/
However, when I try to run Docker commands from that Docker binary (assuming that it will connect with the Docker socket that has been mounted at /var/run/docker.sock) it returns the following error:
$ /var/jenkins_home/tools/ images
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
How can I ensure that this Docker binary (the binary that has been automatically installed via the Jenkins' tool 'docker' command) runs its Docker commands by connecting to the mounted Docker socket at /var/run/docker.sock?
Short Answer:
The file permissions of the mounted Docker socket file had to be revised.
Long Answer:
When I simply tried to execute /path/to/dockerTool/bin/docker ps -a on the Docker container, it was producing an error.
$ docker exec -it my_jenkins_container bash -c "/var/jenkins_home/tools/ ps -a"
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Then, when I tried to execute /path/to/dockerTool/bin/docker ps -a with user=root, it worked fine.
$ docker exec -it --user=root my_jenkins_container bash -c "/var/jenkins_home/tools/ ps -a"
c9dd56411efe company/my_jenkins:latest "/bin/tini -- /usr/lo" 49 seconds ago Up 49 seconds>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp my_jenkins_container
So it means I just needed to set the right permissions to the Docker socket. All I had to do was chgrp the socket file to the jenkins group so that the jenkins group/users can read/write to that socket file (the before & after of the chgrp command is included here):
$ docker exec -it my_jenkins_container bash -c "ls -l /var/run/docker.sock"
srw-rw---- 1 root 999 0 Jan 15 08:29 /var/run/docker.sock
$ docker exec -it --user=root my_jenkins_container bash -c "chgrp jenkins /var/run/docker.sock"
$ docker exec -it my_jenkins_container bash -c "ls -l /var/run/docker.sock"
srw-rw---- 1 root jenkins 0 Jan 15 08:29 /var/run/docker.sock
After that, executing /path/to/dockerTool/bin/docker ps -a as a non-root user worked fine
$ docker exec -it my_jenkins_container bash -c "/var/jenkins_home/tools/ ps -a"
c9dd56411efe company/my_jenkins:latest "/bin/tini -- /usr/lo" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp my_jenkins_container
