Getting too many channels error for a period of time - node.js

I have 16 queues & mulitple consumer servers for those queues. I have created one dedicated channel for each queue to consume messages. Consumer & dispatch channels on each server share same connection.
When I dispatch messages to each queue, I do the following:
create a new channel
bind channel to the queue with proper routing
dispatch the message
close the channel
I have lots of incoming webhooks from Shopify & these webooks contents are dispatched to specific queues.
While processing each message, I need make an API call to Shopify. Shopify API has rate limit. If I hit rate limit once, I redispatch all messages from the consumer back to rabbitmq with a delay header of 1 minute(time required to clear the API rate limit).
Now, when I have several consumers running with lots of messages in the queue & I re-dispatch those messages, I get too many channels error for a period of time. How can I avoid this error?
I tried to keep 2 dedicated channels per queue:
for conusmer purpose only
for dispatch purpose only
For, 16 queues, & around 11 consumer servers. This way, I always have to keep 352 channel open. This caues CPU utilization on rabbitmq host server to reach >90% which is also an issue. As the server can crash any time.

I found the solution to the problem after digging through the RabbitMQ documentation.
Instead of creating a new channel for each dispatch, I created a single channel & kept it alive for the entire connection session. When creating the channel, I asserted all the exchanges that would be used by my queues.
Then I just publish the messages to the desired exchange with the routing key. As my queues are already bonded with the exchanges & listen for messages with a given routing key, the messages end up in the correct queue!
This way I can maintain just 01 connection & only 01 channel per server!


RabbitMQ multiple consumers across multiple queues - messages delayed from being processed

We have recently experienced unexpected behaviour with our application that is powered by RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ version is 3.6.12 and we are using .NET Client 5.0.1
The application subscribes to two queues, one for commands, and another for events - we also use manual acknowledgements.
Our application is configured to have 7 consumers. Each has its own channel(IModel) and each has its own EventingBasicConsumer
We end up processing messages when EventingBasicConsumer.Received is fired.
Our application must process messages as close as possible to when they are routed onto the queues and to date we have not had issues.
However recently, we have seen that when one of our messages being processed takes a long time to complete, it delays when another message is to be processed although there are many consumers available (6) that are not busy.
Note we have observed that this issue does not happen when an application is only subscribing to a single queue, it becomes an issue when there is multiple queues involved.
This is best illustrated using the following example:
We have a simple consuming application that subscribes to two queues,
one for commands and one for events. This application have 7
consumers, each with their own channel and EventingBasicConsumer We
start a simple publishing application, that publishes 20 messages, a
second apart. Every message is an event so is published to the event
queue except for the 5th and 10th messages, which are commands and
sent to the command queue. Note that every event is processed without
delay whereas commands take 30 seconds
The following table describes what we are observing in relation to assigning multiple channels to messages across multiple queues:
Once Message5 completes after 30 seconds with C1, then Messaqe9 is assigned immediately to C1 and is processed without delay
Once Message10 completes after 30 seconds with C2, then Messaqe11 is assigned immediately to C2 and is processed without delay
Hence, to us it looks like the assignment of channels is done independently per queue - meaning you can have delayed execution if some messages take a long time to process.
Is it possible that when multiple consumers are subscribing to multiple queues, RabbitMQ can assign a message to be handled by a consumer that is busy even if there are consumers that are currently idle?
Is there any documentation that explains the RabbitMQ algorithm that selects which consumers EventingBasicConsumer.received fires from a collection of consumers?
We have fixed this issue.
In the RMQ documentation ( we came across the following:
"Each Channel has its own dispatch thread. For the most common use case of one Consumer per Channel, this means Consumers do not hold up other Consumers. If you have multiple Consumers per Channel be aware that a long-running Consumer may hold up dispatch of callbacks to other Consumers on that Channel.”
In our code, we had 2 consumers per channel, meaning consumers could hold up other consumers.
We changed to have one consumer per channel and that fixed the issue.

Google PubSub listener freezing

I've got an issue with Google PubSub Node.js listener freezing using pull.
I use the following flow:
1. PubSub client is created,
2. Subscription is fetched from the specified topic
3. Listeners are attached to "message" and "error" events.
At first it pulls around ~500 messages and acknowledges them, but after that it just hangs, with > 1000 messages in the queue. I've tried periodically reiniting the listeners (removeListener/on), but it only fetches few messages. After restarting the app, it pulls ~500 and the same happens.
Try checking your FlowControl setup, it might be limiting the number and the rate at which your subscriber receives messages. Additionally, if you do not ack or nack the messages that you’ve received, they will count toward the total number of outstanding messages. Once the maxMessages limit is reached, the subscriber will not receive anymore messages until the outstanding messages are either acked or nacked (or expired and will eventually be redelievered after maxExtension period).
For more information:

RabbitMQ - Single concurrent worker per routing key

Quite new to RabbitMQ and I'm trying to see if I can achieve what I need with it.
I am looking for the Worker Queues pattern but with one caveat. I want to have only a single worker running concurrently per routing key.
An example for clarification:
If i send the following messages with routing keys by order: a, a, b, c, I want to have only 3 workers running concurrently. When the first a message is received a worker picks it up and handles it.
When the next a message is received and the previous a message is still handled (not acknowledged) the new a message should wait in queue. When the b and c messages are received they each get a worker handling them. When the first a message is acknowledged any worker can pick up the next a message.
Would that pattern be possible using RabbitMQ in a natural way (without writing any application code on my side to handle the locking and stuff...)
Another clarification. All workers can and should handle all messages, and I don't want to have a queue per Worker as I want to share the load between them, and the Publisher doesn't know which Worker should process the message. But I do want to make sure that no 2 Workers are working on messages sharing the same key at the same time.
For example, if I have a Publisher publishing messages with a userId field, I want to make sure no 2 Workers are handling messages with the same userId at the same time.
Edit 2
Expanding on the userId example. Let's say I have a single Publisher and 3 Workers. The publisher publishes messages like these: { userId: 1, text: 'Hello' }, with varying userIds. My 3 Workers all do the same thing to this messages, so I can have any of them handle the messages coming in. But what I'm trying to achieve is to have only a single worker processing a message from a certain user at the same time. If a Worker has received a message with userId 1 and is still processing it, and another message with userId 1 is received I want to make sure no other Worker picks up that message. But other messages coming in with different userIds should be processed by other available Workers.
userIds are not known beforehand, and the publisher doesn't know how many workers are or anything specific about them, he just wants to schedule the messages for processing.
what your asking is not possible with routing keys, but is built into queues with a few settings.
if you define "queue_a" for a messages, "queue_b" for b messages, etc, you can then have as many consumers connect to it as you want.
RabbitMQ will only deliver a given message to a single consumer of a given queue.
The way it works with multiple consumers on a single queue is basic round-robin style dispatch of the messages. that is, the first message will be delivered to one of the consumers, and the next message (assuming the first consumer is still busy) will be delivered to the next consumer.
So, that should satisfy the need to deliver the message to any given consumer of the queue.
To ensure your messages have an equal chance of getting to any of the consumer (and are not all delivered to the same consumer all the time), there are a few other settings you should put in place.
First, make sure to set the message consumer no ack setting to false (sometimes called "auto ack"). This will force you to ack the message from your code.
Lastly, set the "consumer prefetch" limit of the consumer to 1.
With this combination of settings, a single consumer will retrieve a single message and begin working on it. While that consumer is working, any message waiting in the queue will be delivered to other consumers if any are available. If there are none available, the message will wait in the queue until a consumer is available.
With this, you should be able to achieve the behavior you are wanting, on a given queue.
Keep in mind this only applies to queues, though. routing keys cannot be managed this way. all matched routing keys from an exchange will cause a copy of the message to be sent to the destination queue.

Azure service bus - Topic full

I have a process(Process A) that keeps sending events to an ASB topic. There are multiple consumers of the topic and therefore multiple subscriptions. So lets say that one of the consumer's process is down. And due to this the topic gets full as the messages are not consumed. Does this mean then Process A also fails as it is not able to send messages to ASB topic as its full?
Two more things to check:
Make sure that your dead letter queue is not full that counts towards the size of the entity.
Make sure that you have at least one subscription that works for each message. For example, if you send a message with ID=1, but you only have a subscription with ID=2, the messages will get backed up.
I think you are correct, once the limit is reached the queue stops.
However, with partitioning (using all 16 partitions * 5 GB), you can store up to 80 GB:
Another solution is to use auto forwarding, so the topic forwards all messages to another queue/topic
This way each subscriber can have it's own queue of 5GB (or 80GB if you use partition)
Some more info:

Cloud Architecture On Azure for Internet of Things

I'm working on a server architecture for sending/receiving messages from remote embedded devices, which will be hosted on Windows Azure. The front-facing servers are going to be maintaining persistent TCP connections with these devices, and I need a way to communicate with them on the backend.
Problem facts:
Devices: ~10,000
Frequency of messages device is sending up to servers: 1/min
Frequency of messages originating server side (e.g. from user actions, scheduled triggers, etc.): 100/day
Average size of message payload: 64 bytes
Upward communication
The devices send up messages very frequently (sensor readings). The constraints for that data are not very strong, due to the fact that we can aggregate/insert those sensor readings in a batched manner, and that they don't require in-order guarantees. I think the best way of handling them is to put them in a Storage Queue, and have a worker process poll the queue at intervals and dump that data. Of course, I'll have to be careful about making sure the worker process does this frequently enough so that the queue doesn't infinitely back up. The max batch size of Azure Storage Queues is 32, but I'm thinking of potentially pulling in more than that: something like publishing to the data store every 1,000 readings or 30 seconds, whichever comes first.
Downward communication
The server sends down updates and notifications much less frequently. This is a slightly harder problem, as I can see two viable paradigms here (with some blending in between). Could either:
Create a Service Bus Queue for each device (or one queue with thousands of subscriptions - limit is for number of queues is 10,000)
Have a state table housed in a DB that contains the latest "state" of a specific message type that the devices will get sent to them
With option 1, the application server simply enqueues a message in a fire-and-forget manner. On the front-end servers, however, there's quite a bit of things that have to happen. Concerns I can see include:
Monitoring 10k queues (or many subscriptions off of a queue - the
Azure SDK apparently reuses connections for subscriptions to the same
Connection Management
Should no longer monitor a queue if device disconnects.
Need to expire messages if device is disconnected for an extended period of time (so that queue isn't backed up)
Need to enable some type of "refresh" mechanism to update device's complete state when it goes back online
The good news is that service bus queues are durable, and with sessions can arrange messages to come in a FIFO manner.
With option 2, the DB would house a table that would maintain state for all of the devices. This table would be checked periodically by the front-facing servers (every few seconds or so) for state changes written to it by the application server. The front-facing servers would then dispatch to the devices. This removes the requirement for queueing of FIFO, the reasoning being that this message contains the latest state, and doesn't have to compete with other messages destined for the same device. The message is ephemeral: if it fails, then it will be resent when the device reconnects and requests to be refreshed, or at the next check interval of the front-facing server.
In this scenario, the need for queues seems to be removed, but the DB becomes the bottleneck here, and I fear it's not as scalable.
These are both viable approaches, and I feel this question is already becoming too large (although I can provide more descriptions if necessary). Just wanted to get a feel for what's possible, what's usually done, if there's something fundamental I'm missing, and what things in the cloud can I take advantage of to not reinvent the wheel.
If you can identify the device (may be device id/IMEI/Mac address) by the the message it sends then you can reduce the number of queues from 10,000 to 1 queue and not have 10000 subscriptions too. This could also help you in the downward communication as you will be able to identify the device and send the message to the appropriate socket.
As you mentioned the connections last longer you could deliver the command to the device that is connected and decide what to do with the commands to the device that are not connected.
Hope it helps
