Discord.js issue - need some help "ClientMissingIntents" - node.js

screenshot of issue, client.js with the problem in it.
thanks <3
Just tried doing some research what might cause the issue, not much help.


The github repo was already updated but it isn't being displayed in the domain in CI/CD

I have a project which have 2 repo and it is working well in my local.
But the change isn't working well in domain when I updated the code.
What happend?
Any tips will be thank you.
I faced this issue before, too.
This issue is because of a server issue.
Please clean your server cache.
Hope to solve your problem.

Need help determining cause of heroku app crash

I'm sorry to ask for help on this but I'm so lost. I added a contact form to my express site and the app keeps crashing now on the live server. Error code H10. It runs fine in development. I've read the logs, attempted to change things and I just cannot figure out the source of the issue. Would anyone be willing to take a look for me? This repo is here: https://github.com/michaelacook/portfolio-site
Live demo: https://michaelcook-portfolio-site.herokuapp.com/
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can only bang my head againt the desk for so long before I need someone else to take a look.
The error was due to nodemailler config.

Does Jest Support stealjs

Hello was trying to run canjs v2.3 for JEST but it seems it returns an error after testing: Reference: steal is not defined.
I am not sure if bundling with stealjs is supported with Jest, I can't also find resources online regarding this ticket. I am not really sure if I understood this correctly if not please give light to my concern.
Thanks in advance.
I don't believe that it is. I think Jest pretty much expects that you use Jest. I'll ask around.

Opencart 2.1 fopen() failed to open stream:

I know there are a few posts regarding this issue, but really I don't know which folder/path to go in to fix it. Please can anyone point me to a right path and help me solve this. I really don't want to do a fresh installation.
Thank you

Vulcanize with polymer in meteor

Right now i am facing problem if i use vulcanize package with polymer from here. Although this is working perfectly in localhost but not in production server.
I have tried this also but no luck.
Anyone faced the same problem?
Try using meteor-vulcanize, it might help. You can also refer to this github repo that shows how to use Polymer with MeteorJS.
If it does not help kindly elaborate more on the exact problem you are facing - error message etc.
