How does Neetcode persist checkbox count / progress bar without sign-in and without local storage? - web

I'm on, and I realized that it saves my progress. However, when I check my local storage, I don't see any state. I also haven't signed in, so there is no "state" of mine saved in some db that the site fetches. Does anyone know how the state is persisted on re-visit / refresh?

It is using local storage. Tick a checkbox, then open a console and type localStorage["completed-problem-list"].
// Output:
> '{"Arrays & Hashing":[""]}'
You can also check local storage by tabbing over to the "Application" tab of Chrome Dev Tools, then click the dropdown menu next to "Local Storage" (not the item itself, which is arguably confusing), then "".


Where is the data stored in the `background` of the chrome extension? [duplicate]

Chrome DevTools has a handy inspector for Local Storage and Session Storage, but is there nothing to inspect
chrome://sync-internals/ doesn't seem to display the actual contents of the synchronized storage per extension.
Storage Area Explorer extension provides a UI for viewing, editing, clearing, importing and exporting of,, localStorage and sessionStorage.
In the future this feature may be implemented natively:
Warning for ManifestV3: since devtools for service worker doesn't show storage, you'll have to open any visible page of your extension like the popup or options, right-click the page, then click "inspect", then go to Storage Explorer. If your extension doesn't have any visible pages, you can open chrome-extension://ID/manifest.json where ID is the id of the extension as shown in chrome://extensions page. Another method is to right-click any script from your extension in devtools (when you inspect the content script or service worker), then click "Open in a new tab". You can add a bookmark for this tab to open it quickly next time.
Visit chrome://sync-internals/
Click Sync Node Browser tab and wait for it to load (may give a blank screen or in progress cursor)
Click expansion triangle in the sidebar for Extension settings
Click on individual settings in the sidebar to see their values and other metadata
A poor workaround is to call get and obtain all the stored values. Of course, this doesn't let you conveniently edit them:, function callback(items) { console.log(items) });

Browser extension: Can I view the string I set with for my extension? [duplicate]

Chrome DevTools has a handy inspector for Local Storage and Session Storage, but is there nothing to inspect
chrome://sync-internals/ doesn't seem to display the actual contents of the synchronized storage per extension.
Storage Area Explorer extension provides a UI for viewing, editing, clearing, importing and exporting of,, localStorage and sessionStorage.
In the future this feature may be implemented natively:
Warning for ManifestV3: since devtools for service worker doesn't show storage, you'll have to open any visible page of your extension like the popup or options, right-click the page, then click "inspect", then go to Storage Explorer. If your extension doesn't have any visible pages, you can open chrome-extension://ID/manifest.json where ID is the id of the extension as shown in chrome://extensions page. Another method is to right-click any script from your extension in devtools (when you inspect the content script or service worker), then click "Open in a new tab". You can add a bookmark for this tab to open it quickly next time.
Visit chrome://sync-internals/
Click Sync Node Browser tab and wait for it to load (may give a blank screen or in progress cursor)
Click expansion triangle in the sidebar for Extension settings
Click on individual settings in the sidebar to see their values and other metadata
A poor workaround is to call get and obtain all the stored values. Of course, this doesn't let you conveniently edit them:, function callback(items) { console.log(items) });

Background Page Doesn't Show as Active User

I added Google Analytics to a Chrome Extension. It is reporting events correctly as well as recording popup page views. When the extension is reloaded it correctly records a view of background.html which I explicitly call.
Problem: Despite the extension having a persistent background.html page, "Active Users" in the Real-Time section of GA shows 0. I would like to be able to see the # of concurrent users of the extension at a given time. Is there a way to do it?
Possible Solution? - When I open the popup it displays an active user for some number of minutes before dropping back down to zero. Do I need to create a heartbeat function of some kind that pings GA every X minutes to keep a user active. It seems a big "chatty" to do that.
Is there a better solution?

Chrome extension: posting to an existing tab

simple question about the ability of chrome extensions.
Is it possible to for example hit an extension button and write the url (or other content of a page) to an endpoint of a open tab. For example, tab 1 is a web application that gathers bookmarks (so not locally stored) and if I hit a button in tab 3 I want to make a POST call to tab 1. Or can something like this be achieved by storing information in the Chrome storage which can then be read by the application in tab 1?
So quite simply:
tab 1 (:web application) - gets POST request -> tab 3 (:just a web page) through the click of a button of an active extension. I know if this would exist it could lead to some security issues, hence the question.

How can I refresh the XPages File Download Control and have it display updated attachments without full page refresh?

When I create file download control on a document I can display the attached files from a Rich Text Field.
In a separate process I am attaching more documents to the same document. I want to periodically refresh the download control container to see if there are new attachments. I do not want to do a full refresh of the page.
I have discovered that the partialRefresh of the file download control container either programmatically or manually does not result in the contents (downloadable files) being accurately updated.
A full refresh of the screen shows the newly attached documents but I want to be able to partial refresh the panel container and see the new documents without full page refresh.
I have added a Random() computed text value into the panel and I can see that it is being refreshing correctly. I have even looked at the xhr response from the server and I can see that there is an update being made - but not with the new attachments in it - the "attached files" are not refreshing without full page refresh.
I can only assume this is a feature of the filedownload control in that it does not know that new files are attached at any other time other than page load.
When partially refreshing a XPage, the datasources are not reloaded, only their last state (stored in memory or hdd ) is restored. If you change the scope of your datasource to request, the XPages engine is forced to recreate the datasource instead of using the cached one on each request (which includes partial refreshs).
This should allow you to refresh your fileDownload control without a full refresh.
Yes, I have run into this before. You must do a full refresh with attachments.
The link is fairly old, but I believe it still applies.
Matt White says in the article comments: "...Basically it is not currently possible to post a file attachment over AJAX, you either have to use Flash or a virtual iFrame solution if you don't want the entire page to refresh. As far as I know there is nothing that IBM can do about this at the moment.
