Is there a way to change data entry on one sheet while on another sheet in excel (manual entry of the same data point in two locations) - excel

I am building a financial model with 3 sections (Data Entry/Assumptions, Calculations, Reporting). The team is very excel heavy so my options around system automation are limited. In the data entry tab, junior team members would enter 100's of assumptions, calculation would take place in the background and management reporting would update. Management is going to want to be able to toggle a handful of those same assumptions from the reporting tab, as they are not going to go into the depths of the data entry.
Essentially, from the Reporting Tab & the Data Entry tab, users will need to be able to change the same cell. Is there a way to get a view into and be able to change the data on one tab while one a different tab? I thought that I saw an embedded window once where a different tab was represented, allowing the user to change that tab from another but I have not been able to find anything.
Ideally, the result would be the embedded window. I have considered forms but haven't dug into the functionality yet. I am not comfortable in VBA (defer to Power Query for automated data manipulation) but I am not opposed to a simplistic application. I am wondering if it makes sense to have the Junior team enter their assumptions and have a VBA enabled button overwrite that data with whatever is in the other tab once clicked by management - open to ideas.


Is it possible to get data from a webpage in real-time to an excel file?

I would like to create an Excel Tool that would act as a Monitoring Tool for our agents on the floor.
Right now we don't have an exclusive WFM tool that would monitor and call out agents with their activities and productivity, the only thing we have is a dashboard to view all agents status and the durations of their status or calls. This is a web-based viewer of our dialer that would only shows agents with their current status but they won't trigger or notify if an agent is going over our set thresholds for their wrap up time, over breaks or lunch.
Currently, I have an existing excel file that would look up values from another sheet to populate the table with information that I need such as the name of agent, their current status and current duration of the call.
The another sheet I've mentioned above is a blank sheet where I would simply paste all the data from the webpage of our dialer. So basically I am just doing copy-paste method where I am selecting all the contents from this webpage which is our dialer and pasting it in on the blank excel sheet that I created and the table that I made will find all the values that I setup from that blank sheet.
I really don't have enough knowledge but I still tried Data>Get Data>From Web and I am not getting anything.
I tried pasting the web link, but I don't seem to pull up any data.
I know as I've mentioned, I don't really have enough knowledge and maybe I need some basics doing this method.
What I would like to happen is if there's a way to link a webpage, sync its data to an excel sheet and is it possible to make it real-time so that way I can have an improvised WFM Tool that would help me monitor our agents activities?
Thank you in advanced!
Getting data from the Internet through a standard mechanism (Data >Get Data > From Web) is not always successful. Excel can recognize tables on a web page, but not always in the way that the human eye recognizes them.
Actually, there are two options here:
write a macro that parses specifically those pages from which you are currently getting data manually (“…I am just doing copy-paste method…”).
prepare web pages so that data from them can be automatically downloaded via Data >Get Data>From Web via standard Excel functionality.
Both require programming specifically for your task.
For example, I could write a parser, but for this I need access to the web page from which you are copying and pasting.
Or the programmer who wrote the web page can create new pages with the same data, but in a format that Excel understands. But this programmer needs to specify exactly how to design web pages.

Multiple "Views" of the same table in excel

I am currently managing invoice payments in Excel and was wondering if there is any way to create multiple editable tables that display the exact same (synchronized) data.
Essentially, I want multiple filters active on the same table at once so I can (for example) open up all transfers from a single creditor to the right one side of my screen, while looking through all bank statements on the other (while being able to edit the data in both tables).
I have looked into excel Data Models but I am not sure if what I am asking for is possible.
Excel allows you to view two windows of the same sheet. Give this a try.

Same spreadsheet structure and formulas but different data

I have a dozen spreadsheets with identical structure and formulas, essentially tables, only the data differ, say one spreadsheet per country.
For example there is a spreadsheet to manage the US employees, another for the UK employees, and another for the Canada employees.
They are exactly the same except that each will store a different set of employees.
The spreadsheets act both as a database to store data and a user-interface to interact with data.
Each change (updating or adding a formula, updating some drop-downs values, changing style...) has to be replicated in all the spreadsheets which is time consuming and error-prone.
As an example I could change the formula to compute the seniority of each employee by editing the 3 spreadsheets.
I was wondering if there was a reasonably simple way to avoid duplicating the common parts, only having different data.
I'd like to avoid a full-blown development with plenty of VBA code, a complete database, some user input forms... but if really necessary I can write some VBA and build some database to fill in the blanks if there is no out-of-the-box solution.
With a full-blown development I would do something like:
store all the employees in a single SQL database table
develop a single spreadsheet
when opening the spreadsheet ask the user to choose a country to only load the this country's employees
save the data changes to the database
If you're effectively talking about an efficient way to handle version control so that input sheets that have previously been distributed to users match a master template, then I'm afraid there is no out-of-the-box solution.
I use something along the lines of to force users to download the latest template should they be using an older one.
In addition, I also place a big note at the top to prompt users to download a new template each time, rather than recycle an old one, because if a user didn't enable macros the automatic download of the latest template won't kick in.
Note that the above screenshot shows a form that I've built in Excel's grid itself, using shudder merged cells. (i.e. It is not a userform)
If the templates need to preserve user-submitted data that isn't held centrally, then you're probably going to need to develop an add-in along the lines of what the authors do in the book Professional Excel Development.

Tracking Changes in Excel - to see only changed rows

I have a very big shared Excel spreadsheet with changes made in some of the columns. I need to create a new spreadsheet which pulls from that big spreadsheet only the rows containing cells that have been changed - in other words all rows' numbers marked as read by Excel.
Very important thing is that all the changes still have to be VISIBLE (new and old values). Do you have any idea how to do it?
I am sorry if this question sounds stupid to you but I am a complete amateur and I need something to start with...
You can Track Changes on MS Excel. But there are some rules for that.
It is available only in Shared Workbooks.
Workbooks that has tables CAN NOT be shared.
To share a workbook you need to disable some privacy settings
Go to: File-> Excel Options -> Trust Center (again Trust Center button)
Under the Privacy Options category, under the Document-specific settings, uncheck the "Remove personal information from file properties on save"
Then Click OK
Now, you can share your workbook under Review Tab, Changes group.
When you click Share Workbook command, it asks you some rules for sharing and change tracking. Choose properties which fits you then click OK.
Your workbook is now shared and you can easily Track Changes under Review Tab, Track Changes method group.
You may highlight the changes on screen and you may see changes on the history window. You may also Accept/Reject the changes.
Don't forget: Workbooks that have tables can not be shared. You can Convert To Range your tables before start sharing under Table Tools/Design backstage tab.
I think your simplest option is to manually 'version control' your files by saving your versions under a different filename (_v1.xlsb, _v2.xlsb etc).
You could then use Microsoft's Spreadsheet Compare tool ( to diff any two versions and see the modified rows.
Another solution would be to use a commercial solution. I know that sharepoint ( do document revision tracking (though I am not sure how much they give you in terms of diffing).
I have been working on a solution to this problem ( where revisions of an Excel workbook get versioned in the background and an audit log with diffs is generated. I've put together an example of a diff here:

Sort text-based information into different sheets

I am creating a tracking document for artists' accommodation as part of an arts festival and would like to automate part of my work flow. Whilst we use event management/scheduling software for confirmed bookings, it's nice to do all my working in Excel.
I would like to have a master sheet (sheet 1), with a full list of artists and their respective accommodation - that can then be sorted into individual sheets (sheet 2, 3 etc) based on the name of the accommodation. The automatic sorting would also capture the other pieces of information in the row.
This would allow for each different sheet to show a report on who is staying in each type of accommodation and would be rather handy!
I would recommend one or more PivotTables as a simpler solution. Here a PT and two clones are shown on your Master Sheet, but they could each be on their own sheet:
Accom is in Report Filter, Company is in Row Labels and PAX (as Sum) is in Σ Values. Once having clicked on PivotTable in Insert > Tables - PivotTable and having chosen you range ('Master Sheet'!$A$2:$C$7A2:C7) and Location just drag the fields from the big box to the little ones.
This is feasible using Excel, but I don't recommend it; it is creating a maintenance nightmare in the long run.
From the question I can't gather whether the data is available in some kind of event management software package; if so you can use that one as a data source. Or create an Access or SQL database with a few tables. After that, you can use one of the following options to make the necessary overviews and as many more as you think up during the project:
Use Excel with ODBC or web query to retrieve data aggregated and
sorted as you like. Make changes in the event management package
allowing others to see the same facts. Or do it in Access. When you
change one thing, it automatically propogates also into the Excel.
Similarly, you can use an Excel add-in such as Invantive
Control (caution I work at a supplier) to retrieve the data from
the database using SQL or a webservice, change it from within Excel and
then synchronize the changes back assuming you have write access.
A similar solution is available as SQL*XL. Probably there are others too.
If the solution must be Excel only, I would recommend using vertical/horizontal lookups with the Excel function vlookup / hlookup (Dutch: vert.zoeken, horiz.zoeken). These function perform reasonable with a small amount of data and performance can be improved by sorting. And they resemble SQL joins, so the database you get within Excel more easily conforms to the relational model.
I hope the event is successfull and the people enjoy it.
