DocuSign - Add pre-fill tabs through JSON marker - docusignapi

I'm creating a html document and want to place tabs using JSON markers. This method works for common tabs of signers. However, I want to add pre-fill tabs for senders using the same approach but all pre-fill tabs are not showing up.
I'm using CompositeTemplate to generate the envelope. As pre-fill tabs don't belong to any recipients, so I put them under document level. The code snippet looks like
EnvelopeDefinition().apply {
emailSubject = ...
emailBlurb = ...
this.status = "created"
compositeTemplates = listOf(
CompositeTemplate().apply {
document = Document().apply {
documentId = "1"
name = "some document.pdf"
htmlDefinition = "<div>{{\"tabLabel\": \"exampleTextTab\"}}</div>"
tabs = Tabs().apply {
prefillTabs = listOf(
PreFillTab().apply {
tabLabel = "exampleTextTab"
font = "arial"
fontSize = "size8"
locked = "true"

Pre-fill tabs don't currently work with Composite Templates. DocuSign internal ticket TT-5404
Will your API program be setting the values of the pre-fill tabs? If so, then don't use pre-fill tabs. Instead:
use regular tabs with the first signer
set the locked attribute to true
This makes the tabs read-only and they will be visible to all recipients. This will have the same effect as your API application adding and setting pre-fill tabs to the envelope.
Pre-fill tabs are needed when the Sender needs to fill in the values and the Sender is not one of the recipients of the envelope.
For an API program that uses the Sender View to enable the Sender to review the envelope and fill in pre-fill tabs, there are some options:
Your API application can ask the Sender for the pre-fill tab values. Your application can then set those values as regular (locked) tabs as described above.
Or you could add the pre-fill tabs to the template itself.
Or (I have not tried this), instead of adding the pre-fill tabs as part of the composite template object, make an additional API call to add the pre-fill tabs by using EnvelopeDocumentTabs:create


Populating Tabs In An Existing Draft Envelope With The tabLabel

Is it possible to map data to tabs in an existing envelope using tabLabels? If not, do I just need to specify the tabId to indicate which tab should be populated with my data or is there a different identifier that I should use?
Background - I've been populating tabs while creating envelopes with a template based on this process. So if I'm populating a text tab, my json looks like:
"textTabs": [
"tabLabel": "text",
"value": "Jabberwocky!"
I'm mapping the contents of form fields from another form building service to the tabs in my DocuSign form and since I can specify which tabs should be populated based on the tabLabel, I've mapped my form fields to tabLabels. This works fine when creating a draft envelope.
But I need to populate more tabs in my draft envelope with the contents of subsequent form submissions from separate forms. I'd like to use my existing map of form fields > tabLabels but when I try with Envelopes Update or EnvelopeRecipientTabs (I'm not sure which I need to use here), DocuSign adds new tabs to my envelope, rather than mapping my data to the existing tabs 🥲
As far as I can tell, unique tabIds are generated each time a new envelope is created. So it'd be much easier to use tabLabels, which are always the same for each envelope.
In the end I did have to use tabIds when updating recipient text, checkbox and radio tabs in a draft envelope but that's it.
As I mentioned, when populating tabs while creating an envelope I can use the tabLabel + value. When updating tabs, I can use the tabId + value.
Rather than creating a new map based on tabIds, I was able to fetch the draft envelope's recipient tabs and match them with the keys in my existing map, based on the tab's tabLabel, which remained the same after the draft envelope was created.
Text or checkbox tabs
During envelope creation:
newTab = [
'tabLabel': label,
'value': tabValue
Updating recipient tabs for a draft envelope:
newTab = [
'tabId': tabId,
'value': tabValue
Radio button tabs
During envelope creation:
radioButton = [
'selected': true,
'value': value
Updating recipient tabs for a draft envelope:
radioButton = [
'selected': true,
'tabId': tabId
Obviously radio button tabs need to be put in a group like
newTab = [
'groupName': groupName,
'radios': [radioButton]
You should use EnvelopeRecipientTabs like you mentioned.
Which means you need to have the recipientId for the specific recipient that the tab is associated with (every tab is part of a specific recipient).
So you build a URL like this:
PUT restapi/v2.1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/envelopes/{ENVELOPE_ID}/recipients/{RECIPIENT_ID}/tabs
Now in the body of the request you need to have the following fields:
documentId, recipientId, tabLabel, tabId, value
tabId is a unique GUID that you can find if you check your envelope (you can make a GET to the envelope and include tabs)
tabLabel must also match

How can I attach a Custom Tab to a Docusign Envelope?

Looking through the Docusign API documentation I am unable to figure out how to attach a Custom Tab to an Envelope. Using the traditional tabs sometimes forbid me from setting the text. Hence, the need for a Custom Tab. Using the CustomTabsAPI I can create a Custom Tab. What remains is the ability to attach the Custom Tab to the envelope.
You can add custom tabs to envelopes and templates by setting the
customTabId property when creating an envelope, template recipient, or
when adding a new tab for an existing recipient.
I am using the EnvelopeDefinition to create my envelope. I was expecting something like:
envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition(
custom_tabs=custom_tabs # <------ SOMETHING LIKE THIS
Any suggestions? An example of how to add custom tabs? Documentation? TIA
EDIT: Here is the textTab I currently have in place
signer = Signer(**args)
title_text = Text(
anchor_units="pixels", anchor_y_offset="10",
anchor_x_offset="0", width="180", value=initial_value
signer.tabs = Tabs(text_tabs=[title_text])
example img of text not editable
example img of custom tab this can be edited
If I can get the TextTab to be edited, that would be great.
Summary of the solution:
The title tab is a system tab so the value can't be set.
Instead, the OP will use a text tab, set its value, and set the attribute locked to false to enable the signers to update it.

Text Tab Locking

My application has workflow that defines all of the content needed to sign a document on the DocuSign platform aside from signatures. I'm using a parameter in my text tabs to ensure that values can only be edited within my application and workflow:
tabs: {
textTabs: [
name: 'Name',
tabLabel: '\\*Label',
value: 'foo',
locked: true
When the value of the tab has no content provided, it becomes an editable field on the platform during signing; is there a way to prohibit modification of a tab entirely? It is my preference that only signatures can be provided and the remainder of the document is left uneditable.
Some options:
If the text tab is blank, and you do not want a recipient to enter information into the tab do not include it when creating your envelope
You can specify the locked=true property. The tab itself will not be visible to a signer if it is locked=true and empty.

#DocuSignAPI and using the CRCL parameter

I have a question about the CRCL parameter in a Custom Related List using the #DocuSignAPI.
Besides the example listed in the documentation, does anyone have any examples to share? Does this mean this button can be put on a related list in Salesforce and be able to mass send? Does it mass send to all at once??
Sounds like you are referring to Custom Button Logic in DocuSign for Salesforce. The CRCL parameter allows the selection of recipients from a custom list related to the object where the button is placed.
The parameters do not affect the placement of the button. This is handled by placing the button in the Salesforce "layout".
If your goal is to send documents to many recipients you can either hard code the recipients in the CRL parameter, load default contacts from the object or use CRCL to define recipients from a custom list related to the object.
Here is Custom Button code sample to send to multiple hard coded
recipients using the CRL parameter.
//********* Option Declarations (Do not modify )*********//
var RC = '';var RSL='';var RSRO='';var RROS='';var CCRM='';var CCTM='';var CCNM='';var CRCL=''; var CRL='';var OCO='';var DST='';var LA='';var CEM='';var CES='';var STB='';var SSB='';var SES='';var SEM='';var SRS='';var SCS ='';var RES='';
CCRM = 'Signer 1~Signer 1;Signer 2~Signer 2;Signer 3~Signer 3';
CCTM = 'Signer 1~Signer;Signer 2~Signer;Signer 3~CarbonCopy';
CRL = ';FirstName~Sam;LastName~Sample;Role~Signer 1;RoutingOrder~1;Email~{!Opportunity.OwnerEmail};FirstName~Sally;LastName~Simple;Role~Signer 2;RoutingOrder~2;;FirstName~Sue;LastName~Simple;Role~Signer 3;RoutingOrder~3';
//********* Page Callout (Do not modify) *********//
window.location.href = "/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope?DSEID=0&SourceID={!Opportunity.Id}&RC="+RC+"&RSL="+RSL+"&RSRO="+RSRO+"&RROS="+RROS+"&CCRM="+CCRM+"&CCTM="+CCTM+"&CRCL="+CRCL+"&CRL="+CRL+"&OCO="+OCO+"&DST="+DST+"&CCNM="+CCNM+"&LA="+LA+"&CEM="+CEM+"&CES="+CES+"&SRS="+SRS+"&STB="+STB+"&SSB="+SSB+"&SES="+SES+"&SEM="+SEM+"&SRS="+SRS+"&SCS="+SCS+"&RES="+RES;

DocuSign custom tags - CustomTabRequired property

I am using DocuSign's SOAP based API calls to create envelope(s) into the selected DocuSign account. While adding custom tags, if I do not require recipient to enter the information in the custom tag, I setup the custom tag property "CustomTabRequired" to false. If I require recipient to enter the information in the custom tag, I set the the custom tag property
"CustomTabRequired" to true and "CustomTabRequiredSpecified" to true.
When an envelope gets created and if I haven't setup the custom tag required property to true, it still forces recipient to fill in the information in order to complete the signing process.
Is there anything that I need to setup other than these two properties?
I have observed this behavior for my DocuSign demo account as well as live account.
Please advise.
We've connected outside of Stack Overflow and found that some properties are being dropped from your request, but for the benefit of the community-
When using the DocuSign SOAP API and creating a custom tab, you just need to make sure the CustomTabRequired property is set to true. For instance, in PHP you could create the tab like this:
//+++ Add Custom Tab +++
$tab = new Tab();
$tab->DocumentID = "1";
$tab->RecipientID = "1";
$tab->PageNumber = "1";
$tab->Type = TabTypeCode::Custom;
$tab->Name = "CustomTextTag1";
$tab->TabLabel = "CustomTextTag1";
$tab->CustomTabType = CustomTabType::Text;
$tab->CustomTabRequired = false;
$tab->XPosition = "100";
$tab->YPosition = "100";
The important bit that makes the tab optional as you are trying to accomplish is this:
$tab->CustomTabRequired = false;
As long as that property is present in your request it will make the tab in question optional. Please note that if using DocuSign's REST API the corresponding JSON property is simply labeled as required.
