Can not process text file locally using logstash input plugin - logstash

I want to process a text file locally and the output I want to save in a file as log/text. This is my code but this does not work.
input {
file {
path => "C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Projects/test_data.txt"
start_position => beginning
filter {
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
file {
path => "C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Projects/out.log"
In the terminal I have noticed
incedb_path set, generating one based on the "path" setting


Logstash not producing output or inserting to elastic search

When i execute the configuration file using the command bin\logstash -f the configfile.conf. There is not display on the console just the logs by logstash.
Here is the configuation file:
path => "F:\ELK\50_Startups.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
separator => ","
columns => ["R&D","Administration","Marketing","State","Profit"]
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => ["Startups"]
do the input file (50_Startups.csv) has fresh data written to? if not, it might be that logstash already stored the read offset as the last line, and it would not re-read it on future runs, unless you delete the sincedb_path offset files, of just add the following config:
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
That would force logstash to re-parse the file.
see more info on files offsets here:
from it:
By default, the sincedb file is placed in the data directory of Logstash with a filename based on the filename patterns being watched

logstash: File input not working, stdout does not show anything at all (Windows)

I am new to logstash, I was trying to give a sample log file as input through the logstash config file. But it does not seem to be working. Initially I gave input through stdin, it worked perfectly and showed the output in stdout. I placed the same input I gave through stdin in the log file and tried giving the input but it does not seem to read the file at all.
This is my config file:
input {
path =>"C:\pdata\ct.log"
start_position =>"beginning"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{IP:client} %{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{NUMBER:duration}" }
output {
stdout {codec => rubydebug}
The presence of sincedb_path does not seem to make any difference.
Use forward slashes in your input configuration.
input {
path =>"C:/pdata/ctop.log"
start_position =>"beginning"

In Logstash, how do I extract fields from a log event using the json filter?

Logstash v2.4.1.
I'm sending JSON formatted logs to my Logstash server via UDP packet. The logs look something similar to this.
"msg":"2017-03-02 INFO [] Hello world"
This is my output filter
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
file {
path => "/var/log/trm/debug.log"
codec => line { format => "%{msg}" }
The rubydebug output codec shows the log like this
"message" => {\"key1\":\"value1\", "key2\":\"value2\", \"msg\":\"2017-03-02 INFO [] Hello world\"
and the file output filter also shows the JSON log correctly, like this
{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "msg":"2017-03-02 INFO [] Hello world"}
When I use the JSON code in the input filter, I get _jsonparsefailures from Logstash on "some" logs, even though different online JSON parsers parse the JSON correctly, meaning my logs are in a valid JSON format.
input {
udp => {
port => 5555
codec => json
Therefore, I'm trying to use the json filter instead, like this
filter {
json => {
source => "message"
Using the json filter, how can I extract the "key1", "key2", and the "msg" fields in the "message?"
I tried this to no avail, that is, I don't see the "key1" field in my rubydebug output.
filter {
json => {
source => "message"
add_field => {
"key1" => "%{[message][key1]}"
I would suggest you to start with one of the two configuration below (I use the multiline codec to concatenate the input into a json, because otherwise logstash will read line by line, and one line of a json is not a valid json), then either filter the json, or use the json codec, and then output it to wherever it is needed. You will still have some configuration to do, but I believe it might help you to get started:
file {
path => "/an/absolute/path/tt2.json" #It really has to be absolute!
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/another/absolute/path" #Not mandatory, just for ease of testing
codec => multiline{
pattern => "\n"
what => "next"
json {
source => "multiline"
output {
file {
path => "data/log/trm/debug.log"
stdout{codec => json}
Second possibility:
file {
path => "/an/absolute/path/tt2.json" #It really has to be absolute!
start_position => beginning
sincedb_path => "/another/absolute/path" #Not mandatory, just for ease of testing
codec => multiline{
pattern => "\n"
what => "next"
codec => json{}
output {
file {
path => "data/log/trm/debug.log"
stdout{codec => json}
Edit With the udp input I guess it should be (not tested):
input {
udp => {
port => 5555
codec => multiline{ #not tested this part
pattern => "^}"
what => "previous"
codec => json{}

Not able to create csv output from LogStash

Maybe it is me, but how come that when I use the CSV Output from LogStash it does not output in a csv format? I am using nothing special (as seen in the configuration). Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
stdin {
type => "stdin-type"
mutate { add_field => { "test" => "testme" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[#metadata][test]" => "Hello" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[#metadata][test2]" => "world" } }
output {
# .\bin\logstash-plugin.bat install logstash-output-csv
csv {
fields => ["test", "[#metadata][test]"]
path => "./TestLogs.csv"
stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }
It actually create an output. If I type something (Ex.: test me) in the console (stdin) it creates the file and all. But the CSV file contains the following:
2016-11-25T11:49:40.338Z MyPcName test me
And I am expecting the following:
Note: I am using LogStash 5 (latest version at the moment).
This is a Logstash 5.x issue. For now, I'm using the script below:
output {
file {
path => "/app/logstash/test.csv"
message_pattern => (grok pattern)

Parse log file of json using logstatsh

I have the following json object logs as following in a log file
{"con":"br","sl":[[1,2,3,4]],"respstats_1":"t:4,ts:285,m:,p:|smaato:1,P,M,143,0.079:0.0:-:-,-;vserv-specialbuy:2,P,W,285,0.0028:0.0:-:-,-;mobfox:3,P,E,42,0.077:0.0:-:-,0-98;inmobi-pre7:4,P,H,100,0.0796:0.0:-:-,-;","rid":"AKRXRWLYCY4DOU","stats":"t:4,h:4,ts:285,smaato:143,vserv-specialbuy:285,mobfox:42,inmobi-pre7:100,;m:;p:","resp_count":1,"client_id":"15397682","err_stats":"mobfox:0-98,","ads":[{"pricing":{"price":"0","type":"cpc"},"rank":2,"resp_json":{"img_url":"","cli_url":"","beacons":[""],"ad_type":"image"},"resp_code":200,"resp_html":"<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" /> <\/a><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" />","tid":"vserv-specialbuy","bid":"576111"}]}
How ever I am not able to figure out whether they are multiline or single line but I have used as following configuration
input {
file {
codec => multiline {
pattern => '^{'
negate => true
what => previous
path => ['/home/pp38/fetcher.log']
filter {
json {
source => message
remove_field => message
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }
I am not able to see any kind of output or error when it is started
I have used the following config which had generated output.
input {
file {
codec => "json"
type => "json"
path => "/home/pp38/fetcher.log"
sincedb_path => "/home/pp38/tmp/logstash/sincedb"
filter {
json {
source => "message"
target => "message"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
But i am getting the output where each field is indexed by elasticsearch
how can i append the entire json message to new field as message:jsonContent ?
You can handle this with the plain multiline, but for you situation there is a better codec plugin called json_lines.
The json_lines will input a source with multiple jsons(one in each line) and handle each json out of the box.
This codec will decode streamed JSON that is newline delimited. Encoding will emit a single JSON string ending in a \n NOTE: Do not use this codec if your source input is line-oriented JSON, for example, redis or file inputs. Rather, use the json codec. More info: This codec is expecting to receive a stream (string) of newline terminated lines. The file input will produce a line string without a newline. Therefore this codec cannot work with line oriented inputs.
