Node.js- Add new field in array of Mongodb object - node.js

I have a collection of users that has an array of multiple plates :
users : [
_id: '61234XXX'
plates: [
_id: '123'
'color': 'orange'
_id: '124'
'color': 'blue'
_id: '63456XXX'
plates: [
_id: '321'
'color': 'orange'
_id: '432'
'color': 'green'
I'm trying to figure out a way to add a new field to the all current plate objects for every user:
I've got to this:
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: '63456XXX' },
$set : {
[`plates.0.plateStyle`]: "testValue"
Tho this works it's not fit for purpose. Is there a better way I can iterate over this?

You can try this query:
Here you are using array filters to tell mongo: "Where you find an object with _id: "61234XXX" and exists the plates then, there, get the document (elem) which match that plates is not empty (to get all) and add plateStyle".
await User.updateMany({
_id: "61234XXX",
plates: {
$exists: true
$set: {
"plates.$[elem].plateStyle": "testValue"
arrayFilters: [
elem: { $ne: [ "$plates", [] ] }
Example here
Also if you are finding by _id you won't need updateMany since _id is unique and only will be 1 or 0 results.


MongoDB: pullAll / pull whole nested array object by value using mongoose

I want to pull the whole nested array object if the object contains a specified string for a specific key. I'm using mongoose with nodejs:
DB before deletion:
{ _id : 1234
fallBackData: {
nestedKey: [ { arrayKey: "theValue" }, { arrayKey: "anotherValue" } ]
DB after deletion:
{ _id : 1234
fallBackData: {
nestedKey: [ { arrayKey: "anotherValue" } ]
I took a look at How can I pull nested object value in mongodb and $pullAll Mongo DB docs ,tried the following, but none worked:
const ad = await Ad.updateOne(
{ _id: 1234 },
$pullAll: {
fallbackData: { nestedKey: [{ arrayKey: "theValue"}] },
const ad = await Ad.updateOne(
{ _id: 1234 },
$pullAll: {
"fallbackData.$.nestedKey" : { arrayKey: "theValue" },
const ad = await Ad.updateOne(
{ _id: 1234 },
$pullAll: {
"fallbackData.$.nestedKey" : [{ arrayKey: "theValue"}],
The query return value is the following, but the object in the array is not deleted:
acknowledged: true,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedId: null,
upsertedCount: 0,
matchedCount: 1
You can achieve this by changing a little
_id: 1234,
"fallBackData.nestedKey": {
$elemMatch: {
"arrayKey": "theValue"
"$unset": {
"fallBackData": "nestedKey"
You cannot add matching conditions with $pullAll related to Array
$pullAll expects an array of matching values to be removed
You can do $pull instead of $unset but $pull results empty array
The answer from #Gibbs removes the array completely, while you asked only to pull the specific object from it.
Here is the simple solution with $pull command:
_id: 1234,
"fallBackData.nestedKey": {
$elemMatch: {
"arrayKey": "theValue"
$pull: {
"fallBackData.nestedKey": {
arrayKey: "theValue"
Mongo Playground link
pullAll matches the entire object (or objects) to be pulled. In other words, if the input was:
_id: 1234,
fallBackData: {
nestedKey: [
arrayKey: "theValue",
foo: "bar"
arrayKey: "anotherValue",
foo: "baz"
Then you need to do:
_id: 1234
$pullAll: {
"fallBackData.nestedKey": [
arrayKey: "theValue",
foo: "bar"
On the other hand, $pull can match objects based on a condition, so you can pull from the array based on the specific key you want to match. So, given the same input as above, you would simply do:
_id: 1234
$pull: {
"fallBackData.nestedKey": {
arrayKey: "theValue"
The conditions can be more complex than a simple field value match. For example to match and pull multiple keys:
_id: 1234
$pull: {
"fallBackData.nestedKey": {
"arrayKey": {
$in: [

Pull element from an array of arrays MongoDb

I am struggling to find the format for a query to remove an element (with an _id) from an array of arrays in Mongo.
When looking at the docs I couldn't find anything that was similar to what I have
I know: the _id of the document in MySchema and the _id of the array element in innerArray.
I don't know the outerArray _id
Could someone help point out where I went wrong Thank you!
This is an example of the data (imagine the _id in ObjectId)
_id: 1
innerArray: [{_id: 23, name: '123'}, {_id: 13, name: 'asdac'} ]
_id: 2,
innerArray: [{_id: 16,name:'asf' }, {_id: 18,name:'asf' } ]
_id: 3,
innerArray: [{_id: 136,name:'asf' }, {_id: 128,name:'asf' } ]
innerIds is an array of mongoose.Types.ObjectId
return MySchema.updateOne(
_id: documentId,
{ $pull: { outerArray: { innerArray: { _id: { $in: innerIds } } } } },
$pull: {
"outerArray.$[].innerArray": {//$[] does the trick
_id: {
$in: [

Mongoose add/remove items from nested array

I have a document that has a nested array that I need to add/remove items from. Normally you query a nested object by id but in this case a dynamic object _id wont work and I need to update by the nested profile id.
title: 'Title',
members: [
profile: { id: '123', name: 'Foo' },
items: ['id1', 'id2', 'id3']
My thinking is I need some sort of $elemMatch & $pushAll combo but cant seem to get it working. For removing items from the array I would swap push for pull
await this.repo.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {
members: {
$elemMatch: { '': '123' },
$pushAll: {
items: ['xxx', 'yyy'],
You need to use arrayFilters & $push with $each since $pushAll has been deprecated
$push: {
"members.$[x].items": {
$each: [
arrayFilters: [
"": "123"

How to add or remove a element in double nested array?

Example of the document:
post:'This is my first post',
I want to add userid in likesOnReply if users do not exist in likesOnReply, similarly remove userid from likesOnReply if exist.
I have tried like this but not working properly
await collection('post').findOneAndUpdate(
postId: postId,
'commentsOnPost.commentId': commentId,
'commentsOnPost.repliesOnPost.replyId': replyId
$push: { 'commentsOnPost.$[].repliesOnPost.$.likes': userid },
There is no straight way to do both the operation to pull or push in a single query,
There are 2 approaches,
1) Find and update using 2 queries:
use arrayFilters to updated nested array elements
$push to insert element
$pull to remove element
var post = await collection('post').findOne({
posted: postId,
ommentsOnPost: {
$elemMatch: {
commentId: commentId,
repliesOnPost: {
$elemMatch: {
replyId: replyId
likesOnReply: userid
var updateOperator = "$push";
if (post) updateOperator = "$pull";
await collection('post').updateOne(
{ postId: postId },
[updateOperator]: {
"commentsOnPost.$[c].repliesOnPost.$[r].likesOnReply": userid
arrayFilters: [
{ "c.commentId": commentId },
{ "r.replyId": replyId }
2) Update with aggregation pipeline starting from MongoDB 4.2:
$map to iterate loop of commentsOnPost array check condition if commentId match then go to next process otherwise return existing object
$mergeObjects to merge current object with updated fields
$map to iterate loop of repliesOnPost array and check condition if replyId match then go to next process otherwise return an existing object
check condition for likesOnReply has userid then do remove using $filter otherwise insert using $concatArrays
await collection('post').findOneAndUpdate(
{ postId: "232323" },
$set: {
commentsOnPost: {
$map: {
input: "$commentsOnPost",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.commentId", commentId] },
$mergeObjects: [
repliesOnPost: {
$map: {
input: "$$this.repliesOnPost",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.replyId", replyId] },
$mergeObjects: [
likesOnReply: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [userid, "$$this.likesOnReply"] },
$filter: {
input: "$$this.likesOnReply",
cond: { $ne: ["$$this", userid] }
$concatArrays: ["$$this.likesOnReply", [userid]]

Mongoose $unwind not returning desired data

I have data formatted like so:
id: "59b47f582c981415e24ffaf6",
userName: "userName",
email: "email",
albums: [
_id: "59b4895b68697316e517ae2b",
timestamp: "2017-09-10T00:37:47.409Z",
images: [
description: "description",
name: "name"
I am trying to use $unwind to get a nice list of just the images. The closest I have gotten is
albums: {
images: [ ]
albums: {
images: [
That was using my query like so:
Profile.aggregate( [
{$project: {"albums.images": 1, _id: 0}},
], function(err, images){
if (err){
I thought I could just use {$unwind:"album.images"} but it gives me one empty array. Is there a way to write the query so it just returns a list of images?
