Splashtop Streamer on Ubuntu Server - linux

i am just wondering if it is possible to run Splashtop Streamer on Ubuntu Server ??
i have been able to install it, but, i get an invalid token when trying to connect, i was hoping that i could connect, and just get to a terminal.
i am pretty new to linux, but, am looking at moving across some of our project to linux from windows, but need to be able to remotely access them. and we have a splashtop business account.
thanks in advance
i have tried the following :
installed splashtop streamer
deployed with our code
but when trying to connect, i get a invalid token error.


How to open rust-rocket server to LAN?

I tried rocket, cargo run, access to http://localhost:8000 and looks well.
However, I failed to access to http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 from other PC in LAN.
I tried http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 in developing PC but was not able to access.
At first I thought it is related to firewall but I was confused because it was not able to access from own machine.
How can I do?
I'm completely not familiar with networking so that I'm not sure if only the executable I built is enough or need other service such as nginx or IIS or something.
I'm developing in windows 10 and want to deploy on ubuntu finally. (ubuntu machine is not ready)
Thank you.
export ROCKET_ENV=stage ;cargo run

Using Nodejs to access ssh commands

I am using latest NodeJS(12.X) version in my Windows desktop.
I used remote of Cisco routers using putty and execute few commands there.
Now, I need to execute these commands (like show, run version) in my Cisco routers using Nodejs application. I need to write those output from routers in to my base machine in .txt format or need to show it in console.
I already tried simple-ssh and remote-exec but its not successful.
Can anyone help me here with sample code, that would be Great!..

cannot create directory using ODIExportMaster tool

I am using ODIExportMaster tool in a package. The tool will create a zip file and save on server. The server is Linux machine and agent also reside on the same system as that of odi.
The code runs fine for dev and test environment. but its giving error as 'Can not create directory' on production server.
The user has same rights in all the environment.
Kindly guide me if anybody have any idea.
if i am not wrong you are executing the package from client machinei, isn't it?
if so, please check with your production system Admin if you have access to the user where your client is installed.
or if you are running scenario on server it self instead of client machine, still if it is giving error try to understand why is it trying to create directory?
OR if it is directing a wrong error.

Running .ktr created in windows on centos 6.5 server

I trust all is well.
We have .ktr files that are created in widows 7 that we need to run on a centos 6.5 server using pan.
I am trying to run the following command the server:
[root#BTNYSLDVD01 data-integration]# /home/pentaho/data-integration/pan.sh /file=/home/pentaho/data-integration/file.ktr
However I am getting the following error:
2015/10/07 13:03:28 - File Output.0 - Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
The file.ktr file was created and runs properly without errors on a widows 7 computer. The only modification I made was that I altered the <server></server> tag from <server>ip address</server> to <server>localhost</server>
I know that the password is correct because I am able to connect to the database from console.
We cannot create the .ktr files on the centos server since we do not have the desktop installed.
My question is "Is there snything special we need to do when running a .ktr file that was created in windows 7 on a centos 6.5 server"?
Thanks in advance for your help.
First run this
cd data-integration
chmod +x *.sh
It will make the shell scripts executable.
Without more details, it's hard to know what is wrong.
I guess that you may have a problem of access via ssh : maybe you should have a key (e.g. generated via ssh-keygen) for the user root?
It gets pretty interesting. I find out on page
"A Unix socket file is used if you do not specify a host name or if you specify the special host name localhost."
Unix socket pretty special feature not available on Windows, but Kettle is written on Java which suppose to work on different OS, and can't use Unix socket since it's plafrorm specific. It has to use tcp/ip connection.
Against it, mysql command is platform specific and able to utilize power of Unix socket, since it native tool.
Just try to put instead of localhost
We were able to solve the issue. The issue was that mysql did not allow access from We deployed pentaho on another server and were able to get the file to work. Thanks Simar for all your help.

Cannot connect with FreeNX to Ubuntu ec2 instance

I have recently spun up a new Ubuntu 12.04 instance in AWS. I had no issues connecting to and opening an SSH terminal to the server. Having connected to the instance, I was able to install the Ubuntu desktop and FreeNX without any problem, as well as enabling password authentication on the server instance.
I downloaded and installed the NX Client for Windows on a PC running Windows 8. After entering the user credentials I can connect to and authenticate into the server. I'm brand new to the Linux world, but at this point everything was going so smoothly I was about ready to throw my Windows licenses to the dogs - good thing I held off on that.
"Problem: At the client, the !M logo window appears, but after a few seconds that window just closes, even without showing any error message."
That problem statement is in quotes because it's precisely the issue described in FreeNX Ubuntu Community support documentation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX#Troubleshooting.
So naturally I follow the solution in the guide:
"Solution: The issue is due custom VNC configuration. In the server, access your home directory and run these commands,"
sudo rm .Xauthority*
touch .Xauthority
chmod 600 .Xauthority
Unfortunately, this did absolutely nothing to resolve the issue. The problem would be easier to diagnose if I had an error message, but reference the Problem statement, there is no error message to be had. Several hours of googling yielded nothing, so wondering if anyone here has encountered this problem in the past, and if so, they would be willing to help.
