Why do I fail to submit data to textarea with python requests.post() - python-3.x

I want to use the requests.post tool to automatically query domain name attribution on this websitea website,But the return value is always empty, I guess it is because the post method failed to transfer the data to the textarea
url = 'http://icp.chinaz.com/searchs'
data = {
'btn_search':'%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2', '__RequestVerificationToken=':'CfDJ8KmGV0zny1FLtrcRZkGCczG2owvCRigVmimqp33mw5t861kI7zU2VfQBri65hIwu_4VXbmtqImMmTeZzqxE7NwwvAtwWcZSMnk6UDuzP3Ymzh9YrHPJkj_cy8vSLXvUYXrFO0HnCb0pSweHIL9pkReY',
I'd be very grateful if you could point out where I'm going wrong
I have tried to replace headers and so on.


Where is my error with my join in acumatica?

I want to get all the attributes from my "Actual Item Inventry" (From Stock Items Form) so i have:
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>
>.Select(new PXGraph());
But, this returns me 0 rows.
Where is my error?
My loop is like this:
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
... but i can not go inside foreach.
Sorry for the English.
You should use an initialized graph rather than just "new PXGraph()" for the select. This can be as simple as "this" or "Base" depending on where this code is located. There are times that it is ok to initialize a new graph instance, but also times that it is not ok. Not knowing the context of your code sample, let's assume that "this" and "Base" were insufficient, and you need to initialize a new graph. If you need to work within another graph instance, this is how your code would look.
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
However, since you should be initializing graph within a graph or graph extension, you should be able to use:
.Select(this) // To use the current graph containing this logic
.Select(Base) // To use the base graph that is being extended if in a graph extension
Since you are referring to:
...but are using "new PXGraph()" then there is no "InventoryItem" to be in the current data cache of the generic base object PXGraph. Hence the need to reference a fully defined graph.
Another syntax for specifying exactly what value you want to pass in is to use a parameter like this:
var myNoteIdVariable = ...
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Required<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
.Select(graph, myNoteIdVariable);
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
Notice the "Required" and the extra value in the Select() section. A quick and easy way to check if you have a value for your parameter is to use PXTrace to write to the Trace that you can check after refreshing the screen and performing whatever action would execute your code:
...to see if there is a value in myNoteIdVariable to retrieve a result set. Place that outside of the foreach block or you will only get a value in the trace when you actually get records... which is not happening in your case.
If you want to get deep into what SQL statements are being generated and executed, look for Request Profiler in the menus and enable SQL logging while you run a test. Then come back to check the results. (Remember to disable the SQL logging when done or you can generate a lot of unnecessary data.)

Using XMLHttpRequest To Paste Clipboard

I am currently using Flask to create a website and have come across an interesting issue. There is some code that gives the user the option to input a value in for about 20 separate input fields. What I am trying to do is construct a button that would allow the user to paste in a column from an Excel table. Essentially, a button that will look at the clipboard, take the field, convert the string into an array, and place the values into each input in the order they appear in the list.
So far, I have been able to get the clipboard into a string using tk.Tk().clipboard_get(), and believe that I can get this value by making an XMLHttpRequest, but have had little luck in making it actually work.
Some code for what I am trying to accomplish:
#app.route('/some/path/here', methods = ['GET'])
def paste():
values = tk.Tk().clipboard_get()
values = values.replace('\n',',')
return values
return None
<button type="button" style="float: right" onclick="Testing()">Paste</button>
<p id="textHere"></p>
function Testing() {
var wvpst = new XMLHttpRequest();
wvpst.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var list = this.responseXML;
// list = list.replace(/'/g,"").replace(/ '/g,"");
// list = list.split(", ");
document.getElementById("textHere").innerHTML = list;
wvpst.open("GET","{{ url_for('paste') }}",true);
For now, I am just trying to get the list of values copied from an Excel sheet, but nothing is being returned when the button is pressed. Am I simply using XMLHttpRequest incorrectly or is there something else I need to do to get this to work?
Set a debug breakpoint inside
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
and inspect your response. Set another on the first line of your function in Flask. Those should give you visibility into where the breakdown is.
A few other, perhaps more important notes:
Point 1) In your flask try/except, on failure you should serve a response, just a 500 response. Replace return None with:
return app.make_response('Couldn't parse clipboard information!'), 500
Point 2) There is no need to pass this information to your server for processing. You can accomplish this within the javascript of the front end and save your server some processing and your client some time waiting on an HTTP response.
Have the user paste their content into a textbox or another element, and then access the value from there.
Direct clipboard access isn't something most browsers give up freely, and so best to avoid that route.
Your xmlhttprequest looks fine to me. I would guess that your try in flask is failing and returning something useless if anything at all.
Do this in javascript.

Getting value of key from Web Content Display Portlet

I got a requirement. I have added two text fields Value and Key from structure in Web Content Display portlet.
right now in the portlet i am getting value from hard code like below.
BasicModel model = (BasicModel)requestContext.getFlowScope().get("BasicModel");
if(model == null){
model = new BasicModel();
model.setBasicForm(new BasicDetailsForm());
but what i want is to get the value of each attribute from web content. Like, If i have given lfr.intel.empid as key and ABSD1822D as value in the added web content structure field like this.
and we can fetch the value of key like this.
You can write a custom function for this which passes the key to that function, now that function will use the JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil API to get respective value from the DB.
Now you need to find How to fetch values from JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil, which you can google or this link can help you.
Try this, assuming that you could get the JournalArticle object, I've done it using the resourcePrimKey
long resourcePrimKey = 12345; //hard coded the resourcePrimKey
JournalArticle article = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(resourcePrimKey);
com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Document document = SAXReaderUtil.read(article.getContentByLocale("en_US"));
Node keyNode = document.selectSingleNode("/root/dynamic-element[#name='Key']/dynamic-content");
String key = keyNode.getStringValue();
Node valueNode = document.selectSingleNode("/root/dynamic-element[#name='Value']/dynamic-content");
String value = valueNode .getStringValue();

how do we add url parameters? (EJS + Node + Express)

I understood how we parse the url parameters in express routes, as in the example
How to get GET (query string) variables in Express.js on Node.js?
But where do the url parameters come from in the first place?
Apparently, I can build such a query with jquery (i.e $.get). I can append params to this query object. It s cool, but still i m trying to understand how we achieve this in the query that renders the page as a whole.
An example : when i choose the oldest tab below, how does SO add ?answertab=oldest to the url so it becomes :
The string you're looking at is a serialization of the values of a form, or some other such method of inputing data. To get a sense of this, have a look at jQuery's built in .serialize() method.
You can construct that string manually as well, and that's pretty straight forward as well. The format is just ?var1=data1&var2=data2 etc. If you have a JSON object {"name": "Tim", "age": 22} then you could write a very simple function to serialize this object:
function serializeObject(obj) {
var str = "?";
for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(obj).length; i++) {
key = Object.keys(obj)[i];
if (i === Object.keys(obj).length - 1)
str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
str += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]) + "&";
return str;
Running seralizeObject({"name": "Tim", "age": 22}) will output '?name=Tim&age=22'. This could be used to generate a link or whatnot.
The page author writes them so. This is how they "come in the first place". The authors of an HTML page decide (or are told by website designers) where to take the user when he clicks on a particular anchor element on it. If they want users to GET a page with some query parameters (which their server handles), they simply add query string of their choice to the link's href attribute.
Take a look at the href attribute of the oldest tab you clicked:
title="Answers in the order they were provided"
When you clicked it, the browser simply took you to path indicated in href attribute /questions/30516497/how-do-we-add-url-parameters-ejs-node-express?answertab=oldest#tab-top relative to the base URL http://stackoverflow.com. So the address bar changed.
stackoverflow.com may have its own system of generating dynamic HTML pages. Their administrators and page authors have configured their server to handle particular query parameters and have put in place their own methods to make sure that links on their pages point to the URL(including query string) they wish.
You need to provide URIs with query strings of your choice (you can build them using url.format and querystring.stringify) to your template system to render. Then make your express routes process them and generate pages depending on their value.

Can't modify/remove a field from an ActivityNode using sbt

I created an ActivityNode (an Entry) and I can add custom fields with the
setFields(List<Field> newListField)
I am unable to modify these fields. (In this case I try to modify the value of the field named LIBENTITE)
FieldList list = myEntry.getTextFields();
List<Field> updatedList = new ArrayList<Field>();
//I add each old field in the new list, but I modify the field LIBENTITE
for(Field myField : list){
((TextField)myField).setTextSummary("New value");
This code should replace the old list of fields with the new one, but I can't see any change in the custom field LIBENTITE of myEntry in IBM connections.
So I tried to create a new list of fields, not modifying my field but adding a new one :
for(Field myField:list){
Field newTextField = new TextField("New Value");
newTextField .setFieldName("LIBENTITE");
updatedList.add(newTextField );
And this code is just adding the new field in myEntry. What I see is that the other custom fields did not change and I have now two custom fields named LIBENTITE, one with the old value and the second with the new value, in myEntry.
So I though that maybe if I clear the old list of Fields, and then I add the new one, it would work.
I tried the two fonctions
but none of them seems to work, I still can't remove a custom field from myEntry using SBT.
Any suggestions ?
I have two suggestions, as I had (or have) similar problems:
If you want to update an existing text field in an activity node, you have to call node.setField(fld) to update the field in the node object.
Code snippet from my working application, where I'm updating a text field containing a (computed) start time:
ActivityNode node = activityService.getActivityNode(id);
node.setTitle(formatTitle()); // add/update start and end time in title
boolean startFound = false;
// ...
FieldList textfields =node.getTextFields();
Iterator<Field> iterFields = textfields.iterator();
while (iterFields.hasNext()) {
TextField fld = (TextField) iterFields.next();
if (fld.getName().equals(Constants.FIELDNAME_STARTTIME)) {
fld.setTextSummary(this.getStartTimeString()); // NOTE: .setFieldValue does *not* work
node.setField(fld); // write updated field back. This seems to be the only way updating fields works
If there is no field with that name, I create a new one (that's the reason I'm using the startFound boolean variable).
I think that the node.setField(fld) should do the trick. If not, there might be a way to sidestep the problem:
You have access to the underlying DOM object which was parsed in. You can use this to tweak the DOM object, which finally will be written back to Connections.
I had to use this as there seems to be another nasty bug in the SBT SDK: If you read in a text field which has no value, and write it back, an error will be thrown. Looks like the DOM object misses some required nodes, so you have to create them yourself to avoid the error.
Some code to demonstrate this:
// ....
} else if (null == fld.getTextSummary()) { // a text field without any contents. Which is BAD!
// there is a bug in the SBT API: if we read a field which has no value
// and try to write the node back (even without touching the field) a NullPointerException
// will be thrown. It seems that there is no value node set for the field. We
// can't set a value with fld.setTextSummary(), the error will still be thrown.
// therefore we have to remove the field, and - optionally - we set a defined "empty" value
// to avoid the problem.
// node.remove(fld.getName()); // remove the field -- this does *not* work! At least not for empty fields
// so we have to do it the hard way: we delete the node of the field in the cached dom structure
String fieldName = fld.getName();
DeferredElementNSImpl fldData = (DeferredElementNSImpl) fld.getDataHandler().getData();
fldData.getParentNode().removeChild(fldData); // remove the field from the cached dom structure, therefore delete it
// and create it again, but with a substitute value
Field newEmptyField = new TextField (Constants.FIELD_TEXTFIELD_EMPTY_VALUE); // create a field with a placeholder value
Hope that helps.
Just so that post does not stay unanswered I write the answer that was in a comment of the initial question :
"currently, there is no solution to this issue, the TextFields are read-only map. we have the issue recorded on github.com/OpenNTF/SocialSDK/issues/1657"
