Android studio 2022.1.1 where is SDK and sdkmanager - android-studio

just installed Android studio 2022.1.1.
Before installation, deleted f:/AppData/local/Android/**
which is very old.
The installer did not install any new SDK?
and command-line tools?
From File > Project Structure: SDK is empty.

To check if you have the latest SDK and command-line tools, you can go to the Android Studio's "SDK Manager" and verify that you have the desired packages installed. If not, you can use the SDK Manager to install the missing components.

Android sdk not installed. please re-install sdk through SDK Manager
if not availabe sdk manager command-line-tool, please check sdk update sites.
You can manually add update sites url. easily fix this issue.

Best solution Please Re-install Android studio.
after unistall.. Please remove android IDE all files and folder's
Please follow the below link
How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?
After Install Android studio. works perfectly


Flutter is unable to locate android sdk

I just tried installing flutter and since I already have android studio and the android sdk installed I just followed the flutter installation instructions but I keep getting the result below whenever I run flutter doctor.
enter image description here
I already tried reinstalling the sdk but it did not work.
I'll be very thankful for any help with this.
Use this..
flutter config --android-sdk <path-to-your-android-sdk-path>
You need to set an Environment variable to you Android SDk path
Search in windows for env -> Environment variable -> new
Download the latest build tools in Android SDK Manager -> SDK Tools
And the latest SDK Platform (Android API 30)
Can you check if Android SDK Build-Tools, Android SDK Platform-Tools & Android SDK Tools (Obsolete) are installed?
If you still have the problem, do a fresh installation of Android Studio but remove all old Android folders beforehand.

How to use downloaded patch file of android studio again?

I was downloading an update for android studio. After the download was finished, there was some issue and the patch was not applied. Is there a way to use that downloaded file again? I don't want to download again because it will take a lot of time.
PS I'm using ubuntu.
To solve the “failed to apply patch” Android Studio problem you can follow these steps:
Move the Android SDK folder out of the Android Studio folder (quit Android Studio first).
Redo the Android Studio update process.
Once the update is complete, you will be prompted to enter the new location of the Android SDK.
If these steps do not work for you, update your Java runtime engine (JRE) and development kit (JDK) to the latest version. Alternatively, you could also just download the latest Android Studio build, install it (after renaming the folder of the previous build), and import your projects from the old buggy build.

Hot to fix Android Studio's documentation lookup "Documentation not found"

I cant seem to get flutter based documentation on android studio when i select quick documentation (control Q)
I have tried reinstalling android studio and have tried re-applying the documentation in the SDK manager.
I expect there to be some documentation of what methods are in the class
Try installing this Extention
Install Android Studio
Android Studio offers a complete, integrated IDE experience for Flutter.
Android Studio, version 3.0 or later
Alternatively, you can also use IntelliJ:
IntelliJ IDEA Community, version 2017.1 or later
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, version 2017.1 or later
Install the Flutter and Dart plugins
To install these:
Start Android Studio.
Open plugin preferences (Preferences > Plugins on macOS, File >
Settings > Plugins on Windows & Linux).
Select Browse repositories, select the Flutter plugin and click
Click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin.
Click Restart when prompted. Ne

Where is Dart's SDK located within /flutter folder?

MacOS Sierra 10.12.6
Android Studio 3.1.2
Flutter 0.3.2 • channel beta
Tools • Dart 2.0.0-dev.48.0.flutter-fe606f890b
Flutter doctor (no problems found)
Dart's SDK is supposed to be bundled when Flutter is downloaded according to the documentation:
"The Dart SDK is bundled with Flutter; it is not necessary to install Dart separately"
However, I opened an existing Flutter project with Android Studio and it suggested me to either "Download Dart SDK" or "Open Dart settings":
Apparently, I need to "Open Dart settings" and tell Android Studio where to find the Dart' SDK. However, it can't find it within the flutter/ directory.
The Dart SDK lives inside the bin/cache/dart-sdk folder of the Flutter SDK. It will be downloaded the first time you run the flutter command, so may not exist if you've not yet run flutter.
The Dart's SDK is located at /flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
However, If Android Studio's flutter plugin is installed, the plugin needs to be told where flutter's SDK is located. Android Studio should be able to locate Dart's SDK afterwards:
I have downloaded flutter sdk via homebrew
For Mac OS: 10.14.5
Android Studio version : Arctic Fox 2020.3.1
Flutter sdk location is /usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.5.0/flutter
Dart location: /usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.5.0/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
After installing flutter however you choose.
run the following command
flutter sdk-path
In Android-Studio select File->Setting->Languages & Frameworks->Flutter
(assuming you have installed teh flutter plugin)
Populate the "Flutter SDK path:" with the result from (1).
Click apply. The Dart SDK should automatically get populated.
For my installation the values are:
Flutter SDK path: /home/andrew/snap/flutter/common/flutter
Dart SDK path: /home/andrew/snap/flutter/common/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
If someone is looking for the path to flutter sdk in Linux I found mine here
/home/your_username/flutter/common/flutter/ flutter path
/home/your_username/flutter/common/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk dart path
Run brew info flutter
Then you get the path: e.g.
And there the bin/cache has the dartk-sdk:
If you installed Dart on Windows via Chocolatey, you will find it on C:\tools\dart-sdk
I have faced this issue,
Go to the folder where you have downloaded flutter and then delete the flutter folder.
Go to your download folder and where you have downloaded the flutter the first time.
Extract this file again where you have deleted the flutter...
This is working for me.
Sometimes it is the build directory that he cannot create, suddenly devtools crashes, you can simply recreate it in $HOME/.pub-cache/hosted/, then give it the right rights with for example sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.pub-cache/hosted/ after re-creating the build directory
Check this:
brew info dart
Please note the path to the Dart SDK: /opt/homebrew/opt/dart/libexec
If Android Studio show - Error: Dart SDK is not configured.
Open console and write: flutter sdk-path. Copy output.
Next Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) => Languages & Frameworks => Flutter => Flutter SDK path.
Paste SDK path.
Everyone that is still searching for the correct answer should checkout this answer
If you have the flutter SDK installed.
flutter doctor -v
The first line will show the install path.
Credits go to #Lee Higgins

How to update SDK in Android Studio in the background

Today I'm trying to update the SDK in Android Studio on my Ubuntu, and looking for the menu that make the download process running in the background. So I want to download the SDK and continue to work in Android Studio.
As far as I can remember Eclipse has menu that can download in the background task so I can continue work while downloading.
I've tried to find the option in settings but I could not find it, and on the downloading GUI has no option to download it in the background, here is my screenshot:
Is anyone having the same issue here? How can I resolve this?
You can go to tools -> android -> sdk manager and click on Launch stand alone sdk manager hyperlink. This will open sdk manager outside android studio, select the packages and download. You can continue to work on android studio this way.
The "Launch standalone SDK Manager" option seems to be gone in Android Studio 2.3.3 for Windows. However, there is sdkmanager.bat in \tools\bin
It is possible to do it all by code using the sdkmanager tool.
The sdkmanager is a command line tool that allows you to view,
install, update, and uninstall packages for the Android SDK.
This is an example using the sdkmanager with the command line:
First at all, the sdkmanager is located in android_sdk/tools/bin/.
Go where the sdkmanager is located
List installed and available packages using this command:
sdkmanager --list
The result willl be something similar to this
In my case I want to Download a System Image with Release Name "P" with ABI x86 ( I saw this information from Android Studio)
The next step is to search that system image in your list
Finally install this package in this way:
./sdkmanager "system-images;android-P;google_apis;x86"
This will begin the process of downloading the package
After finish you can check that the image is available to use
For more info:
Upgrade to latest version of Android Studio (Currently in 2.3.1).
It now support download (both SDK and plugins) in background.
