Logic Apps Times Out Due To Long Running Azure Functions Being Called Inside It - azure

I am currently working on supporting an old application which uses logic apps and azure functions.
The logic apps are on consumption plan and it times out frequently due to long running azure functions which in turn calls ms sql server using EF core.
Now, we don't want to spend much time on development as it will be sunset and migrated so azure durable functions, webhooks, and event bus is not being considered.
Are there any other ways to solve this which requires no major code changes?
We are planning to move from consumption to standard logic apps to increase the timeout from 2 minutes to 3.9 minutes.
Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

I had found one alternative that you can use until loop.
Until loops run until specific condition is true. Until loop requires 200 ok Response from the request. As per MS-Doc, it says:
This loop action definition sends an HTTP request to the specified URL .
As #skin suggested, you can use webhooks, durable functions which does exactly what you need (if development is not concern). And as you said you can change to Standard to increase timeout till 4 min.


Azure Function App is very slow, but only sometimes

I have read through most of the questions that seems to be similar to what I'll ask so hopefully I'm not wasting anyone's time.
We have a Function App in Azure Cloud that contains several Durable Functions.
One of these durable functions is a HTTP trigger API REST call.
It will normally take between 0.5 - 3 seconds to execute fully (from call to done, delivered result). But sometimes it takes 20-35 seconds. I don't know why or how I can search for errors.
The durable function fetches information from a Cosmos DB and delivers the result back to the caller.
Function App, Durable Function and Cosmos DB are all located in the same Region. (Checked that).
The Durable Function is set to B2:2 and has toggled Always On to ON.
Is there something I miss or something I should check to make sure it runs smoother?
Log of executions of the app:
I greatly appreciate everyone's time and energy they put into helping me. Thanks a lot.
---- Additions to the post after posting ----
I have checked the interactive tool and if I read that correctly it tells me a maximum execution time of 0.8 seconds and a maximum network lag of 6 seconds. That would indicate something that I suspected before I set up this post and that is that Azure needs to cold start the function. But I have always on toggled on so why?
It doesn't seem to take 30 seconds to complete the function. It seems to take less than 1 second to complete the function and up to a maximum of 6 seconds lag, but where are the other 23 seconds going in a 30 second call?
B2:2 is the service agreement I have with Azure. B2 is the test environments second paid state with 2 instances scaling (I have changed that to 3 after posting this).
Application Insights are on and no other dependencies are present except the Cosmos DB.
AFAIK in Azure Functions,
After 5 minutes of inactivity, Function App goes to the cold state. To come out of it, 10 seconds delay occurs.
Even the Function App is in Hot State, it will take some excessive amount of time to load the external libraries defined in it.
In the Function App, Code Logic Performance also matters the cause of slowness in the Azure Functions.
There are few steps for reducing the cold-start times particularly for the Functions having external libraries:
Running from a package file WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE to 1 may reduce cold-start times, particularly for JavaScript functions with large npm package trees.
From the Azure Portal > Diagnose and solve problems > Troubleshoot Performance category to identify the causes of slowness:
Try Always On Feature available in App Service Plan and Premium Plan of the Azure Functions to prevent such issues.
Regarding the Performance and reliability improving of Azure Functions, please refer here.
If this issue persists still, then please raise an incident with Microsoft Support to get the root cause and resolution.
Try fiddling around with maxqueuepollingintervall. It helped out with our cold starts quite a bit.

Dealing with Long running Tasks in Azure

We are moving an On-Premise solution into Azure and there are few services as part of the application which schedules to run once everyday.
I did it as a Web API and when ever the HTTP call calls the method fires without any trouble.
But the problem is the the method behind this API is a heavy weight one which takes around 40-50 mins to finish.
But since Azure APIs will expire in 230sec, I am really got stuck.
I am calling the API from Timer Triggered Azure functions. Its working fine.
But the 30-40 mins becoming a real challenge.
So how to handle this such situation in Azure when we have a time consuming method to execute.
(Other than APIs as well)
There can be many issues that causing performance problems in Azure Functions. Try to debug with the help of Azure Service Profiler or any other debugging tools, determine which line of code is executing how long.
Few reasons could be like:
There might be inefficient algorithm written form fetching IDs/ADLS (Azure Data Lake Storage) operations.
If await keyword is used in the Function App Code, then use the .ConfigureAwait(false) functionality also.
Enable Automatic Scaling in the Azure Function App..
It also depends on NuGet Packages that you're using which might be taking long time to create the Azure Functions instance.
ReadIDs and ReadData functions should be asynchronous.
Note: You may get doubt like all the functions are with async, but make sure in return type the Function definition should have Task and async keyword.

Alternative to Cloud Tasks / Cron / Task Queue on CGP in Python 3 that doesn't have a 10 minute timeout

I've recently started using an App Engine on Google Cloud Platform and have set up some cron jobs to get some scheduled work done. However recently one of my tasks took more than 10 minutes and it timed out... obviously I could break this work into batches or find another way around the problem, however I'm keen to not always be mindful of how long a job might take and want future jobs to run until completed or failed.
I've looked into various services that Google offer but with no success; Task Queue is Python 2.x only and Cloud Tasks has the same 10 minute limit unless you manually manage scaling (which I would prefer to stay automatic as that's the point of App Engine for me).
Am I missing something? This 10 minute limit seems like a big unnecessary blocker and I have no idea where to look.
Thanks for your time.
Google services such as App Engine are designed to model a web server HTTP Request / Response design. You are trying to use them as task/execute engines.
Use the correct service if you require long execution times, which usually means requests that take longer than a few minutes to complete. Use Cloud Tasks and Compute Engine. Otherwise you will need to architect your application to fit with App Engine's requirements and limitations.
Cloud Tasks for Asynchronous task execution
If you want to use App Engine, you need to use either Basic Scaling or Manual Scaling. I understand that manual scaling isn't your favorite, I also don't like this mode. But the basic scaling is acceptable.
In addition, it's more designed to perform background task, exactly what you try to achieve.
If you accept this change, you can use Cloud Task. You have up to 24H of timeout if your App Engine service is in basic scaling (or manual)
You have this same information, on the scaling description on App Engine documentation.
When you use basic scaling, your instance type needs to be updated to BXXX.

Azure Logic apps take hours/days to run Azure Functions

I have a set of logic apps that each call a set function apps which are run in parallel.
Each logic app is triggered to start at a certain time during the night with all staggered an hour apart.
The Azure functions are written using the async pattern and call external APIs.
Sometimes the logic apps will run fine and complete their execution in a normal time period, and can do so for two or three days in a row.
However sometimes they will take hours or days forcing me to cancel their run.
Can any body shed any light on this might be happening?
I'm using the latest nuget packages of the durable functions extension
When debugging the functions always complete in a timely fashion
I have noticed that the functions sometimes get stuck at pending.
It appears you have at least two function apps that are configured with the same storage account and task hub name:
This causes the two function apps to steal messages from each other. If functions in one app do not exist in the other app, then it's very possible for orchestrations to get stuck in a Pending state like this.
The simplest way to mitigate this is to give each function app a unique task hub name. Please see the Task Hubs documentation for more information: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable/durable-functions-task-hubs.

How to host long running process into Azure Cloud?

I have a C# console application which extracts 15GB FireBird database file on a server location to multiple files and loads the data from files to SQLServer database. The console application uses System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel class to perform parallel execution of the dataload from files to sqlserver database.
It is a weekly process and it takes 6 hours to complete.
What is best option to move this (console application) process to azure cloud - WebJob or WorkerRole or Any other cloud service ?
How to reduce the execution time (6 hrs) after moving to cloud ?
How to implement the suggested option ? Please provide pointers or code samples etc.
Your help in detail comments is very much appreciated.
let me give some thought on this question of yours
"What is best option to move this (console application) process to
azure cloud - WebJob or WorkerRole or Any other cloud service ?"
First you can achieve the task with both WebJob and WorkerRole, but i would suggest you to go with WebJob.
PROS about WebJob is:
Deployment time is quicker, you can turn your console app without any change into a continues running webjob within mintues (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-create-web-jobs/)
Build in timer support, where WorkerRole you will need to handle on your own
Fault tolerant, when your WebJob fail, there is built-in resume logic
You might want to check out Azure Functions. You pay only for the processing time you use and there doesn't appear to be a maximum run time (unlike AWS Lambda).
They can be set up on a schedule or kicked off from other events.
If you are already doing work in parallel you could break out some of the parallel tasks into separate azure functions. Aside from that, how to speed things up would require specific knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish.
In the past when I've tried to speed up work like this, I would start by spitting out log messages during the processing that contain the current time or that calculate the duration (using the StopWatch class). Then find out which areas can be improved. The slowness may also be due to slowdown on the SQL Server side. More investigation would be needed on your part. But the first step is always capturing metrics.
Since Azure Functions can scale out horizontally, you might want to first break out the data from the files into smaller chunks and let the functions handle each chunk. Then spin up multiple parallel processing of those chunks. Be sure not to spin up more than your SQL Server can handle.
