How to use the Discord JS Client without logging in? - node.js

I have a service that listens for certain updates and then uses a Discord Bot to post a message on a channel. A random example: every time a team scores a goal, post a message in a channel. I got an email from Discord to reset my bot token because there were too many logins.
As you know, in order to use the Bot you use the client.login("XXX") method. So every time there is an update my service initializes the bot and then sends a message. My assumption is that it has to do with me calling client.login("XXX") for every update. Since my service runs serverless, I can not keep the service up.
Is there a way to make the bot post a message without having to use client.login("XXX")? Or can anyone suggest any strategy to make this logic work?

That is not possible as a bot cannot do any actions without being logged in, it sounds like channel webhooks would fit your needs better.
You simply generate a webhook link in a channel which you can then post messages to through a post request.
You can read more about webhooks here
And you can read more about the required paramters and how to format a POST request to the webhook here


How to create a bot in lex/azure that respond in slack threads?

I have created 2 chatbots using AWS lex and Azure bot framework each. I have integrated them with slack and they respond to the mentions in channels.
Currently, the bot responds as a new message however I want it to respond in the slack thread of the original message posted by the user. I tried to look for articles in various places but could not find anything helpful. Does anyone have any idea on how to achieve this or a reference to a GitHub repo for a sample?
Since you are able to post replies, I am assuming that you are using chat.postMessage API.
To send the reply as a thread, all you need to do is that add thread_ts argument in the api call.
(Provide original message's ts (timestamp) value to make this message a reply.)

Slack slash command is not working in public channels unless manually added to them

I'm not sure how much detail to provide, but I'll try to put everything that I feel is relevant.
I have a slash command that I do some logic with through AWS Lambda and API Gateway. I'm using the python slackclient module and through that I'm sending messages back into slack with the WebClient. To clarify, I'm using the new bot token system Slack has come up with, not the classic bot one.
From my understanding, using a webhook to send messages in all channels in a workspace is very painful, as a webhook is provided per channel. Thus I'm using the WebClient to interface with Slack and send messages in public channels. The problem I'm facing is that unless I add my app to a channel, the command doesn't work. The Cloudwatch logs show me that the events are coming in just fine, as I see the event fine. I also see the following log by using sys.exc_info():
(<class 'slack.errors.SlackApiError'>, SlackApiError("The request to the Slack API failed.\nThe server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'not_in_channel'}"), <traceback object at 0x7ff4a0dc32c0>)
Based on that, it looks to me like sending a message back into channels I've not added this app into doesn't seem to work, but I'm not sure what OAuth permissions/scopes would be needed for this. I've enabled the following scopes for the bot token:
As per my understanding, I don't need to add any user scopes, since I want my app/bot itself to respond, and not respond on behalf of a user.
In short, my desired behaviour is to add this app to my workspace and immediately be have it reply to a slash command regardless of which public channel the slash command has been invoked from.
The current behaviour is that the app is able to get event data from all public channels when the slash command is invoked from any of them, yet it's unable to send messages in channels the command is invoked in unless it is in the channel.
Any help given would be much appreciated!
For people migrating apps from the deprecated :bot scope, the new scope is now ready.
Add chat:write.public to your Bot Token Scopes and the error not_in_channel will not be returned anymore for public channels.
Good news: with two special scopes, you can gain those abilities by asking for them explicitly. Request the chat:write.public scope and chat:write.customize scope, respectively, to gain the ability post in all public channels and adjust your app's message authorship.
I messaged Slack help, and it turns out this functionality isn't available with the new granular bot permissions yet. As per this Slack documentation:
Currently, your app must be a member of any channel it wishes to post messages to. To join a channel, request the channels:join scope and call the conversations.join method. However, apps will soon be able to post in any public channel, without gaining additional access to the channel, by requesting a new scope.
It looks like this won't be an issue when the functionality is added by Slack.

How to use trigger event in facebook messenger bot

I'm developing Facebook messenger bot. Based on the official sample
here made by Node.js, Express, ES7.
I want to use Firebase database, trigger event.
If someone updates the database, send notice to certain people. I add source code "Child Changed" to "messages.js" in messenger-api-helpers, but it doesn't work.
I can check working "Child Changed" in HTML, but in messenger, I cannot.
Where should I write the trigger events code?
You should definitely use Facebook Messenger Broadcast API for this kind of functionality. This will broadcast a notice/broadcast to users.
You have to apply for this permission. (pages_messaging and pages_messaging_subscriptions.Takes about 1-2 days, but
can test on Admin/Test users of the app)
Each broadcast has to be a separate broadcast. (e.g. you can't send image and a text together, each has to be its own individual broadcast).
Have some kind of un-subscription option as well. FB user might think you are spamming even if you clearly say in the messages that your bot will send updates.
Use custom labels to create targetted sends. So you can either subdivide who you will send updates to about specific issues or just label people if they unsubscribe to your broadcast or not.
Basic workflow:
Get permission to broadcast.
On event in your Database. Start process.
Create message_creative_id via POST to endpoint
Use message_creative_id to POST a broadcast_messages
On a successful send you will get back broadcast_id

sending direct messages from nodejs script to telegram

Is it possible to send a message from a node.js server to someone's mobile number or telegram Id directly?
is it possible without using a telegram bot?
I need an API like below:
function sendMessage(senderTelegramId, receiverTelegramId, messageText)
In short: No, without a bot no way for now.
Detailed explanation:
In order for you to send users messages on telegram you would need to create your own telegram bot. They have a well documented API which you can read and play around with.
There are 2 things you should know about sending messages to users using telegram bot:
You can't just send random people messages on telegram even if you know their phone number, to send them messages you need to have their chat_id. See how in the docs
To get the chat_id the user must first click the start button that comes up when they open your bot for the first time. Telegram will send you the chat id of that user and you save it for later when you would want to send messages to that user.
There are tons of libraries that makes working telegram bots very easy, it wouldn't take you more than an hour to get started.
I hope this answers the question, feel free to ask further questions, I have made some bots and you can also play around with them to see how it works.
Cheers )
There is actually one more easiest way to send a message to chat
just fetch the URL[BOT_API_KEY]/sendMessage?chat_id=[MY_CHANNEL_NAME]&text=[MY_MESSAGE_TEXT]
you can find more details here

How to read a message from a bot via telegram API?

I have a room with a couple of bots, one of them needs to read all the messages on the room including other bot's messages.
Telegram API says bots can't see other bots message otherwise they might get caught in a "loop".
Since i really need to work around this i'm wondering if there is a known workaround?
There cannot be any workaround using the Bot APIs since the messages in getUpdates or webhook of the Bot will be from Users alone.
One workaround could be to use the telegram-cli and create a normal user as a Bot.
