How can I stub default method with BDDMockito? - mockito

I have an interface with defaults method.
interface MyInterface {
default ByteBuffer put(ByteBuffer buffer) {
// ...
And I used to stub the method with the following code.
doAnswer(i -> {
return buffer;
Now I'm trying to use BDDMockito.
.willAnswer(i -> {
ByteBuffer buffer = i.getArgument(0);
assert buffer != null;
assert buffer.capacity() == BYTES;
assert buffer.limit() == buffer.capacity();
assert buffer.remaining() == BYTES;
return buffer;
It seems that it calls the real method.
How can I fix this?


Could haxe macro be used to detect when object is dirty (any property has been changed)

Let say we have an object:
class Test {
var a:Int;
var b(default, default):String;
var c(get, set):Array<Int>;
public function new() {
public function get_c() {
public function set_c(n) {
Could we write a macro checkDirty so that any change to field/properties would set property dirty to true. Macro would generate dirty field as Bool and clearDirty function to set it to false.
var test = new Test();
trace(test.dirty); // false
test.a = 12;
trace(test.dirty); // true
trace(test.dirty); //false
test.b = "test"
trace(test.dirty); //true
test.c = [1,2,3];
trace(test.dirty); //true
Just to note - whenever you consider proxying access to an object, in my experience, there are always hidden costs / added complexity. :)
That said, you have a few approaches:
First, if you want it to be pure Haxe, then either a macro or an abstract can get the job done. Either way, you're effectively transforming every property access into a function call that sets the value and also sets dirty.
For example, an abstract using the #:resolve getter and setter can be found in the NME source code, replicated here for convenience:
abstract URLVariables(URLVariablesBase)
public function new(?inEncoded:String)
this = new URLVariablesBase(inEncoded);
public function set(name:String, value:String) : String
return this.set(name,value);
public function get(name:String):String
return this.get(name);
This may be an older syntax, I'm not sure... also look at the operator overloading examples on the Haxe manual:
#:op(a.b) public function fieldRead(name:String)
return this.indexOf(name);
#:op(a.b) public function fieldWrite(name:String, value:String)
return this.split(name).join(value);
Second, I'd just point out that if the underlying language / runtime supports some kind of Proxy object (e.g. JavaScript Proxy), and macro / abstract isn't working as expected, then you could build your functionality on top of that.
I wrote a post (archive) about doing this kind of thing (except for emitting events) before - you can use a #:build macro to modify class members, be it appending an extra assignment into setter or replacing the field with a property.
So a modified version might look like so:
class Macro {
public static macro function build():Array<Field> {
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
for (field in fields.copy()) { // (copy fields so that we don't go over freshly added ones)
switch (field.kind) {
case FVar(fieldType, fieldExpr), FProp("default", "default", fieldType, fieldExpr):
var fieldName =;
if (fieldName == "dirty") continue;
var setterName = "set_" + fieldName;
var tmp_class = macro class {
public var $fieldName(default, set):$fieldType = $fieldExpr;
public function $setterName(v:$fieldType):$fieldType {
$i{fieldName} = v;
this.dirty = true;
return v;
for (mcf in tmp_class.fields) fields.push(mcf);
case FProp(_, "set", t, e):
var setter = Lambda.find(fields, (f) -> == "set_" +;
if (setter == null) continue;
switch (setter.kind) {
case FFun(f):
f.expr = macro { dirty = true; ${f.expr}; };
if (Lambda.find(fields, (f) -> == "dirty") == null) fields.push((macro class {
public var dirty:Bool = false;
return fields;
which, if used as
#:keep class Some {
public function new() {}
public var one:Int;
public var two(default, set):String;
function set_two(v:String):String {
two = v;
return v;
Would emit the following JS:
var Some = function() {
this.dirty = false;
Some.prototype = {
set_two: function(v) {
this.dirty = true;
this.two = v;
return v;
,set_one: function(v) { = v;
this.dirty = true;
return v;

UDA opCall __traits

This code fails at the second unittest at the getA!B() call. The error is: "need 'this' for 'value' of type 'string'"
The question is. How do I get getA to always return a A, whether the UDA is a type or an opCall?
static A opCall(T...)(T args) {
A ret;
ret.value = args[0];
return ret;
string value;
#A struct B {
#A("hello") struct C {
A getA(T)() {
foreach(it; __traits(getAttributes, T)) {
if(is(typeof(it) == A)) {
A ret;
ret.value = it.value;
return ret;
unittest {
A a = getA!C();
assert(a.value == "hello");
unittest {
A a = getA!B();
assert(a.value == "");
As you know, traits are evaluated at compile-time. So any introspection on values obtained via __traits must be done statically. Luckily D has the "static if condition" for this.
If you change
if(is(typeof(it) == A)) {
static if (is(typeof(it) == A)) {
you should not have problems compiling the code as is(typeof(it) == A can be evaluated at compile-time.

How to build a reinitializable lazy property in Groovy?

This is what I'd like to do:
class MyObject {
#Lazy volatile String test = {
//initalize with network access
def my = new MyObject()
println my.test
//Should clear the property but throws groovy.lang.ReadOnlyPropertyException
my.test = null
//Should invoke a new initialization
println my.test
Unfortunately lazy fields are readonly fields in Groovy and clearing the property leads to an exception.
Any idea how to make a lazy field reinitializable without reimplementing the double checking logic provided by the #Lazy annotation?
Considering soft=true (from the 1st answer) made me run a few tests:
class MyObject {
#Lazy() volatile String test = {
//initalize with network access
println 'init'
def my = new MyObject()
//my.test = null
10.times { zahl ->
Thread.start {println "$zahl: $my.test"}
Will have the following output on my Groovy console after approx 1 sec:
0: test
7: test
6: test
1: test
8: test
4: test
9: test
3: test
5: test
2: test
This is as expected (and wanted). Now I add soft=trueand the result changes dramatically and it takes 10 seconds:
0: test
9: test
8: test
7: test
6: test
5: test
4: test
3: test
2: test
1: test
Maybe I'm doing the test wrong or soft=true destroys the caching effect completely. Any ideas?
Can't you use the soft attribute of Lazy, ie:
class MyObject {
#Lazy( soft=true ) volatile String test = {
//initalize with network access
With soft=true, the annotation generates a setter and a getter like so:
private volatile java.lang.ref.SoftReference $test
public java.lang.String getTest() {
java.lang.String res = $test?.get()
if ( res != null) {
return res
} else {
synchronized ( this ) {
if ( res != null) {
return res
} else {
res = {
$test = new java.lang.ref.SoftReference( res )
return res
public void setTest(java.lang.String value) {
if ( value != null) {
$test = new java.lang.ref.SoftReference( value )
} else {
$test = null
Without soft=true, you don't get a setter
private volatile java.lang.String $test
public java.lang.String getTest() {
java.lang.Object $test_local = $test
if ( $test_local != null) {
return $test_local
} else {
synchronized ( this ) {
if ( $test != null) {
return $test
} else {
return $test = {
So the variable is read-only. Not currently sure if this is intentional, or a side-effect of using soft=true though...
Edit #2
This looks like it might be a bug in the implementation of Lazy with soft=true
If we change the getter to:
public java.lang.String getTest() {
java.lang.String res = $test?.get()
if( res != null ) {
return res
} else {
synchronized( this ) {
// Get the reference again rather than just check the existing res
res = $test?.get()
if( res != null ) {
return res
} else {
res = {
println 'init'
$test = new java.lang.ref.SoftReference<String>( res )
return res
I think it's working... I'll work on a bugfix

Who owns returned string from _bstr_t::wchar_t*, _bstr_t::char* operators?

_bstr_t::wchar_t*, _bstr_t::char* operators return string of different types.
Do I need to delete or free them? using which function?
After stepping the implementation using debugger, my conclusion is that there is no need to manually delete/free the returned string. The lifetime of the returned string is managed by _bstr_t internally.
See the following snippets from the implementation:
// Extract a const char_t*
inline _bstr_t::operator const char*() const throw(_com_error)
return (m_Data != NULL) ? m_Data->GetString() : NULL;
inline const char* _bstr_t::Data_t::GetString() const throw(_com_error)
if (m_str == NULL) {
m_str = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(m_wstr);
if (m_str == NULL && m_wstr != NULL) {
return m_str;
inline void _bstr_t::Data_t::_Free() throw()
if (m_wstr != NULL) {
if (m_str != NULL) {
delete [] m_str;
It is also okay to use unnamed _bstr_t as follows because _bstr_t instance is destroyed after the constructor of CString has finished.
CString abc((LPCTSTR)_bstr_t(OLESTR("ABC")));

Calling java method contain string as argument and string as return type from c++ in ndk in android

I have one following methods in java:
public native String jniStringMethod();
public String stringMethod(String s) {
Log.d("Testing", "String:" + s);
return s;
I am trying to call "stringMethod" method in jniStringMethod() in cpp file in the following way:
jstring Java_ashok_learning_ndk_SampleNDKActivity_jniStringMethod(JNIEnv *env,
jobject obj) {
jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF("This comes from jni string .");
//jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
jclass clazz = env->FindClass("ashok/learning/ndk/SampleNDKActivity");
if (0 == clazz) {
LOG("clazz class not found!");
jmethodID messageMe = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "stringMethod", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
if (0 == messageMe) {
LOG("messageMe method not found!");
jobject result = env->CallObjectMethod(obj, messageMe, jstr);
LOG("result: %d", result);
const char* str = env->GetStringUTFChars((jstring)result, NULL); // should be released but what a heck, it's a tutorial :)
printf("%s\n", str);
return env->NewStringUTF(str);
But it is not getting called..and i am getting log as "messageMe method not found!",means method is not matching with signature...any one can suggest about my mistakes?
Your signture is OK. Are you sure your code is not executed properly even though messageMe is NULL? It has happend to me that my code was running fine despite jmethodID being NULL.
