How to import a JSON object from an AWS Lambda Layer? - node.js

This may seem simple but I have had a hard time trying to figure it out. I could not seem to find the solution on the web too.
// City = ...
// ...
module.exports = {City, Country, Coupon, Player, Pollfish, Tree};
After zipping nodejs, I uploaded the zip file as an AWS Layer and added the layer to my Lambda function.
When I tried to retrieve the objects in my Lambda function:
import { createRequire } from 'module';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const {Player} = require('./models.js');
It resulted in an error:
2023-01-06T09:19:49.469Z undefined ERROR Uncaught Exception {"errorType":"Runtime.ImportModuleError","errorMessage":"Error: Cannot find module 'models.js'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/index.mjs","stack":["Runtime.ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module 'models.js'","Require stack:","- /var/task/index.mjs"," at _loadUserApp (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1000:17)"," at async UserFunction.js.module.exports.load (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1035:21)"," at async start (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1200:23)"," at async file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1206:1"]}
So what should be the proper way to do it?

I got it! It should be:
const {Player} = require('/opt/nodejs/models.js');


Error in loading the model.json in web application

I am trying to load the model.json file (converted from python) and it is having the bin files as well. I have imported tfjs-node and tfjs but still getting the error as \atrbtsjsonmodel.json does not exist: loading failed.
Can someone help?
This is the code I have written -
const tf = require ('#tensorflow/tfjs')
const tfn = require ('#tensorflow/tfjs-node')
async function loadModel(){
const handler ='atrbts\json\model.json');
const model = await tf.loadLayersModel(handler);
console.log("Model loaded")

Why isn't my Node package being imported?

I'm learning Node.js and am using a Node-based Azure Function.
I'm trying to bring in Chalk, to log coloured messages to the console.
However, all of the below fail (in my main index.js file).
module.exports = async (ctx, req) => {
const chalk = require('chalk');
return console.log('Hello world!'));
Despite being the approach recommended in this answer, this results in a console error that says:
Exception: require() of ES Module C:...\node_modules\chalk\source\index.js from C:...\index.js not supported.
Instead change the require of C:...\chalk\source\index.js in C:...\index.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
If I do as the error suggests, and use
const chalk = async import('chalk')
...I then get
Exception: is not a function
...even though console.log(chalk) does seem to show the Chalk API and its various properties.
The Chalk docs themselves recommend this:
module.exports = async (ctx, req) => {
import chalk from 'chalk'
return console.log('Hello world!'));
That yields an error saying I can't use import outside of a module (but surely I'm in one?)
Same as three ^^ but moving the import outside module.exports:
import chalk from 'chalk'
module.exports = async (ctx, req) => {
return console.log('Hello world!'));
...yields the same error.
I'm sure this is a basic error but I can't find what I'm doing wrong so I'd be so grateful if someone could help. Thank you!
When you import something using import as a function(lazy import), It'll return an object with a default property and all exported properties. That you should use to access the module.
const module = async import('chalk')
const chalk = module.default
console.log('Hello world!'))

Using serverless deployment to lambda with ES6 /Node.js v16

Newbie question....
I have a locally working node.js application which I am now trying to deploy express to AWS lambda. I have used this guide to deploy a test version (which worked).
I now am trying to implement my application which uses ES6 (and has type: module in package.json).
In my application I have added
import serverless from 'serverless-http'
but I cannot figure out the appropriate syntax for the export - the original was...
module.exports.handler = serverless(app);
I have tried:
const handler = async (app) =\> {
return serverless(app)
export default handler
Error message received:
2022-11-05T15:50:25.962Z undefined ERROR Uncaught Exception
"errorType": "Runtime.HandlerNotFound",
"errorMessage": "app.handler is undefined or not exported",
"stack": [
"Runtime.HandlerNotFound: app.handler is undefined or not exported",
" at Object.UserFunction.js.module.exports.load (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:979:15)",
" at async start (file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1137:23)",
" at async file:///var/runtime/index.mjs:1143:1"
I strongly suspect I am missing some fundamental understanding - truly appreciate some guidance.
The reason for the error is that you are sending a default export when AWS Lambda is expecting a named export.
The issue is the same as with all ES6 imports/exports:
// export.js
export default const defaultExport = "foo"
export const namedExport = "bar"
// import.js
import { defaultExport } from "./export.js" // error, cannot find defaultExport
import { namedExport } from "./export.js" // success, found namedExport
import defaultExport from "./export.js" // success, found defaultExport
So, it's like the case above where you're sending the defaultExport, but AWS Lambda wants the { namedExport }. You just need to remove default from your export, and make sure you're building the handler properly. Here is a suggestion to do that:
const lambda = serverless(app)
export async function handler(event, context) {
return lambda(event, context)
I've tested and it's working with serverless-offline using Node18.x. You can read more about exports on MDN.

How to use custom modules in Twilio Functions?

I was looking for a way to simplify and extract some of the code into a custom common.js module to make my Twilio function more readable.
I was expecting the serverless api to take the custom js file automatically and let me require it where I wanted it, but after deploying, it cant be found.
Is there a proper way if any, to do something like:
const utils = require('./libs/utils.js');
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
Trying this brings me to:
{"Message":"Cannot find module './libs/utils.js'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/handlers/ZN5be18c53f5acf0299a224607fdeccedb.js\n- /var/task/node_modules/runtime-handler/index.js\n- /var/task/runtime-handler.js\n- /var/runtime/UserFunction.js\n- /var/runtime/index.js","name":"Error","stack":"Error: Cannot find module './libs/utils.js'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/handlers/ZN5be18c53f5acf0299a224607fdeccedb.js\n- /var/task/node_modules/runtime-handler/index.js\n- /var/task/runtime-handler.js\n- /...
Swimming deep in Twilio's doc swamp, I noticed there is a hint on how to do this.
Basically you MUST
Add the .js file as an PRIVATE ASSET <- IMPORTANT! *unprotected wont work!
i.e. if your file name is utils.js, rename it to utils.private.js
Get the path of that asset in the following way:
// notice you don't need to write .private.
const path = Runtime.getAssets()['/utils.js'].path;
Require the path inside the handler:
exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) {
const path = Runtime.getAssets()['/utils.js'].path;
const utils = require(path);

Unable to create a Pool instance with constructor in jest test

When I run a jest test, creating a Pool instance when I require the pool, it returns a _pg.Pool is not a constructor error.
I have tried looking at the StackOverflow: pg.Pool is not a constructor
And this still does not work.
However, I am able to create a pool instance when I run the code, the error only shows up in Jest.
Node code:
import { Pool } from 'pg'
const pool = new Pool({configs})
export default pool
Error log:
● Test suite failed to run
TypeError: _pg.Pool is not a constructor
> 6 | const pool = new Pool({
at Object.<anonymous> (src/resources/connection.js:6:14)
at Object.require (src/routes/api.js:2:20)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/__tests__/integration/user.test.js:8:1)
sidenote: the code is a copy of the documentation in
I don't expect an error to occur, since pg.Pool is a class with a constructor.
In case anyone comes across the same problem, I solved it by installing pg-pool, which has been merged into main pg package, and then importing pg-pool's Pool instead of pg's.
I wanted to add an alternate answer because for me the issue was very subtle and simple to fix.
I have a wrapper module that leverages pg and which historically has imported it via:
import * as postgresql from 'pg';
I've always used this.pool = new postgresql.Pool( { ...bits } );
This of course led to the following error today when updating my module to be pure ESM:
TypeError: postgresql.Pool is not a constructor
at new PostgreSQLDriver (file:///home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/dist/src/postgresql-database-driver.mjs:35:278)
at file:///home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/dist/test/postgresql-database-driver.mjs:23:559
at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:193:25)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:528:24)
at async importModuleDynamicallyWrapper (node:internal/vm/module:438:15)
at async formattedImport (/home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/nodejs/esm-utils.js:7:14)
at async exports.loadFilesAsync (/home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/nodejs/esm-utils.js:91:20)
at async singleRun (/home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/cli/run-helpers.js:125:3)
at async exports.handler (/home/rik/workspaces/kwaeri/node-kit/postgresql-database-driver/node_modules/mocha/lib/cli/run.js:370:5)
I tried using named exports as the documentation seems to suggest in the Check, use, return section, but that got me:
cov_1u3o9s5ali=function(){return actualCoverage;};}return actualCoverage;}cov_1u3o9s5ali();import{Pool}from'pg';import{DatabaseDriver}from'#kwaeri/database-driver';// You'll need this line and the method definitions below
SyntaxError: Named export 'Pool' not found. The requested module 'pg' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports.
CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:
import pkg from 'pg';
const {return actualCoverage;};}return actualCoverage;}cov_1u3o9s5ali();import{Pool}from'pg';import{DatabaseDriver} = pkg;
... As I had actually expected it would.
Anyways, the fix is hinted to by typescript in the syntax error above - doh:
import Postgres from `pg`;
// ...
this.pool = new Postgres.Pool( { ...bits } );
That resolves the issue.
