TLDR: Is there a Haskell library that offers function definitions (preferably with concise notation or naming) for handling common patterns of multi-argument function composition such as those in APL?
Full Question:
I'm new to Haskell and I have recently found myself asking the types of composition questions that other new Haskell users have asked such as how to compose a unary function with a binary function or how to compose two binary functions in a specific way. The point-free solutions to both of these are fairly unintuitive (either (.)(.)(.) or LiftM2 (.)) despite the goal of the function composition pattern being fairly clear (and probably quite common).
I have spent a little time with the APL language and really loved how simple and powerful the function composition model is. For example, here is a diagram of many composition patterns that can be accomplished in extremely terse notation that is actually fairly readable after one spends some time in the language.
Any of these APL patterns could be accomplished in Haskell by writing a simple lambda expression. For example, I have the following line in one of my Haskell files
(...) = (.)(.)(.)
which alternatively (and probably more clearly) could have been written
(...) = \f g x y = f (g x y)
or with a clearer name as
_1_atop_2 = \f g x y = f (g x y)
so that I can easily compose a unary function with a binary function in point-free style in the main portions of my code. For example, to define a distance function between real values, I just compose absolute value with subtraction:
dist = abs ... (-)
dist = _1_atop_2 abs (-)
(In this case, the more explicit style of dist x y = abs $ x - y is arguably clearer, but in more elaborate cases the point free is nicer.)
My question is this: Is there any Haskell library that offers definitions of these composition patterns? I can obviously just create my own module with the trivial lambda definitions for these patterns, but I am wondering if there is some standard notation/naming convention for doing this.
As far as I know, there isn't a single Haskell library that provides them all. While some are built-in, you'd have to collect the rest from various libraries. Here's table 19 (Combinators in Haskell) from Conor Hoekstra's Combinatory Logic and Combinators in Array
(<*>) / ap
Say I have a general recursive definition in haskell like this:
foo a0 a1 ... = base_case
foo b0 b1 ...
| cond1 = recursive_case_1
| cond2 = recursive_case_2
Can it always rewritten using foldr? Can it be proved?
If we interpret your question literally, we can write const value foldr to achieve any value, as #DanielWagner pointed out in a comment.
A more interesting question is whether we can instead forbid general recursion from Haskell, and "recurse" only through the eliminators/catamorphisms associated to each user-defined data type, which are the natural generalization of foldr to inductively defined data types. This is, essentially, (higher-order) primitive recursion.
When this restriction is performed, we can only compose terminating functions (the eliminators) together. This means that we can no longer define non terminating functions.
As a first example, we lose the trivial recursion
f x = f x
-- or even
a = a
since, as said, the language becomes total.
More interestingly, the general fixed point operator is lost.
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
A more intriguing question is: what about the total functions we can express in Haskell? We do lose all the non-total functions, but do we lose any of the total ones?
Computability theory states that, since the language becomes total (no more non termination), we lose expressiveness even on the total fragment.
The proof is a standard diagonalization argument. Fix any enumeration of programs in the total fragment so that we can speak of "the i-th program".
Then, let eval i x be the result of running the i-th program on the natural x as input (for simplicity, assume this is well typed, and that the result is a natural). Note that, since the language is total, then a result must exist. Moreover, eval can be implemented in the unrestricted Haskell language, since we can write an interpreter of Haskell in Haskell (left as an exercise :-P), and that would work as fine for the fragment. Then, we simply take
f n = succ $ eval n n
The above is a total function (a composition of total functions) which can be expressed in Haskell, but not in the fragment. Indeed, otherwise there would be a program to compute it, say the i-th program. In such case we would have
eval i x = f x
for all x. But then,
eval i i = f i = succ $ eval i i
which is impossible -- contradiction. QED.
In type theory, it is indeed the case that you can elaborate all definitions by dependent pattern-matching into ones only using eliminators (a more strongly-typed version of folds, the generalisation of lists' foldr).
See e.g. Eliminating Dependent Pattern Matching (pdf)
I've been reading up on various type systems and lambda calculi, and i see that all of the typed lambda calculi in the lambda cube are strongly normalizing rather than Turing equivalent. This includes System F, the simply typed lambda calculus plus polymorphism.
This leads me to the following questions, for which I've been unable to find any comprehensible answer:
How does the formalism of (e.g.) Haskell differ from the calculus on which it is ostensibly based?
What language features in Haskell don't fall within System F formalism?
What's the minimum change necessary to allow Turing complete computation?
Thank you so much to whomever helps me understand this.
In a word, general recursion.
Haskell allows for arbitrary recursion while System F has no form of recursion. The lack of infinite types means fix isn't expressible as a closed term.
There is no primitive notion of names and recursion. In fact, pure System F has no notion of any such thing as definitions!
So in Haskell this single definition is what adds turing completeness
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
Really this function is indicative of a more general idea, by having fully recursive bindings, we get turing completeness. Notice that this applies to types, not just values.
data Rec a = Rec {unrec :: Rec a -> a}
y :: (a -> a) -> a
y f = u (Rec u)
where u x = f $ unrec x x
With infinite types we can write the Y combinator (modulo some unfolding) and through it general recursion!
In pure System F, we often have some informal notion of definitions, but these are simply shorthands that are to be mentally inlined fully. This isn't possible in Haskell as this would create infinite terms.
The kernel of Haskell terms without any notion of let, where or = is strongly normalizing, since we don't have infinite types. Even this core term calculus isn't really System F. System F has "big lambdas" or type abstraction. The full term for id in System F is
id := /\ A -> \(x : A) -> x
This is because type inference for System F is undecidable! We explicitly notate wherever and whenever we expect polymorphism. In Haskell such a property would be annoying, so we limit the power of Haskell. In particular, we never infer a polymorphic type for a Haskell lambda argument without annotation (terms and conditions may apply). This is why in ML and Haskell
let x = exp in foo
isn't the same as
(\x -> foo) exp
even when exp isn't recursive! This is the crux of HM type inference and algorithm W, called "let generalization".
I looked at the module of GHC.Prim and found that it seems that all datas in GHC.Prim are defined as data Float# without something like =A|B, and all functions in GHC.Prim is defined as gtFloat# = let x = x in x.
My question is whether these definations make sense and what they mean.
I checked the header of GHC.Prim like below
This is a generated file (generated by genprimopcode).
It is not code to actually be used. Its only purpose is to be
consumed by haddock.
I guess it may have some relations with the questions and who could please explain that to me.
It's magic :)
These are the "primitive operators and operations". They are hardwired into the compiler, hence there are no data constructors for primitives and all functions are bottom since they are necessarily not expressable in pure haskell.
(Bottom represents a "hole" in a haskell program, an infinite loop or undefined are examples of bottom)
To put it another way
These data declarations/functions are to provide access to the raw compiler internals. GHC.Prim exists to export these primitives, it doesn't actually implement them or anything (eg its code isn't actually useful). All of that is done in the compiler.
It's meant for code that needs to be extremely optimized. If you think you might need it, some useful reading about the primitives in GHC
A brief expansion of jozefg's answer ...
Primops are precisely those operations that are supplied by the runtime because they can't be defined within the language (or shouldn't be, for reasons of efficiency, say). The true purpose of GHC.Prim is not to define anything, but merely to export some operations so that Haddock can document their existence.
The construction let x = x in x is used at this point in GHC's codebase because the value undefined has not yet been, um, "defined". (That waits until the Prelude.) But notice that the circular let construction, just like undefined, is both syntactically correct and can have any type. That is, it's an infinite loop with the semantics of ⊥, just as undefined is.
... and an aside
Also note that in general the Haskell expression let x = z in y means "change the variable x to the expression z wherever x occurs in the expression y". If you're familiar with the lambda calculus, you should recognize this as the reduction rule for the application of the lambda abstraction \x -> y to the term z. So is the Haskell expression let x = x in x nothing more than some syntax on top of the pure lambda calculus? Let's take a look.
First, we need to account for the recursiveness of Haskell's let expressions. The lambda calculus does not admit recursive definitions, but given a primitive fixed-point operator fix,1 we can encode recursiveness explicitly. For example, the Haskell expression let x = x in x has the same meaning as (fix \r x -> r x) z.2 (I've renamed the x on the right side of the application to z to emphasize that it has no implicit relation to the x inside the lambda).
Applying the usual definition of a fixed-point operator, fix f = f (fix f), our translation of let x = x in x reduces (or rather doesn't) like this:
(fix \r x -> r x) z ==>
(\s y -> s y) (fix \r x -> r x) z ==>
(\y -> (fix \r x -> r x) y) z ==>
(fix \r x -> r x) z ==> ...
So at this point in the development of the language, we've introduced the semantics of ⊥ from the foundation of the (typed) lambda calculus with a built-in fixed-point operator. Lovely!
We need a primitive fixed-point operation (that is, one that is built into the language) because it's impossible to define a fixed-point combinator in the simply typed lambda calculus and its close cousins. (The definition of fix in Haskell's Prelude doesn't contradict this—it's defined recursively, but we need a fixed-point operator to implement recursion.)
If you haven't seen this before, you should read up on fixed-point recursion in the lambda calculus. A text on the lambda calculus is best (there are some free ones online), but some Googling should get you going. The basic idea is that we can convert a recursive definition into a non-recursive one by abstracting over the recursive call, then use a fixed-point combinator to pass our function (lambda abstraction) to itself. The base-case of a well-defined recursive definition corresponds to a fixed point of our function, so the function executes, calling itself over and over again until it hits a fixed point, at which point the function returns its result. Pretty damn neat, huh?
There are tons of tutorials on how to curry functions, and as many questions here at stackoverflow. However, after reading The Little Schemer, several books, tutorials, blog posts, and stackoverflow threads I still don't know the answer to the simple question: "What's the point of currying?" I do understand how to curry a function, just not the "why?" behind it.
Could someone please explain to me the practical uses of curried functions (outside of languages that only allow one argument per function, where the necessity of using currying is of course quite evident.)
edit: Taking into account some examples from TLS, what's the benefit of
(define (action kind)
(lambda (a b)
(kind a b)))
as opposed to
(define (action kind a b)
(kind a b))
I can only see more code and no added flexibility...
One effective use of curried functions is decreasing of amount of code.
Consider three functions, two of which are almost identical:
(define (add a b)
(action + a b))
(define (mul a b)
(action * a b))
(define (action kind a b)
(kind a b))
If your code invokes add, it in turn calls action with kind +. The same with mul.
You defined these functions like you would do in many imperative popular languages available (some of them have been including lambdas, currying and other features usually found in functional world, because all of it is terribly handy).
All add and sum do, is wrapping the call to action with the appropriate kind. Now, consider curried definitions of these functions:
(define add-curried
((curry action) +))
(define mul-curried
((curry action) *))
They've become considerable shorter. We just curried the function action by passing it only one argument, the kind, and got the curried function which accepts the rest two arguments.
This approach allows you to write less code, with high level of maintainability.
Just imagine that function action would immediately be rewritten to accept 3 more arguments. Without currying you would have to rewrite your implementations of add and mul:
(define (action kind a b c d e)
(kind a b c d e))
(define (add a b c d e)
(action + a b c d e))
(define (mul a b c d e)
(action * a b c d e))
But currying saved you from that nasty and error-prone work; you don't have to rewrite even a symbol in the functions add-curried and mul-curried at all, because the calling function would provide the necessary amount of arguments passed to action.
They can make code easier to read. Consider the following two Haskell snippets:
lengths :: [[a]] -> [Int]
lengths xs = map length xs
lengths' :: [[a]] -> [Int]
lengths' = map length
Why give a name to a variable you're not going to use?
Curried functions also help in situations like this:
doubleAndSum ys = map (\xs -> sum (map (*2) xs) ys
doubleAndSum' = map (sum . map (*2))
Removing those extra variables makes the code easier to read and there's no need for you to mentally keep clear what xs is and what ys is.
You can see currying as a specialization. Pick some defaults and leave the user (maybe yourself) with a specialized, more expressive, function.
I think that currying is a traditional way to handle general n-ary functions provided that the only ones you can define are unary.
For example, in lambda calculus (from which functional programming languages stem), there are only one-variable abstractions (which translates to unary functions in FPLs). Regarding lambda calculus, I think it's easier to prove things about such a formalism since you don't actually need to handle the case of n-ary functions (since you can represent any n-ary function with a number of unary ones through currying).
(Others have already covered some of the practical implications of this decision so I'll stop here.)
Using all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool with a curried predicate.
all (`elem` [1,2,3]) [0,3,4,5]
Haskell infix operators can be curried on either side, so you can easily curry the needle or the container side of the elem function (is-element-of).
We cannot directly compose functions that takes multiple parameters. Since function composition is one of the key concept in functional programming. By using Currying technique we can compose functions that takes multiple parameters.
I would like to add example to #Francesco answer.
So you don't have to increase boilerplate with a little lambda.
It is very easy to create closures. From time to time i use SRFI-26. It is really cute.
In and of itself currying is syntactic sugar. Syntactic sugar is all about what you want to make easy. C for example wants to make instructions that are "cheap" in assembly language like incrementing, easy and so they have syntactic sugar for incrementation, the ++ notation.
t = x + y
x = x + 1
is replaced by t = x++ + y
Functional languages could just as easily have stuff like.
f(x,y,z) = abc
g(r,s)(z) = f(r,s,z).
h(r)(s)(z) = f(r,s,z)
but instead its all automatic. And that allows for a g bound by a particular r0, s0 (i.e. specific values) to be passed as a one variable function.
Take for example perl's sort function which takes
sort sub list
where sub is a function of two variables that evaluates to a boolean and
list is an arbitrary list.
You would naturally want to use comparison operators (<=>) in Perl and have
sortordinal = sort (<=>)
where sortordinal works on lists. To do this you would sort to be a curried function.
And in fact
sort of a list is defined in precisely this way in Perl.
In short: currying is sugar to make first class functions more natural.
In F#, use of the the pipe-forward operator, |>, is pretty common. However, in Haskell I've only ever seen function composition, (.), being used. I understand that they are related, but is there a language reason that pipe-forward isn't used in Haskell or is it something else?
In F# (|>) is important because of the left-to-right typechecking. For example: (fun x -> x.Value) xs
generally won't typecheck, because even if the type of xs is known, the type of the argument x to the lambda isn't known at the time the typechecker sees it, so it doesn't know how to resolve x.Value.
In contrast
xs |> (fun x -> x.Value)
will work fine, because the type of xs will lead to the type of x being known.
The left-to-right typechecking is required because of the name resolution involved in constructs like x.Value. Simon Peyton Jones has written a proposal for adding a similar kind of name resolution to Haskell, but he suggests using local constraints to track whether a type supports a particular operation or not, instead. So in the first sample the requirement that x needs a Value property would be carried forward until xs was seen and this requirement could be resolved. This does complicate the type system, though.
I am being a little speculative...
Culture: I think |> is an important operator in the F# "culture", and perhaps similarly with . for Haskell. F# has a function composition operator << but I think the F# community tends to use points-free style less than the Haskell community.
Language differences: I don't know enough about both languages to compare, but perhaps the rules for generalizing let-bindings are sufficiently different as to affect this. For example, I know in F# sometimes writing
let f = exp
will not compile, and you need explicit eta-conversion:
let f x = (exp) x // or x |> exp
to make it compile. This also steers people away from points-free/compositional style, and towards the pipelining style. Also, F# type inference sometimes demands pipelining, so that a known type appears on the left (see here).
(Personally, I find points-free style unreadable, but I suppose every new/different thing seems unreadable until you become accustomed to it.)
I think both are potentially viable in either language, and history/culture/accident may define why each community settled at a different "attractor".
More speculation, this time from the predominantly Haskell side...
($) is the flip of (|>), and its use is quite common when you can't write point-free code. So the main reason that (|>) not used in Haskell is that its place is already taken by ($).
Also, speaking from a bit of F# experience, I think (|>) is so popular in F# code because it resembles the Subject.Verb(Object) structure of OO. Since F# is aiming for a smooth functional/OO integration, Subject |> Verb Object is a pretty smooth transition for new functional programmers.
Personally, I like thinking left-to-right too, so I use (|>) in Haskell, but I don't think many other people do.
I think we're confusing things. Haskell's (.) is equivalent to F#'s (>>). Not to be confused with F#'s (|>) which is just inverted function application and is like Haskell's ($) - reversed:
let (>>) f g x = g (f x)
let (|>) x f = f x
I believe Haskell programmers do use $ often. Perhaps not as often as F# programmers tend to use |>. On the other hand, some F# guys use >> to a ridiculous degree:
If you want to use F#'s |> in Haskell then in Data.Function is the & operator (since base
I have seen >>> being used for flip (.), and I often use that myself, especially for long chains that are best understood left-to-right.
>>> is actually from Control.Arrow, and works on more than just functions.
Left-to-right composition in Haskell
Some people use left-to-right (message-passing) style in Haskell too. See, for example, mps library on Hackage. An example:
euler_1 = ( [3,6..999] ++ [5,10..999] ).unique.sum
I think this style looks nice in some situations, but it's harder to read (one needs to know the library and all its operators, the redefined (.) is disturbing too).
There are also left-to-right as well as right-to-left composition operators in Control.Category, part of the base package. Compare >>> and <<< respectively:
ghci> :m + Control.Category
ghci> let f = (+2) ; g = (*3) in map ($1) [f >>> g, f <<< g]
There is a good reason to prefer left-to-right composition sometimes: evaluation order follows reading order.
I think
F#'s pipe forward operator (|>) should vs (&) in haskell.
// pipe operator example in haskell
factorial :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> a
factorial x =
case x of
1 -> 1
_ -> x * factorial (x-1)
// terminal
ghic >> 5 & factorial & show
If you dont like (&) operator, you can custom it like F# or Elixir :
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x
infixl 1 |>
ghci>> 5 |> factorial |> show
Why infixl 1 |>? See the doc in Data-Function (&)
infixl = infix + left associativity
infixr = infix + right associativity
(.) means function composition. It means (f.g)(x) = f(g(x)) in Math.
foo = negate . (*3)
// ouput -3
ghci>> foo 1
// ouput -15
ghci>> foo 5
it equals
// (1)
foo x = negate (x * 3)
// (2)
foo x = negate $ x * 3
($) operator is also defind in Data-Function ($).
(.) is used for create Hight Order Function or closure in js. See example:
// (1) use lamda expression to create a Hight Order Function
ghci> map (\x -> negate (abs x)) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
// (2) use . operator to create a Hight Order Function
ghci> map (negate . abs) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
Wow, Less (code) is better.
Compare |> and .
ghci> 5 |> factorial |> show
// equals
ghci> (show . factorial) 5
// equals
ghci> show . factorial $ 5
It is the different between left —> right and right —> left. ⊙﹏⊙|||
|> and & is better than .
ghci> sum (replicate 5 (max 6.7 8.9))
// equals
ghci> 8.9 & max 6.7 & replicate 5 & sum
// equals
ghci> 8.9 |> max 6.7 |> replicate 5 |> sum
// equals
ghci> (sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9
// equals
ghci> sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7 $ 8.9
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Aside from style and culture, this boils down to optimizing the language design for either pure or impure code.
The |> operator is common in F# largely because it helps to hide two limitations that appear with predominantly-impure code:
Left-to-right type inference without structural subtypes.
The value restriction.
Note that the former limitation does not exist in OCaml because subtyping is structural instead of nominal, so the structural type is easily refined via unification as type inference progresses.
Haskell takes a different trade-off, choosing to focus on predominantly-pure code where these limitations can be lifted.
This is my first day to try Haskell (after Rust and F#), and I was able to define F#'s |> operator:
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x
infixl 0 |>
and it seems to work:
factorial x =
case x of
1 -> 1
_ -> x * factorial (x-1)
main =
5 |> factorial |> print
I bet a Haskell expert can give you an even better solution.