How to disable cron service delay on startup - linux

I'm trying to add the execution of a shell script on server startup. I do it using cron, so I configured it with 'crontab -e' command. It looks so:
#reboot /home/user/
Then I enabled service with
sudo systemctl enable cron.service
But when I reboot my server, jobs are not started. I check service status with:
sudo systemctl status cron.service
screenshot with an example
And there is a message that it's 2h 55min left to start executing all jobs. So, as I understood service is running but with 3 hours delay. It's happening after every server startup.
Using sudo systemctl restart cron.service command helps to make service working, but the server skips #reboot jobs because "it's not system startup".


How to run node js even on server restart

I built a Nodejs project and now it runs smoothly.
I use forever service for running file in background but if server get restarted
the daemon won't be started automatically and should be started manually.
I want to run the daemon even the server get rebooted
You could add the forever command in .bash_profile so that every time the server restart, your command will simply be also executed.
nano ~/.bash_profile
forever start app.js # add this command to the file, or whatever command you are using.
source ~/.bash_profile # very important, else changes will not take effect
Next time, on your server restart, your command will also run, hence creating a daemon of your node script.
Note: This is maybe not the best solution, but the one I have got.
As #dlmeetei, suggested, you can also start your nodejs app like a service so that we can use the features given by a linux service.
First create a file in /etc/systemd/system, like:
touch /etc/systemd/system/[your-app-name].service
nano /etc/systemd/system/[your-app-name].service
Then, add and edit the following script according to your relevance.
Description=Node.js Example Server
#Requires=After=mysql.service # Requires the mysql service to run first
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node /opt/nodeserver/server.js
# Required on some systems
# WorkingDirectory=/opt/nodeserver
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
# Output to syslog
#User=<alternate user>
#Group=<alternate group>
Environment=NODE_ENV=production PORT=1337
Enable the service, it will marks the service for starting up on boot.
systemctl enable [your-app-name].service
Manage the service
systemctl start [your-app-name].service
systemctl stop [your-app-name].service
systemctl status [your-app-name].service # ensure your app is running
systemctl restart [your-app-name].service
Thanks #dlmeetei for sharing the link.

ExecStopPost is not getting executed if Service is not running in Systemctl

The issue is that my service is not running and i tried to execute the stop service command. So as the service is not running if i try to stop the service by using systemctl stop $servicename.service the ExecStop command will not get executed and thus my ExecStopPost is also not getting executed.But i want that ExecStopPost command to be executed even though my service is not running and i try to execute the stop service command.
If the service is not running the command given to ExecStopPost will not execute.

How do I start a service on boot in debian?

So I created a service and made it executale in /etc/init.d
Then I tried to make it start after boot with the following command:
update-rc.d <myService> defaults
But the output were warnings of other services (which work just fine by the way) and I don't want to touch those.
My next attempt to solve this was to add the following lines in the rc.local file:
do_start() {
service <someOtherService> stop
service <myService> stop
sleep 5
service <someOtherService> start
service <myService> stop
As I said, I have some other service that works just fine, but my service which I am currently trying to add wont start after boot.
One more thing that I would like to add is when I manually enter:
service <myService> start/stop
then it works just fine
To add a service at boot, you can add an Upstart job.
Create your conf file in /etc/init (e.g. /etc/init/myjob.conf)
with a content like this (Example)
description "My job"
start on startup
exec /path/to/
More informations here (Debian doc)
Info: you need the upstart package.
The following works very well for me.
First determine if your system is running SysV init or systemd, for that use:
$ ps -p 1
If SysV init:
$ sudo update-rc.d <service_name> defaults 95 10
If systemd:
$ sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo /bin/systemctl enable <service_name>.service
I successfully used the last one on a ParrotSecurity OS that is based on Debian 5.

Alternative for #reboot cron job, start job when cron daemon starts

I have a script which is specified to start on boot-up with the #reboot annotation.
I tried to restart the script by stopping the cron daemon and starting it by entering service crond stop and service crond start, respectively.
However, I noticed that the script doesn't restart at the restarting of the cron daemon, but only when the entire system is rebooted.
My question is, since the cron daemon starts when the system is booted, is there a way start jobs not on reboot but specifically when the cron daemon starts so that service crond stop and service crond start work as expected?
Unfortunately, there is no way to do so,
Cron daemon just ignores #reboot directive
(CRON) INFO (Skipping #reboot jobs -- not system startup)
However, if you're trying to start some script at boot time and have ability to restart it without rebooting the machine, you might want to consider creating either init script or, if you're using systemd, systemd service description.(same with upstart and other init replacements)

How do I get my Golang web server to run in the background?

I have recently completed the Wiki web development tutorial ( I had tons of fun and I would like to experiment more with the net/http package.
However, I noticed that when I run the wiki from a console, the wiki takes over the console. If I close the console terminal or stop the process with CTRL+Z then the server stops.
How can I get the server to run in the background? I think the term for that is running in a daemon.
I'm running this on Ubuntu 12.04. Thanks for any help.
Simple / Usable things first
If you want a start script without much effort (i.e. dealing with the process, just having it managed by the system), you could create a systemd service. See Greg's answer for a detailled description on how to do that.
Afterwards you can start the service with
systemctl start myserver
Previously I would have recommended trying xinetd or something similar for finer granuarlity regarding resource and permission management but systemd already covers that.
Using the shell
You could start your process like this:
nohup ./myexecutable &
The & tells the shell to start the command in the background, keeping it in the job list.
On some shells, the job is killed if the parent shell exits using the HANGUP signal.
To prevent this, you can launch your command using the nohup command, which discards the HANGUP signal.
However, this does not work, if the called process reconnects the HANGUP signal.
To be really sure, you need to remove the process from the shell's joblist.
For two well known shells this can be achieved as follows:
./myexecutable &
disown <pid>
./myexecutable &!
Killing your background job
Normally, the shell prints the PID of the process, which then can be killed using the kill command, to stop the server. If your shell does not print the PID, you can get it using
echo $!
directly after execution. This prints the PID of the forked process.
You could use Supervisord to manage your process.
Ubuntu? Use upstart.
Create a file in /etc/init for your job, named your-service-name.conf
start on net-device-up
exec /path/to/file --option
You can use start your-service-name, as well as: stop, restart, status
This will configure your service using systemd, not a comprehensive tutorial but rather a quick jump-start of how this can be set up.
Content of your app.service file
Description=deploy-webhook service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/go webhook.go
Starting the Service
sudo systemctl start deploy-webhook.service
Service Status
sudo systemctl status deploy-webhook.service
journalctl -u deploy-webhook -e
After you press ctrl+z (putting the current task to sleep) you can run the command bg in the terminal (stands for background) to let the latest task continue running in the background.
When you need to, run fg to get back to the task.
To get the same result, you can add to your command & at the end to start it in the background.
To add to Greg's answer:
To run the Go App as a service you need to create a new service unit file.
However, the App needs to know where Go is installed. The easiest way to lookup that location is by running this command:
which go
which gives you an output like this:
With this piece of information, you can create the systemd service file. Create a file named providus-app.service in the /etc/systemd/system/ using the command below:
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Next open the newly created file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Paste the following configuration into your service file:
Description=Providus App Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/go/bin/go run main.go
When you are finished, save and close the file.
Next, reload the systemd daemon so that it knows about our service file:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the Providus App service by typing:
sudo systemctl restart providus-app
Double-check that it started without errors by typing:
sudo systemctl status providus-app
And then enable the Providus App service file so that Providus App automatically starts at boot, that is, it can start on its own whenever the server restarts:
sudo systemctl enable providus-app
This creates a symlink in /etc/systemd/system/ for the /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service file that you created.
To check logs:
sudo journalctl -u providus-app
