redirect URI in Azure web app authentication - azure

I have browsed various questions here on SO, but none seem to have helped.
So, I have the following setup on Azure. I had a simple flask app running, which I could access using
I was trying to look at the example here ( I can reproduce this example fine when I have the local server running and specifying the redirect uri as http://localhost:5000/getAToken.
Now, I want to use my deployed app, so I changed the redirect URI in the azure portal under authentication as
However, this always returns the redirect URI mismatch error.
On the flask side, I have kept the configuration as:
REDIRECT_PATH = "/getAToken"
Although I tried putting the full absolute URL as well and it did not work.

I have followed the same document which you have provided and able to access the Application even after deploying to Azure App Service.
In, change the authority_template to
authority_template = "https://{b2c_tenant}{b2c_tenant}{signupsignin_user_flow}"
Copy paste the tenant and user_flow value directly.
authority_template = "https://{tenant}{tenant}{user_flow}"
Local Output:
Deploy the Application to Azure App Service:
Create a new repository in GitHub and push the VSCode to it.
If you face any issues in pushing the code to Git.
Create a new repository, copy and clone the application which you have provided.
Your Repository:
And change the values in accordingly (from your local VSCode).
In Azure Portal => Create a new App Service with Run time Stack Python.
From Deployment center => Deploy the code using GitHub Actions.
Add the Redirect URI of the deployed Application in App registration.
Here my deployed app name is myadb2c.So, update the Redirect URI as below.
***Workflow in GitHub Repository: ***
Deployed Application Output:


AZURE WEB APP: Problem: fatal: Authentication failed for 'webapp url'

Good day I am new on web developing and want to ask on how to fix this error in the terminal of Azure webapp service, git push azure main this is the command I keep inserting inside the terminal but the response is always this Password for <webapp url> and I don't know what password I should enter
therefore I browse the internet and still stuck on this, the fixes I tried is removing some credentials on windows credential, changing the HTTPS to SSHS, configuring global password, and lastly installing the GCM from github thank you very much
In Azure Portal, first we need to create Azure App service with the required run time stack.
You will get this option, if we deploy our App using Local Git.
We need to provide Credentials while pushing the code from local GitHub.
You will get the Credentials from Azure Portal => App Service.
Navigate to Azure Portal => Your App Service (which you have created in first step) => Deployment Center => Local Git/ FTPS credentials.
We can use the existing Application scope Username and Password or can create new User scope and use them.

Deployed Azure WebApp gives 403

My issue:
When I try access the main URL for my web app, Azure replies with a '403 - You do not have permission to view this directory or page'.
I have deployed a Python webapp to Azure using the Pipeline/Release on DevOps (Azure Web App Deploy task seems to run successfully with the artifact generated by the Pipeline). I have previously deployed Python Function Apps successfully with a similar pipeline (different app type of course, and sku).
The Kudu SCM page works e.g.,:
All logs seem to indicate the webapp deployment was successful. If I use CMD or Powershell from the SCM, I can see my (for Flask) is in the correct location. The deployment has my requirements under the site packages installed including Flask.
The app runs quite successfully on my local machine via 'flask run', after I activate the virtual environment.
Yet when I try connect to, I get a 403 on the plain route. Anything after it like /test or /myapi returns a 404.
Something I do not see in any of the logs I can access via Kudu is mention of 'gunicorn', which I believe is what Azure uses by default. I just want to see some kind of log output somewhere to show that flask or gunicorn or something has successfully loaded and is listening for incoming connections.
Maybe you do not know why I would get 403's, but you might know where I should be seeing the aforementioned logs.
TIA for any suggestions.
Something to add is that if I enable logs, and connect to the logstream then I do see logs generated as I access Kudu. This suggests some Application & Web Server are running - at least for whatever container runs that side of things.
It even notes the failed connections from Postman for the actual, but has nothing other than a line indicating that there is a 403.
My app has been stripped down to the most bare with no includes other than Flask and routes which simply return a string. Most includes in requirements.txt have also been stripped out.
Still same issue.
I do have an answer after a couple of days worth of pulling my hair out.
Turns out that the 403's were not actually a permissions issue.
az webapp list-runtimes --os windows
The list shows no runtimes available for Python/Flask Web App. This is why I could not find any gunicorn or Flask logs - neither are set up. Azure deployed the artifact's zip and called it a day.
To rectify this, the DevOps Pipeline/Release must run on Linux. The Azure Web App Deploy task, when set to "Web App on Linux", will have Python runtime stacks available. Once selected, these will allow for a startup command to be specified. (Such as flask run --host= --port=8000)
Furthermore in azuredeploy.json the "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms" must have a "kind" specified to include "linux". It also requires:
"properties": {"reserved" : true}
Once deployed, logs indicate that docker is being set to an internal port of 8000 while the default 'flask run' which is executed would use 5000.
Ideally: use gunicorn with port mapping but, to get things going, tell flask to use port 8000.

Azure Devops Unable to Deploy the Azure Web App throws error

I am trying to deploy the Azure Web App in the Qa instance. I have created 3 different appsettings.json files with environment specific Client ID's in it
On the release pipeline for QA branch I am trying to use the test app service and set the settings like below
Release pipeline is all getting executed without any issues but when I try to access the application URL I get error like
Application ID is still pointing to the DEV one even though the appsettings.QA.json has different client ID of the Test App Registration where I set the reply URl and all correcctly.
I am not sure why my QA release pipeline is not using the ID's from the appsettings.QA.json. Can anyone please suggest me what is that I am missing here. Any help is greatly appreciated
Check how the application picks correct appsettings.json -file into use. As it picks Appsettings.Development.json in QA-environment, check how the environment is set in QA-environment App Service. Perhaps there is an environment-variable with the value "Development" in App Service configuration and that should be set to "QA"?

Error while creating bot

I am getting error while creating bot. I am trying to deploy a Web app bot. After specifying the name of resource group and their location I click on create. After which bot deployment process starts. But it ends up with an error:
MsaAppId: MsaAppId is already in use..
What can I do successfully deploy a basic bot. This is second time in a week, I am facing something like this on Azure.
Initially I was using Autocreate MsaAppId & Password option. That didn't work out (although that used to work)
Then I tried a couple of times with Create MsaAppId & Password option. Which takes to a different page to generate AppId & password, and I pasted the new keys in the provided fields.
Still the same result. MSA App Id already in use
Edit 2
As one of the answer mentioned, I tried creating a separate Bot Registration which I will link up with the Web app later.
But that fails with a weird message saying, App Insights is already deployed, and cannot deploy with same name, when in fact, I have not asked for any new App Insights instance to be deployed. Attaching a screenshot
it ends up with an error:
MsaAppId: MsaAppId is already in use..
I have same problem, when I create the web app bot (select Auto create App ID and password option), it failed at creating botServices resource.
Failed operation details:
I also tried to manually create app on and provide App ID and password for creating botService, but the deployment still failed.
As a workaround, I manually created Bot Channels Registration and specify corresponding web application URL as message endpoint, and then modify Application settings of that corresponding Azure web site with new App ID and password, which works for me.
I suspect something wrong with Azure while performing deployment and creating botServices, if possible, you can report it on Azure portal or create an issue on github.
I click Automation options and download the template after I enter the required information/fields for creating a new web app bot, and then I perform deployment by using powershell with downloaded template&parameter file, which work for me, you can try it.

What needs to be done when changing a Bluemix Node.js app name?

I changed the name of a Bluemix Node.js app, but there are some manual actions:
update of route/URL
new Devops repo
update of manifest.yml
Still the GIT URL points to the old URL, which doesn't exist anymore. Clicking on EDIT CODE leads to this error:
The project that you specified cannot be found.
The project cannot be found because it was moved, deleted, or does not
exist. Verify that the URL is typed correctly and is case sensitive.
If you were sent the URL, contact the sender to confirm that it is
To change the Git URL associated to your Bluemix application, you can do the following:
Go to your Jazzhub project and click on Build&Deploy. Then you have to configure the stages for build (if needed) and deploy. When configuring the Deploy stage you can specify which Cloud Foundry application is the target of that stage, select the Application name of the Bluemix application that you want to bind (the one with the new name in your case). Then the first time you run the Deploy stage it will bind the Jazzhub project to the (new) Bluemix application. I've just tried and it updated the GIT URL of the renamed application within the Bluemix Dashboard.
