Github Cli Command does not work with express js - node.js

In my backend express server , I am trying to execute a github cli command using execSync. But it hungs up there. The command is following:
execSsnc("gh auth login --web")
In the same machine, when I use terminal to execute the same command, it works fine. In fact, I have tried a executing this line of code in a simple nodejs project and this too works fine. But whenever I use this in my express server, it hungs up there. I have tried using spawn, exec, spawnSync too but no luck so far.
Also when I use execSync("gh auth status") this gives error saying there is no github hosts currently. But in the machine, when I run this command from the terminal, it says that I am already logged it using Personal Access Token. Thus I found that running the login command from the express server is the main issue. Is there any way out?

First, check if setting GH_DEBUG to 1 or api generates any verbose log which might shed some light to the issue.
const env = {
'env': {
'GH_DEBUG': 'api',
exec('gh auth login --web', env, function (error, stdout, stderr){
console.log(stdout, stderr, error);
Second, check with another exec who you are when executed from Express.js, and compare it to your command-line environment (where it does work)
Using gh auth login --token < aTokenFile (passing the token as stdin to your execSync call) might be a better alternative than --web.

Note that execSync create a new shell and executes gh command in this shell.
Depending on the OS, the shell used by execSync might be different than the shell used in your terminal (bash/sh) or miss some env variables that are available in your terminal. This might explain why "gh auth status" execution shows different results.
Try to verify if the environment variables is your Express app are different than environment variables in your terminal


Interract with a .exe program with js instead of typing in the program

Hello I'm tryna make a Skyrim server Dashboard.
The server look like this =>
On this server i can type some command like this =>
when I manualy wrote /help and it show the output.
I tried to run the executable in node js, the server is working, I can join it, And I can see the output on my VSCode Terminal
But I can't input some text or command
Hope you can help me thanks in advance.
##Its my first ask
Add shell: true to the spawn method so you can still pass commands to the process.
const child = require('child_process').spawn("C:/SkyrimTogetherServer.exe", {
shell: true

How to run an http executable/task in node.js

In my cucumber, node.js code, when I am spawning an executable, for a normal executable on the Windows environment, I can run this fine:
var spawnSync = require('child_process').execSync;
var result = spawnSync(somethingToRun, {
stdio: 'ignore',
timeout: 1100*1000
However, when somethingToRun is an http link such as:
I'm getting:
Error: Command failed:
Am I running this incorrectly? I have powershell scripts that run these links fine. Forgive if this is a duplicate, I couldn't find it. Thanks for redirecting, or helping out!
That powershell supports running programs from URLs is troubling. It opens one up to an attack that wouldn't so easily be possible.
But if you must you can implement by fetching the program from the URL with http(s?).get and then running it.
But beware. I did warn you. This is a bad design.

hosting a discord bot on cPanel

I have a problem that when I want to turn on my discord bot on my server that uses cPanel, I can't get it to work from the node.js control panel without putting the shell command node index.js into the package.json file and using the run script function of the panel. the problem with this is that the only way to stop the bot is to use the eval command on discord, since I don't have proper terminal access.
In addition to what #Verdigris answered above, you can use Glitch too, just make sure to use Runtime Bot so you can keep your Discord bot up 24/7.
Important: code to add on your main node.js file:
const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get("/", (request, response) => {
console.log( + "Ping Received");
setInterval(() => {
}, 280000);
And as always, cheers.
On cPanel you will never have full terminal access, so what I suggest you do is just keep the NPM start script, then create a command for the bot that issues the process.exit() function. This function essentially stops the entire NodeJS Process. If you are looking for an alternative that provides full terminal access I recommend buying a cheap VPS from a decent provider such as OVH.
If your cPanel account has a in-browser terminal, you can enter the virtual environment by pasting the command that appears at the top of the Node.js control panel into there. It is something like:
source ~/nodevenv/<name_of_node_application>/10/bin/activate && cd ~/<path_to_node_application>
You will then have access to node and npm, and can then start your discord bot like you normally would like:
node <name_of_node_application> &
and kill it by running kill -TERM with node's pid, from ps -ax.
However, you can't reliably use the Node.js panel to stop a daemon script, as described here:
cpanel node.js Can't acquire lock for app: app

Run Linux command from Angular 4 component

Requirement is to fetch the output of a shell script's after running it from the Angular 4 component at the beginning during compilation i.e. just before the website is launched. I have already gone through the threads in stackoverflow i.e. 49700941 and 41637166.
From the first thread i tried to use the below code, but getting error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'child_process' in 'app/component ...'
const exec = require('child_process').exec; // Can't resolve 'child_process' error coming from this line
exec('/home/myDir/', (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err){
remaining logics
Please let me know if I need to import some library explicitly or not to avoid this error.
The modern browsers opens the webpage in isolated sandbox so they have have no access to clients' computers.
Imagine the damage that could be done if a black hat could run batch script on computer that opens his webpage.
The only way to run the script is to run the desktop application on client's machine.
The example code you provided is Node.js code, the desktop framework that user have to install on his machine and run the code intentionally. There's (fortunately!) no way to run it remotely via webpage.

How do I successfully notify Airbrake of a deployment when using capistrano to deploy a Node.js project?

This is a bit of an oddball question.
Capistrano 2.14.2
I'm using capistrano to deploy a couple of Node.js projects, and this works fine (from within the same rvm and gemset Ruby installation). However, I'd like to have Airbrake be notified of these deployments.
Using the 'airbrake' Node.js module, and calling
airbrake.trackDeployment({repo: '...'});
works, but not sure how to reliably call this just once at deploy time. If I call it within my server, then Airbrake is notified of a "deployment" every time my server starts, which is obviously not correct.
require 'airbrake/capistrano'
to deploy.rb definitely does not work.
How do others successfully use
You could create a simple js file you'd run locally (on your machine for example) that notifies airbrake as a last deploy task. You could for example use the backtick operator to run a task:
deploy.task :notify_airbrake do
`node notify_airbrake.js`
If you don't have node installed locally, you could also pick one of the servers to run the notification script through ssh:
deploy.task :notify_airbrake do
`ssh youserver "node notify_airbrake.js"`
Based on this solution (which is clearly embedded in a Rails app.), I came up with the following, which depends solely on Javascript:
In my Node.js root directory, create a deploy.js file, like so:
var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("AIRBRAKE_API_KEY");
var deployment = {rev: process.argv[2],
repo: process.argv[3],
env: process.argv[4],
user: process.argv[5]};
airbrake.trackDeployment(deployment, function(err, params) {
if (err) {throw err}
console.log('Tracked deployment of %s to %s', params.rev, params.env);
In config/deploy.rb, add
require 'airbrake/capistrano'
namespace :airbrake do
desc "Notify Airbrake of a new deploy."
task :deploy do
system "node deploy.js #{current_revision} #{repository} #{stage} #{user}"
