How can I link a Microsoft 365 Developer Sandbox to an Azure Student account so that they share a tenancy? - azure

I'm trying to follow this tutorial on developing with Microsofts Graph Data Connect. The tutorial states:
The Azure subscription must be in the same tenant as the Microsoft 365 tenant. Microsoft Graph Data Connect will only export data to an Azure subscription in the same tenant, not across tenants.
Your Microsoft 365 and Azure tenants must be in the same Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenancy.
I already have an Azure account with an Azure for Students subscription. I signed up to the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and created a new sandbox. This creates a totally new tenant with a corresponding admin#[MYTENANT] account.
The 365 sandbox has an Azure Directory, but no subscription or ability to create new services. The admin account cannot be used to sign up for a new free subscription, attempting to create an Azure free account results in a "Your current account type is not supported" message.
Is there a way to link these two accounts together so I can create an app in Azure that uses Graph Data Connect to access the dummy data in the 365 Sandbox?

You might be able to change your azure subscription to a new directory. (It might be blocked by policy however)
You'll need a user who exists in both directories, and who is an owner on the subscription. In the portal, click the "Change Directory" button on the ribbon and follow the prompts. Note, the directory change will delete all RBAC role assignments and possible some other configurations, but if this is a learning subscription there's probably not a lot that can't be recreated.


What do you mean by Microsoft Account, Tenant, Subscription?

I started learning Microsoft Azure but I'm stuck
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Microsoft account vs tenant vs Subscription in detail?
When you say "Microsoft account", this usually refers to personal Microsoft accounts (
But it could also refer to organizational Azure Active Directory accounts.
They are both kinds of user accounts, both types can exist as members in an Azure Active Directory "tenant".
This tenant is basically an instance of Azure AD for your users, in your control.
When you log in to Azure, you are logging in to Azure AD.
An Azure subscription is where you deploy your services, create resources like databases etc.
A subscription is always linked to an Azure AD tenant.
The users in this linked tenant can be given roles in the subscription to access/modify resources.
If anyone wants access to the subscription, they need to be added to the Azure AD tenant first.
This can be done by creating them an account there, or by inviting them by their email as a "guest".
microsoft account: the one used to log in
tenant: your azure active directory (usually the default is [account]
subscription: your microsoft azure subscription, the one used to create services/ deploy your applications

Associate Office 365 AD Tenant with AZURE AD

I have an office 365 Subscription that was created when i created my Dynamics 365 (CRM) trial version.
I also have a MSDN Enterprise Azure Subscription.
I'm trying to associate the office AZURE AD with my MSDN AZURE Subscription.
I'm trying to proceed as described in the below link
But the link for the old azure management portal and I'm not able to find a way to add "New Directory" with the option to choose "Existing Directory"
Awaiting your valuable inputs.
You can refer
to know How to Associate or add Azure Subscription to Azure Active Directory. This should do the trick if you do not have any resources in the Azure Subscription that are dependent on the current tenant for the subscription.
So, what happens is that if you have anything on the current tenant for the Azure Subscription, that would be replicated to the tenant for the O365. All of the same would need to be re-created manually.
Only the Subscription Admin of the Azure Subscription would retain the access to the subscription.
If you should have resources and the access levels might be a question for you by the re-association of the Subscription to the O365 tenant, we would suggest you create a Billing & Subscription Ticket so that Microsoft support team could personally assist you in the entire process effectively.

How to associate Office 365 subscription to Azure AD directory

Given situation
I have two Azure AD directories in one Azure portal tenant.
AD_1 - A directory that got automatically created when signed up for Azure cloud the first time
AD_2 - A directory that I have manually created for managing a different set of users.
I also have an office365 account, that got created using the same Azure account. In it first I purchased a subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION_1 - only office apps. The licenses are attached to users in AD_1
Later I purchased another subscription purely for non-office products for different set of users.
SUBSCRIPTION_2 - exchange, yammer etc apps - A new subscription.
Is it possible to associate SUBSCRIPTION_2 to only users in directory AD_2?
If above is YES, how to do?
Disclaimer: I am a noob to whole Azure AD, Office 365, for that matter Microsoft products. Please forgive my naivety.
No matter the originating subscription access to services or apps only depends on licenses. So just navigate to Office 365 Portal > Administration > Users > Active, there select a user and assign the appropriate license, no matter from which AD user comes from, in fact it is also possible to assign licenses to users created in a local AD that is synchronized to Azure AD (administration privileges are needed for this procedure)

How to integrate Azure + O365 subscription

We have a O365 subscription. We have a Azure subscription.
However, the Azure subscription is originally set up with a personal(!) account with was identical to that persons O365 account.
(personal account was created and used to setup Azure while that person also had a O365 account with the name
When I log on to Azure using I have to choose 'personal' account to log on to Azure. I do see our subscription. I understand that our Azure subscription has in fact nothing to do with our O365 subscription.
However, if I go to PowerBI in O365 and install a datagateway I need to login with my O365 account When I the choose to install a gateway on Azure I get logged in as (School/Work account). To be followed by the message: "you have no subscriptions".
I understand what is happening. messed up while setting up Azure. But what can I do to correct this? Would it be better to setup a complete new Azure subscription using a different adress? Or can I somehow merge the existing Azure subscription with our O365 subscription?
That's because you can actually have a Microsoft account created using your corporate e-mail, but it doesn't mean it is an organisational account like the one you have when you create an Office 365 tenant or any other service which relies on Azure AD platform.
Login to your Azure subscription using the service administrator of that subscription (the personal Microsoft account) and follow this guide to transfer the subscription to another tenant owner, that is, the global administrator of your corporate tenant.
Finally, change the directory associated with that subscription.
You can do the latter only if you want.

Azure AD Tenant = Organizational Account?

I reading through various articles on how a headless app can authenticate with Azure. I'm a little confused with the terminologies. In this sample code, it says it needs an Azure AD Tenant account.
My understanding is an Azure account can be a Microsoft account or an Organizational account. Is Azure AD Tenant either of the two or is it just an Organizational account? Can someone show me where this is clarified in the documentation?
From the definition here: (See section What is an Azure Tenant):
With the identity platform provided by Microsoft Azure, a tenant is
simply a dedicated instance of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) that
your organization receives and owns when it signs up for a Microsoft
cloud service such as Azure or Office 365.
An Azure AD will have one or more users. These users could be native to that Azure AD, sourced from other Azure ADs (or even local AD) or could be Microsoft Accounts. AFAIK, as of today if a user account is not a Microsoft Account that means it is an organization account.
An Azure tenant can be either of the two... and organizational account (often based on Office 365) or one based off a Microsoft Account (which is really just a user in a directory you don't control).
I'm a big fan of the "start from scratch" method - where you create tenant not tied to Office 365 -
