repo override remote URL of the element proejct without change - repo

Is any repo sync option could override the remote URL by specified project
for example, I have locally kernel git repository and some hotfix, driver porting whatever
so I want to run such fake commnd without modified .repo/manifect.xml
repo sync --project-remote-url=git://my.server.ip/kernel.git

Try with local-manifests.
The local manifests will be combined with the default.xml. And you can adding or replacing projects in default.xml.
For example:
<!-- add github as a new remote source -->
<remote name="github" fetch="git://" />
<!-- remove project in default.xml -->
<remove-project name="platform/bootable/recovery" />
<!-- replace with new remote github -->
<project path="bootable/recovery" name="CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery" remote="github" revision="cm-10.1" />
<!-- add new project -->
<project path="external/busybox" name="CyanogenMod/android_external_busybox" remote="github" revision="cm-10.1" />


Adding additional content folders to Azure package

Im using Azure SDK 2.5
I have a web role in a cloud service project. I would like to add a folder in some fashion such that it is deployed in the parent directory of the approot. I havent found a way to do this which kind of makes me wonder what use is the ability to define virtual directories in csdef.
So I thought I would try adding folders via the Contents/Content xml config in the csdef. I am either fundamentally misunderstanding what this bit of config does or its hopelessly broken.
Assuming this folder structure
If I define the following:
<Content destination="frontend">
<SourceDirectory path="..\SomeOtherContent" />
and build I get:
error CloudServices089: Cannot find the source directory
Ok so its starting the bin\Debug, so I'll just make it ..\..\..\SomeOtherContent
error CloudServices089: Cannot find the source directory
Yes thats right, the folder at which my relative path is resolved has changed!!! Its no longer bin\Debug. Wtf!? How can this be made to work? It works if i enter a full drive qualified absolute path.
So I solved this by having MSBuild resolve the path and push it in to an environment variable which I called FrontendDir.
<Content destination="frontend">
<SourceDirectory path="%FrontendDir%" />
and in the ccproj I added:
<Name ParameterType="System.String" Required="true" />
<Value ParameterType="System.String" Required="true" />
<Using Namespace="System" />
<Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs">
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Name, Value);
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" Condition=" '$(FrontendDir)' == '' ">
<Message Text="Setting Project Dir" Importance="high" />
<SetEnvironmentVariableTask Name="FrontendDir" Value="$(ProjectDir)\..\Template.FrontEnd\dist" />
Its preferable to put the entire path into the env var here as you can then override it easily in your different build scenarios by overriding the value (eg. /p:FrontendDir="c:\foo")
So that works and works fairly well. I still say the behaviour I was seeing before with the relative path resolution changing folders is... broken. It just doesn't work with relative paths in any usable way.
You are seeing the same error but from different msbuild targets.
The first error (when using ..\..\) is thrown at PreValidateServiceModel which passes in the Source location and checks the path
C:\src\Azure\ServiceDefinition.csdef : error CloudServices089: Cannot
find the source directory 'C:\src\Azure\..\..\Installers\' in role
WebHost. [C:\src\Azure\Azure.ccproj]
Done building target "PreValidateServiceModel" in project "Azure.ccproj" -- FAILED.
The second error is thrown at ValidateServiceFiles which passes in the Target location
C:\src\Azure\bin\Release\ServiceDefinition.csdef : error CloudServices089: Cannot
find the source directory
in role WebHost. [C:\src\Azure\Azure.ccproj]
Done building target "ValidateServiceFiles" in project "Azure.ccproj" -- FAILED.
If you reflect on C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure.NET SDK\v2.9\bin\ServiceDescription.dll you can see the ProcessRoleContents method doing the validation but using the SourceFile to resolve the location.
One option is to make sure the target folder exists (even if empty) before the build starts.
It would be better if the PreValidation resolved the path and when the Target is saved, it had the full path.
I ended up editing the ccproj, and adding this
<Target Name="BeforeAddRoleContent">
<AzureRoleContent Include="Installers\">
Referencing runtime content from .ccproj (Azure SDK 2.9)

How to integrate with

I have a continuous integration server that discovers and runs assemblies with NUnit tests. I would like to add some assemblies with tests to the mix. How would I do that?
Download from on CodePlex and extract it to, for example, C:\Program Files\ Add this location to PATH environment variable
be sure to have no trailing semicolon
Modify your CC.NET *.build script to discover assemblies by convention, as outlined below
note that command line argument syntax no longer has equals sign
In C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ccnet.config, Merge XML files produced by NUnit runner and by runner, as outlined below
merging happens after build, irrespective of build status
be sure results of test run get deleted in the beginning of build script
Restart CC.NET
Download xUnitSummary.xsl from on GitHub and place it in C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\WebDashboard\xsl
In C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\WebDashboard\dashboard.config, modify buildPlugins element as outlined below
Restart IIS
Additional info:
CruiseControl.Net – Server Installation at Neal's Blog
Step 2:
<project default="RunTests_xUnit">
<target name="RunTests_xUnit" description="Runs the discovered unit tests" depends="someCompileStep">
<!-- Outer loop to search through a list of different locations -->
<!-- Folders to be searched should listed as a semicolon deliminated list in the 'in' attribute -->
<foreach item="String" in="${TestAssemblyOutputPath}" delim=" ;" property="testsPath">
<echo message="Searching for test suites in ${testsPath}" />
<!-- Inner loop to search for dlls containing unit tests -->
<foreach item="File" property="filename">
<items basedir="${testsPath}">
<!-- see for how to include or exclude specific files or file patterns -->
<!-- attempt to run tests in any dlls whose name ends with UnitTestSuite.dll' -->
<include name="**UnitTestSuite.dll" />
<property name="testDLLName" value="${path::get-file-name-without-extension(filename)}" />
<echo message="Testing ${testDLLName} with" />
<exec program="${xunit-console.exe}" failonerror="true" resultproperty="resultVal">
<arg line="${testsPath}\${testDLLName}.dll /xml ${xUnitTestLogsFolder}${testDLLName}-xUnitResults.xml" />
<fail message="Failures reported in ${testDLLName}." failonerror="true" unless="${int::parse(resultVal)==0}" />
Step 3:
<xmllogger />
<statistics />
Step 5:
<xslReportBuildPlugin description=" Report" actionName="xUnitReport" xslFileName="xsl\xUnitSummary.xsl" />

Deploying Custom theme in production server

I'm working on a Liferay project.
I'm developing a new Liferay theme using Plugins SDK.
I wonder is it better to use ANT or MAVEN for the project?
Because I managed to run both projects in eclipse.
Also is there any way to deploy automatically the theme in the production server ? (Distant server using tomcat).
For now I'm just using auto deployment, copying the war file to the /deploy file.
You can add remote server to your Eclipse with Plugins SDK, check
(this may be helpful for older versions of plugins-sdk)
Assuming that you have ssh access to the remote server, the following ant target can be added and used in /liferay-plugins-sdk/build-common-plugin.xml
<property name="web-server" value="" />
<property name="web-server-username" value="yourusername" />
<property name="web-server-password" value="yourpassword" />
<property name="web-server-deploy-folder-path" value="/liferay-x.x/deploy" />
<target name="remote-deploy" depends="war">
<echo message="Copying plugin to remote server ..." />
<echo message="Done!" />

Multi Projects with CCNET

I have GIT repo as below,
\Module A
\Module B
When i make a change on Module B, CCNET will make a build from Module A and then Module B,
I dont want CCNET to do this way.It will take a lot of time.
I just want ccnet build only changes on Module B.
Somebody please help me :
My 1 project in CCNET Config:
enter code here
<project name="Dashboard 5.0" queue="Dashboard_01" queuePriority="01" category="01">
<artifactDirectory>&pathToArtifactsDirectory;Dashboard 5.0\</artifactDirectory>
<webURL>http://&buildServerAddress;/ccnet/server/&buildServerName;/project/Dashboard 5.0/ViewLatestBuildReport.aspx</webURL>
<intervalTrigger seconds='30' buildCondition='IfModificationExists'/>
<scheduleTrigger time='03:00' buildCondition='ForceBuild' name='Scheduled'/>
<scheduleTrigger time='11:00' buildCondition='ForceBuild' name='Scheduled'/>
<state type="state" directory="&pathToStatesDirectory;Dashboard 5.0\" />
<sourcecontrol type="git">
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe</executable>
<baseDirectory>&pathToBuildScriptsDirectory;Dashboard 5.0\</baseDirectory>
<xmllogger />
Any check in for Module A or Module B will cause the project node to start either way. What you are looking for is similar to what subversion update command on a sub folder does and Git is not intended to be this way. An alternative you can create a separate repository for each module. The build script or Nant task would have to be separated as well.
In Git, if you have several directories that are always checked out independently, then these are really two different projects and should live in two different repositories. You can merge them back together at a later point using Git Submodules

SVN checkout under Linux using Ant

When I run the build.xml in linux ubuntu, which should checkout the project from svn is giving the following error:-
BUILD FAILED Invalid svn url: svn://
at org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNUrl.parseUrl(
at org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNUrl.<init>(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
Actually the path of svn is what I connect from my local box. So I don't know what path I shoul give here. The svn is in the same linux box.
My directory path where the build.xml is:-/home/ubuntu/antCheckout
And the path where svn is:-/srv/svn
I also tried this path:- ssh://srv/svn but exception was same.
This is my build.xml:-
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Test" default="Main" basedir=".">
<!-- Sets variables which can be used. -->
<property name="checkout" location="./svncheckout" />
<!-- Define the classpath which includes the jars
that are required for svnant.jar -->
<path id="/usr/local/ant/apache-ant-1.7.1/">
<pathelement location="lib/svnant.jar" />
<pathelement location="lib/svnClientAdapter.jar" />
<pathelement location="lib/svnjavahl.jar" />
<pathelement location="lib/svnkit.jar" />
<typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml"
classpathref="/usr/local/ant/apache-ant-1.7.1/" />
<!-- Deletes the existing build, docs and dist directory-->
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${checkout}" />
<!-- Creates the build, docs and dist directory-->
<target name="makedir">
<mkdir dir="${checkout}" />
<!-- Checkout the latest source code of svnant itself-->
<target name="svn">
<svn username="guest" password="">
<checkout url="svn://srv/svn" revision="HEAD" destPath="${checkout}" />
<target name="Main" depends="clean, makedir, svn">
<description>Main target</description>
Thanks for help.
If you're on Linux, do you have the Subversion command line client?
Try this:
$ svn --version
If you have the Subversion command line client, try this command:
$ svn ls svn://svn/srv
And see what you get. I bet you'll get an error telling you that svn://srv/svn isn't found or isn't a valid URL.
This line:
<checkout url="svn://srv/svn" revision="HEAD" destPath="${checkout}" />
Is equivalent to the command line:
$ svn checkout -rHEAD svn://srv/svn .svncheckout
You will have to find the valid Subversion repository URL before this command will work. Then, change the url parameter in the <checkout> sub-task to match that URL. Subversion uses URLs to point to the repository address.
By the way, exactly what is this suppose to be doing? Why is this checking out the working directory to the .svncheckout directory? That's a hidden directory in Unix.
By the way: svn co svn:// isn't going to work unless the program snvserve is running on the local system. The svnserve program
