STM32 SPDIFRX Peripheral problem (interupts not firing) - audio

I am trying to make myself Digital audio to Analog audio converter
I have STM32F769i Discovery0:
Which has SPDIFRX and SPDIFTX ports
I found a fearly good starting point here:
Also the guy posted here:
But the guy used STM32746G Discovery:
So I went and tried to just get his SPDIF audio portion working on my board
My Project can be found here (I hope it compiles, with CubeIDE you never know what will happen :)):
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but for some reason SPDIF_RX_IRQHandler (in stm32f7xx_it.c) is never called (LED never turns green, yea my debugging tehniques are primitive, but will explain why later)
So because of that HAL_SPDIFRX_ReceiveDataFlow_IT (in spdifrx.c) always returns HAL_TIMEOUNT, and of course no audio is ever played on the speakers
I am not sure what I am doing wrong
When I start MCU I call BSP_SPDIF_Init() (defined in spdifrx.c) in main.c right after I take care of the clock
if (BSP_SPDIFRX_Init() != HAL_OK)
And it appears it initializes all right, because I get HAL_OK back
Maybe I am not inializing GPIO properly from HAL_MspInit in stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c inproperly
I am realy out of ideas, what I am doing wrong, because the analog side of the audio does init, I can hear that as pop pop from the speakers when I power up my MCU, its just that SPDIF side has problems
I am is my setup crocked?
I am using this component radio as my SPDIF transmitter (Hama DIT2000M):
It says it has SPDIF Audio out (it says its digital over coaxial)
I know its optical side is working fine because on my component receiver it plays just fine (it reports as 48khz Stereo)
Is my cable to long? I am using this cable:
(not sure who made it)
Now why do I debug with blinking leds, because where my test subject is (my Hama receiver), there is no computer so…. Blinking leds it is, I would like to avoid aditional libraries and have a minimum working example, because you never know what problems they could bring so that's why LCD is not used right now
I hope someone has any advice, eather how to get any data in to SPDIF port (because right now for some reason, I don't get anything) or what I am doing wrong for my audio not to play, the usage of STM32F769i Discovery0 instead of STM32746G Discovery is probably not responsible 
I hope that this is a proper place for this king of questions, because I did ask a question regarding SPDIF on the STM forum:
But didn't get any usefull advice there
Now SPDIF realy does not have much examples, there is only a polling example which does work (with the same cable), there is no interupt example, my interupt example (you can read the post on the STM forum post I linked) is not working as well (interupts are probably not broken right?)
So yea, I am lost a bit not sure what to do, and who to ask, so I tried here
PS: I know stackvoverflow does not like links to code, but I believe something is wrong with my project (interupts don't fire for some reason), and its realy hard to put this all into the question
Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards

I managed to solve this, I guess I did not initialize SPDIF GPIO properly
after setting this
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_7;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = DISCOVERY_SPDIFRX_AF;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);
to this
GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_12;
GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = GPIO_AF7_SPDIFRX;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStructure);
interupts started to fire


Clean way to real, always working, auto-reconnect

I hope to open a question that is useful for the users of this shield.
Incipit: WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true); seems that not prevent 100% of disconnections.
I've tested a lot of shields (ESP12F, ESP01) and in some case i noted that the auto-reconnect does not work properly.
I was unable to reproduce when the shield is connect to pc/debugger.
When did it happen, i try to execute a task depending on a botton press, eg:
if (digitalRead... == HIGH) do_something()
And the shield... do something! So, the shield was not frozen.
I try to reset (BOTH via HW and SW) and the shield immediately reconnect.
I read some other source and this behavior is often described (es. ). Brief: try WiFi.reconnect(), if it does not work try ESP.restart().
Then, the question:
Why does this happen? Is there a problem with the arduino libraries, or with the native expressif interface? Or is a well-known hardware problem unsolvable via SW?
If indeed so, what techniques do you use to prevent disconnection? I have set a ticker every 30 minutes, which if it sees the card disconnected for more than a certain time, it restarts it. Eg.
void checkWifi() {
if (lastPing + DELTA < millis()) ESP.restart();
ticker.attach(checkWifi, ...)
void loop() {
if WiFi.isConnect() {
lastPing = millis();
If there is nothing to do, what do you think of the restart technique? Is it risky to restart frequently, can it reduce the life of the device?
Thanks to anyone who wants to contribute or exchange impressions!

Micropython and Bluetooth on ESP32

I know the support for bluetooth is still under development but it seems to cover everything I need at this point so I decided to give it a try.
I just want to simulate reading from a source of data (a EKG machine) so I came up with this code:
from ubluetooth import BLE
from ubluetooth import FLAG_READ, FLAG_NOTIFY, FLAG_WRITE
import time
ekg_data = [-305,-431,-131,440 ,1158,1424,1445,1623,1500,1018,142 ,-384,-324,-414,-77 ,334 ,-372,-154,366 ,7613,1461,1403,6133,-179,-381,-224,-135,-168,-208,-187,-181,-180,-160,-160,-151,-150,-151,-138,-141,-128,-118,-106,-798,-677,-430,-253,-122,98 ,133 ,281 ,354 ,390 ,519 ,475 ,558 ,565 ,533 ,593 ,458 ,377 ,107 ,-335,-719,-116,-129,-132,-131,-119,-122,-111,-106,-105,-935,-971,-877,-841,-841,-725,-757,-660,-641,-660,-554,-592,-496,-473,-486,-387,-431,-350,-364,-347,-208,-365,-362]
bt = BLE()
HR_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x180D)
HR_CHAR = (bluetooth.UUID(0x2A37), bluetooth.FLAG_READ | bluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY,)
((ekg,),) = bt.gatts_register_services(SERVICES)
# bt.gap_advertise(100, 'MicroPython EKG')
count = 0
while True:
if count >= len(ekg_data):
count = 0
bt.gatts_write(ekg, ekg_data[count].to_bytes(2, 'big'))
count += 1
Now the code compiles and runs (I can see the output on the console) but I cannot find the device in my bluetooth app (I am using the nordic app)
Does anyone with more knowledge on that area can tell me if I am overlooking something? I tried to take the advertising off and on because I thought I might be overriding something with it but that didn't help too...
I think your code is missing multiple things.
First, you are not setting (irq) which is (Event Handling) for Micropython(As you can see from the docs or in their Github codes.
Also, I can't see you setting the buffer or any stuff like that, please revise the examples for what you asking here. Good job btw.

AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client OR E/MediaPlayer: Error (1,-19)

I am creating a game using Libgdx. I have a lot of small sounds files in the MP3-format and since it is so many I do not preload them. I only load the sound I want to play when it is to be used, like this:
actorSound =;
The code above works great, but the rest of my sounds do not unfortunately. The actor above has its own class and plays a different sound every time it is touched.
When I try to play sounds in my Gamescreen I get the following error:
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
All the audiofiles have the same properties and have been recorded using the same microphone & Audacity. The files are all 44100Hz and only a few kb in size each.
I wonder why the sounds the Actor plays work and the other sounds do not?
I decided to try to change the non-working sounds to music instead and now they play fine - for a little while that is. I can play a full game, return to the menu and start a new game again. The second time I start a game I only get 3 sounds from the Gamescreen and then it is silent except for the sounds from the actor. The error that appears looks like this:
E/MediaPlayer: Error (1,-19)
I load the Music just the same way as the Sound:
gameSound =;
I have looked into the two errors by reading posts like these:
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
Mediaplayer error (-19,0) after repeated plays
But I'm not sure what to do or change to solve my problem. I would prefer Sound if that is possible, but Music is an acceptable workaround...
When it comes to Music it is probably as suggested in the URL, that I do not release the media players. I am not sure how to do that?
When I leave the GameScreen for another screen, like the MenuScreen or RewardScreen, I dispose Music first. The other screens use Music as well and the sounds are loaded when needed. When I change back to the GameScreen I dispose again and then start a new game...
Any ideas or suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I added AssetManager as suggested, and I now have a loding screen that loads all the sounds. I load them as sounds and not music, which is how I prefer it.
The sounds work well in the actual game but once I get to the reward screen, only the first sound plays and after that the app crashes with the following error:
06-02 07:47:09.774 6208-6282E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 2935
Process: PID: 6208
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager
Assets.Assets.manager' on a null object reference
at DelayedSounds(
at RewardsScreen.Update(
at Screens.RewardsScreen.render(
at Game.render(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
06-02 07:47:13.823 6208-6208 E/AndroidGraphics: waiting for pause
synchronization took too long; assuming deadlock and killing
The DelayedSounds method looks like this:
public void DelayedSounds(){
timer = timer +;
if(playitem == true && timer > 2){
itemsound = "vinster/" + item + ".mp3";
assets.manager.get(itemsound, Sound.class).play(volume);
//sound =;
playitem = false;
if(playkeep == true && time > 3){
assets.manager.get("dialog/VINSTEN.mp3", Sound.class).play(volume);
//sound ="prizes/prize.mp3"));
playkeep = false;
As can be seen I use AssetManager now, and have commented out my old code for testing purposes. I define AssetManager in my main class and then pass it around to all other classes that uses sounds.
The RewardsScreen will only play the first sound and then it crashes on a NULL object reference as it seems.
If I change my code back to using Music in the RewardsScreen it works fine (see the code that is commmented out)
The sound I try to play is exactly the same in both cases. Assets class that handles the loading of all my assets has the sounds included and since I still get a NULL object I assume one or more items fails to load?
I search the logs and find this where it loads the sounds:
06-02 08:05:09.360 9844-9888/E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open dlopen failed: library "" not found
06-02 08:05:09.395 9844-9888/ E/NdkMediaExtractor: sf error code: -1010
06-02 08:05:09.395 9844-9888/ E/SoundPool: Unable to load sample
Maybe this is related to my problem?
I load all the sounds in the same manner and most definitely seem to work, the loading is the regular:
manager.load("prizes/cash.mp3", Sound.class);
I still find the AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client in my logs but now the sounds are playing instead of being rejected.
Any more ideas about how to solve this?
Your link having enough information for your bug.
It's not good way to create Resource instance each time in Game, Create once and user All over your game, if possible use AssetManager.
Like create Music instance in onCreate() method of your game.
gameSound =;
Music having play(), resume() and many other helpful methods.
You can also take a look of this, it may be helpful.

Grab an image from willOutputSampleBuffer or related?

So, Brad Larson is awesome. I'm using his GPUImage library since he optimized the CGContextCreateImage for video output to instead render straight into OpenGL. Then he rewrote it to be even more amazing, and half the questions are outdated. The other half have the new callbacks, Like this question, but for the life of me, I can't get the video frames callback to not be nil. (the CMSampleBuffer to CIImage functions)
I know I have to "tag the next frame" to be kept in memory, thanks to his blog. I also know I process it (but GPUImageVideo also does that), then I grab from the framebuffer. Still nill.
The capture command that's supposed to auto-filter it into a CGImage, from the CGImagePicture's processImageUpToFilter function seems to be what I want, and I've seen it mentioned, but I am lost as to how to hook up the output to its frameBuffer.
Or should I use GPUImageRawDataOutput, and how to hook up? I've been copying and pasting, editing, experimenting, but unsure if it's just the fact I don't know openGL enough to hook up the right stuff or?
Any help is appreciated. I wouldn't ask, since so many related questions are up here, but I use them and still get nil on the output.
Here is my current try:
func willOutputSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer!) {
//Next line seems like a waste, as this func is called in GPUImageVideoCamera already.
if let image = gpuImageVideoCamera.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
//it's nil
It seems to use the filter instead, and useNextFrame should be AFTER processing to not go super-slow.
Inside of willOutputSampleBuffer, this is it.
if let image = transformFilter.imageFromCurrentFramebuffer()
// image not nil now.
transformFilter.useNextFrameForImageCapture(); //enusre this comes after
This has given us stunning speeds that beat Google's p2p library. Brad, thanks, everyone should support your efforts.

AudioQueueStart fail -12985

I made a streaming music player and it works fine in the foreground.
But in the background iOS4, it doesn't play the next song automatically. ( remote control works )
The reason is AudioQueueStart return -12985.
I already check the audio session. it just fine. I use AudioQueueStart when it start to play the music.
How can you remove AudioQueueStart?
- (void)play
[self setupAudioQueueBuffers]; // calcluate the size to use for each audio queue buffer, and calculate the // number of packets to read into each buffer
OSStatus status = AudioQueueStart(self.queueObject, NULL);
I read the answer in the web about the AudioQueueStart fail subject.
One thing to check is that the AudioSession is active first.
In my case, I had previously set the session to inactive between song changes before starting a new song:AudioSessionSetActive(false);
Once I removed this AudioQueueStart works just fine from the background.
In my experience, the -12985 message occurs because another app already has an audio session active when you try to start playback in your app. Options are to 1) instruct the user to close the other app, or 2) set mix mode (see kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers).
The disadvantage of mix mode is if you depend on lock screen art or remote controls, they won't work with mix mode set.
I also faced with such problem week ago. I've spent two days to find solution and I found it. May be this link will help (it is official answer):
Make sure that you activate session from applicationDidEnterBackground task handler. Now my application can play sound in background.
See this.
You probably need to include the following:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
Towards the bottom there is a reiteration of the how important that line is. As it is not mentioned in any of the three main audio audio guides (AVFoundation, AudioSession, or AudioQueue) it can easily be missed.
I have the same problem.
I registry the AudioSessionInterruptionListener, pause the audio when phone call, resume it after the call end. but get -12985 error code when call AudioQueueStart to resume.
My solution is that I try to call AudioQueueStart after 0.02s.
I don't know the reason.
On iOS7, AudioQueueStart was returning '!int' ('tni!'), though i'm sure no one would be surprised to find that it's not documented in the docs or headers. It was the same issue, though, and the same fix (setting the audio session to active in the background task handler) worked for me.
