Validating through terraform that a vault policy exists before using it in a group - terraform

I have the following structure
module "policies" {
source = "../../../../path/to/my/custom/modules/groups"
for_each = var.config.policies
name = each.key
policy = each.value
module "groups" {
source = "../../../../path/to/my/custom/modules/groups"
for_each = var.config.groups
name = each.key
type = each.value.type
policies = each.value.policies
depends_on = [
Policies and groups are declared in a yaml file from which through yamldecode the corresponding variables to for_each are created.
Is there any way to make sure that the policies passed to policies = each.value.policies of the groups module DO exist?
I mean, OK I have the depends_on clause, but I want to also provision for typos in the yaml file and other similar situations.

The usual way to declare a dependency on an external object (managed elsewhere) in Terraform is to use a data block using a data source defined by the provider responsible for that object. If the goal is only to verify that the object exists then it's enough to declare the data source and then have your downstream object's configuration refer to anything about its result, just so Terraform can see that the data source is a dependency and so should be resolved first.
Unfortunately it seems like the hashicorp/vault provider doesn't currently have a data source for declaring a dependency on a policy, although there is a feature request for it.
Assuming that it did exist then the pattern might look something like this:
data "vault_policy" "needed" {
for_each = var.config.policies
name = each.value
module "policies" {
source = "../../../../path/to/my/custom/modules/groups"
for_each = var.config.policies
name = each.key
# Accessing this indirectly via the data resource tells
# Terraform that it must complete the data lookup before
# planning anything which depends on this "policy" argument.
policy = data.vault_policy.needed[each.key].name
Without a data source for this particular object type I don't think there will be an elegant way to solve this, but you may be able to work around it by using a more general data source like hashicorp/external's external data source for collecting data by running an external program that prints JSON.
Again because you don't actually seem to need any specific data from the policy and only want to check whether it exists, it would be sufficient to write an external program which queries vault and then exists with an unsuccessful status if the request fails, or prints an empty JSON object {} if the request succeeds.
data "external" "vault_policy" {
for_each = var.config.policies
program = ["${path.module}/query-vault"]
query = {
policy_name = each.value
module "policies" {
source = "../../../../path/to/my/custom/modules/groups"
for_each = var.config.policies
name = each.key
policy = data.external.vault_policy.query.policy_name
I'm not familiar enough with Vault to suggest a specific implementation of this query-vault program, but you may be able to use a shell script wrapping the vault CLI program if you follow the advice in Processing JSON in shell scripts. You only need to do the input parsing part of that, because your result would be communicated either by exit 1 to signal failure or echo '{}' followed by exiting successfully to signal success.


Cannot assign variable from to file

New to terraform, and have been building out the infrastructure recently.
I am trying to pull secrets from azure key vault and assign the keys to the file depending on the environment(dev.tfvars, test.tfvars, etc). However when I execute the plan with the tfvar file as the parameter, I get an error with the following message:
Error: Variables not allowed
Here are the files and the relevant contents of it.
variable "user_name" {
type = string
sensitive = true
} (referencing the azure key vault):
data "azurerm_key_vault" "test" {
name = var.key_vault_name
resource_group_name = var.resource_group
data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "test" {
name = "my-key-vault-key-name"
key_vault_id =
user_name = "${data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test.value}" # Where the error occurrs
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong here? And if so is there another way to achieve such a thing?
In Terraform a variable can be used for user input only. You can not assign to them anything dynamically computed from your code. They are like read-only arguments, for more info see Input Variables from the doc.
If you want to assign a value to something for later use, you must use locals. For example:
locals {
user_name = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test.value
Local values can be changed dynamically during execution. For more info, see Local Values.
You can't create dynamic variables. All variables must have known values before execution of your code. The only thing you could do is to use local, instead of variabile:
locals {
user_name = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test.value
and then refer to it as local.user_name.

Terraform Import Resources and Looping Over Those Resources

I am new to Terraform and looking to utilize it for management of Snowflake environment using the provider of "chanzuckerberg/snowflake". I am specifically looking to leverage it for managing an RBAC model for roles within Snowflake.
The scenario is that I have about 60 databases in Snowflake which would equate to a resource for each in Terraform. We will then create 3 roles (reader, writer, all privileges) for each database. We will expand our roles from there.
The first question is, can I leverage map or object variables to define all database names and their attributes and import them using a for_each within a single resource or do I need to create a resource for each database and then import them individually?
The second question is, what would be the best approach for creating the 3 roles per database? Is there a way to iterate over all the resources of type snowflake_database and create the 3 roles? I was imagining the use of modules, variables, and resources based on the research I have done.
Any help in understanding how this can be accomplished would be super helpful. I understand the basics of Terraform but this is a bit of a complex situation for a newbie like myself to visualize enough to implement it. Thanks all!
This is what my project looks like and the error I am receiving is below it.
variable "databases" {
type = list(object(
name = string
comment = string
retention_days = number
databases = [
name = "TEST_DB1"
comment = "Testing state."
retention_days = 90
name = "TEST_DB2"
comment = ""
retention_days = 1
terraform {
required_providers {
snowflake = {
source = "chanzuckerberg/snowflake"
version = "0.25.25"
provider "snowflake" {
username = "user"
account = "my_account"
region = "my_region"
password = "pwd"
role = "some_role"
resource "snowflake_database" "sf_database" {
for_each = { for idx, db in var.databases: idx => db }
name =
comment = each.value.comment
data_retention_time_in_days = each.value.retention_days
To Import the resource I run:
terraform import snowflake_database.sf_databases["TEST_DB1"]
I am left with this error:
Error: resource address
"snowflake_database.sf_databases["TEST_DB1"]" does not exist in the
Before importing this resource, please create its configuration in the
root module. For example:
resource "snowflake_database" "sf_databases" { # (resource
arguments) }
You should be able to define the databases using for_each and referring to the actual resources with brackets in the import command. Something like:
terraform import snowflake_database.resource_id_using_for_each[foreachkey]
You could then create three snowflake_role and three snowflake_database_grant definitions using for_each over the same map of databases used for the database definitions.
had this exact same problem and in the end the solution was quite simple.
you just need to wrap your import statement within single brackets.
so instead of
terraform import snowflake_database.sf_databases["TEST_DB1"] db_test_db1
terraform import 'snowflake_database.sf_databases["TEST_DB1"]' db_test_db1
this took way to long to figure out!

File not found when trying to use etag

I am trying to use etag when i update my bucket S3, but i get this error:
Error: Error in function call
on line 48, in resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "bucket_app":
48: etag = filemd5("${path.module}/${var.env}/app-config.json")
| path.module is "."
| var.env is "develop"
Call to function "filemd5" failed: no file exists at develop/app-config.json.
However, this works fine:
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "bucket_app" {
bucket = "${}-${var.env}-app-assets"
key = "config.json"
source = "${path.module}/${var.env}/app-config.json"
// etag = filemd5("${path.module}/${var.env}/app-config.json")
depends_on = [
I am genereting the file this way:
resource "local_file" "app_config_json" {
content = local.app_config_json
filename = "${path.module}/${var.env}/app-config.json"
I really don't get what i am doing wrong...
If you happen to arrive here and are using an archive_file Data Source, there is an exported attribute called output_md5. This seems to provide the same results that you would get from filemd5(data.archive_file.app_config_json.output_path).
Here is a full example:
data archive_file config {
type = "zip"
output_path = "${path.module}/"
source {
filename = "config/template-configuration.json"
content = "some content"
resource aws_s3_bucket_object config{
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.stacks.bucket
key = ""
content_type = "application/zip"
source = data.archive_file.config.output_path
etag = data.archive_file.config.output_md5
All functions in Terraform run during the initial configuration processing, not during the graph walk. For all of the functions that read files on disk, that means that the files must be present on disk prior to running Terraform as part of the configuration itself -- usually, checked in to version control -- rather than being generated dynamically during the Terraform operation.
The documentation for [file], which filemd5 builds on, has the following to say about it:
This function can be used only with files that already exist on disk at the beginning of a Terraform run. Functions do not participate in the dependency graph, so this function cannot be used with files that are generated dynamically during a Terraform operation. We do not recommend using dynamic local files in Terraform configurations, but in rare situations where this is necessary you can use the local_file data source to read files while respecting resource dependencies.
As the documentation there suggests, the local_file data source provides a way to read a file into memory as a resource during the graph walk, although its result would still need to be passed to md5 to get the result you needed here.
Because you're creating the file with a local_file resource anyway, you can skip the need for the additional data resource and derive the MD5 hash directly from your local_file.app_config_json resource:
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "bucket_app" {
bucket = "${}-${var.env}-app-assets"
key = "config.json"
source = local_file.app_config_json.filename
etag = md5(local_file.app_config_json.content)
Note that we don't need to use depends_on if we derive the configuration from attributes of the local_file.app_config_json resource, because Terraform can therefore already see that the dependency relationship exists.

Iterate over map with lists in terraform 0.12

I am using terraform 0.12.8 and I am trying to write a resource which would iterate over the following variable structure:
variable "applications" {
type = map(string)
default = {
"app1" = "test,dev,prod"
"app2" = "dev,prod"
My resource:
resource "aws_iam_user" "custom" {
for_each = var.applications
name = "circleci-${var.tags["ServiceType"]}-user-${var.tags["Environment"]}-${each.key}"
path = "/"
So, I can iterate over my map. However, I can't figure out how to verify that var.tags["Environment"] is enabled for specific app e.g. app1.
Basically, I want to ensure that the resource is created for each application as long as the Environment variable is in the list referencing app name in the applications map.
Could someone help me out here?
Please note that I am happy to go with a different variable structure if you have something to propose that would accomplish my goal.

Terraform module structure

I had a flat structure of all my .tf files and want to migrate to a folder (i.e. module) based set up so that my code is clearer.
For example I have moved my instance and elastic IP (eip) definitions in separate folders
In my
resource "aws_instance" "rancher-node-production" {}
In my
module "instance" {
source = "../instance"
resource "aws_eip" "rancher-node-production-eip" {
instance = "${}"
However when running terraform plan:
Error: resource 'aws_eip.rancher-node-production-eip' config: "" is not a valid output for module "instance"
Think of modules as black boxes that you can't "reach" into. To get data out of a module, that module needs to export that data with an output. So in your case, you need to declare the rancher-node-production id as an output of the instance module.
If you look at the error you're getting, that's exactly what it's saying: is not a valid output of the module (because you never defined it as an output).
Anyway here's what it would look like.
resource "aws_instance" "rancher-node-production" {}
output "rancher-node-production" {
value = {
id = "${}"
Hope that fixes it for you.
