Get the vertical scrollBar object of certain column in pyqt's QColumnView class - pyqt

There is a QColumnView class as shown belown. I use QFileSystemModel as its data model.
As you can see, there are four columns and three vertical scroll bars and a horizontal scroll bar.
It's easy to get the horizontal scroll bar by using self.ui.columnView.horizontalScrollBar().
But when I use self.ui.columnView.verticalScrollBar() to get the vertical scroll bar, it doesn't work properly.
So I would like to know how to get certain column's scroll bar.
When I connect a function to the horizontal scroll bar's valueChanged event by self.ui.columnView.horizontalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.sync) and I move the horizontal scroll bar, the self,sync is executed.
But when I use self.ui.columnView.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.sync), whatever vertical scroll bar I move, the self.sync cannot be executed.


Powerpoint: Change grid that drawings are aligned to/Move objects freely

I try to highlight a bar graph (exported from Excel) by adding an arrow at the tip and the bottom of a specific bar but it drives me nuts, that the grid at which Powerpoint orients itself results in the arrow not being exactly in the middle of the bar. Moving the whole bar graph doesn't bring a solution to this. Can I just move the arrows freely?
Hold down the ALT key while you move the shape with the mouse; that'll temporarily disable snapping to grid.
Or right click off the slide, choose Grid & Guides and turn off Snap To Grid in the resulting dialog box.

How to display bokeh DataTable with vertical scroll bar at the top

Currently when I render datatable on bokeh, it always has the scroll bar at the bottom to show the last bit of data. How can I change it to display top data with scroll bar at the top.

Motif: How to move Scroll Bar automatically without user intervention

I have a scrolled window in my application, in which I have created a drawing area widget. In the drawing area, I have placed multiple images. When the user enters information about an image in a search box, the appropriate image gets highlighted.
My problem is how do I get the application to scroll automatically to the highlighted Image box without the user using the scroll bar. The scrolledwindow should automatically move the view region, to display the region where the highlighted Image is present.
The scrolling policy used on the scrolled window is XmAUTOMATIC.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Try XmScrollVisible() if this does not work then you will need to:
1. Find out the size of the work area.
2. Find out the size and position of the clip window.
3. Find out the max/ min values for the horizontal scrollbar.
4. Use XmScrollBarGetValues() for the horizontal scrollbar to get its position within the max/min values.
5. Do some math magic to determine how much to move the horizontal scrollbar to get the work area to show through the clip window.
6. Call XmScrollBarSetValues() with Notify = True.
7. Repeat for the Vertical scrollbar.

How to stop the horizontal scroll bar from showing when window is resized?

I have this website which I want to be able to keep the content in the middle of the page. Now I've got it so that most of the content stays in the same place when the window re-sizes, however the problem is that when I re-size the window to half the size of the screen, a horizontal scroll bar appears but when you move the scroll bar to the right, there's nothing there and it's just a blank space.
Is there anyway that I can make so that the content stays in the same place without a scroll bar appearing when I re-size the window?
Instead of using percentages as your widths for the containers, use a pixel value.
Example: #content { width: 800px }

Tab bar is also moving when i scroll the table view

I have written the code programmatically for my tab bar in my table view.The problem whenever i am scrolling the table view,the tab bar is also moving.The tab bar created in one cell,so it is also scrolling.How to keep that in static.Please help me in this.
Thanks in advance
DOn't put the TabBar in the Scrollview. Rather, have the TabBar at the bottom of the main view, and have the ScrollView extend only to the top of the TabBar. That should fix it. If you put the TabBar on the ScrollView, it will scroll around (that's what the ScrollView does).
If you're creating the tab bar as one of the cells, this will always happen. (It's the expected behaviour for the table cell.)
Why on earth are you using this approach, rather than simply putting the tab bar above or below the UITableView?
