what is the reason why a scatterplot of a continous variable, that seems also normal distributed, look like this? - statistics

[enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UpNHI.png)
here the scatterplot and histogram. enter image description here
I was trying to fit three different mixed models, one for each y. one of that is this variable that shows this scatterplots. The one that look like an "S" was created with data removing NAs, while the other one is with NA that actually I should keep. The problem is that this data are measurement of leaf of plants across different samples. But there is no reason why it should look like a sigmoid


Minitab Histogram: Group bins as "larger than X"

As I am new to Minitab, I searched for quite a while in blogs, forums, youtube videos and even images first, but no luck.
I am looking for a possibility to group values in a histogram (i.e. bins?). I have a large data set that looks like this: https://www.engr.mun.ca/~ggeorge/4421/demos/t1/i21barchart.png with a few outliers.
What I specifically want to do in this case is to add all the values above 15 in one single bar and label it as "15 and greater" (group all the outliers into a single bar). Excel does exactly this by default (see image): https://learnandteachstatistics.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/histogram_2.png
Any chance to do the same with Minitab?
Thanks in advance for the time and help.
edit: I found the answer via Minitab help and posted a screenshot below
Minitab histogram bins must be equally separated and distributed, all you can specify is a personalized set of bins, different of the automatically calculated ones, by clicking in bar chart area -> Edit Graph -> Edit Bars -> Binning -> Midpoint/Cutpoint positions; however, as I said, the bins must be equally distributed....

GitLab Markdown Labels

I'm playing around with Markdown and have a question about it:
I want to work with labels. For example:
In the third column there are two labels. I would like to use these, depending on the priority. If the task is Low, then the High label must be removed. I am only missing the small x to remove the label.
What am i doing wrong?

Custom markers in Excel depending on data point value

I am kind of a newbie with Excel, so asking this question here. I have already checked some videos but the examples do not fit my need, so I am wondering if this is even possible.
I have a line chart with 10 data points, and for each data point I am currently using a built-in dot marker. The data values can go from 1 to 5, which corresponds to a net promoting score where 1 is "extremely satisfied" and 5 is "extremely satisfied": I would like to have an emoticon to represent each value, e.g. sad face for 1 and happy face for 5, and have this in a systematic way, so that every chart I generate will have these custom markers displayed depending on the value.
I would go with:
having a separate sheet with a table containing the values and the related images (not sure if this is even possible)
creating some sort of magic formula to link the data value to the image
apply the magic formula to the charts
Is this approach correct? Is this even possible?
Thank you.

Getting a specific contour in VTK

I like to get a specific contour from image data.
My main goal is to remesh a polydata in grid form. So I followed below pipeline:
convert polydata to image using PolyDataToImageData
convert above image output to vtkImageDataGeometryFilter
use vtkImplicitPolyDataDistance to compute the distance from the original polydata
copy the distance values to image output scalars in step 2
The result is below:
I then tried to use vtkContourFilter to get polydata with SetValue(0, 0.0). And as you can see the result is not entirely correct:
The value of distance array is https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2mZsgdrcmX/ and it is never 0 so I think I am doing it wrong in SetValue but I am also not sure how to get that specific green contour.
Is there any way to get those green points contour?
I am not completely sure to understand your pipeline.
In the vtkContourFilter, the SetValue takes two parameters. The first one is the id of the contour (as the filter can extract several contours at once, see the SetNumberOfContours). The second is the isovalue of the contour.
Here, you set an isovalue of 0.0. Which means you want the points at a distance 0 of the original data set. Looking at the first image, it seems these are the red points. If you want a contour at the green points, you may want to specify a higher scalar value.
PS: If the goal of your pipeline is to have a "larger version" of your shape, you may also have a look at the vtkWarpVector (and give it the normals of your polydata).

chart in excel to represent correlation of 3 parameters

Please dont eat me because of this question :)
I have some data in excel and I would like to make a graphical representation of those data. Structure of my data:
persons ID : from 1 to 485 to every person, there is one parameter like average jumping distance and another parameter (like height) and finally there is a class to which every person belongs to (1, 2 or 3).
To assign persons to classes I have used k-means algorithm.
Now I would like to make a graph of this result. How can I do it please in excel (or by using another tool)?
Thank you
I would use a scatter (XY chart with markers and no lines). Plot average jumping distance on one axis, height on the second axis. Then for the classes I would separate all the data into 3 series and use different colors for each series. I would adjust the marker size to see which one works best with the data.
Here is a fast example to give you an idea how to it would look like. Its not as easy as just clicking once to insert the chart from the data though:
