yarn jest "/folder1/test1.tsx|folder2/test2.tsx/gi" runs only first test - jestjs

I want to run multiple tests with jest regex, but it only runs the first one
The yarn jest "/folder1/test1.tsx|folder2/test2.tsx/gi" command runs only folder1/test1.tsx test suite


My jest tests run fine separately but fail when run all routes together

I'm making an API using TypeScript, node.
I'm using jest to make some tests
I have two different routes, "/users" and "/authentication", when I run one route at a time it runs ok, but when I run all tests together one of my tests returns me a 500 status code.
I'm running it in node v16.17.0
jest: v29.3.1
When I run $npm run test users
When I run $npm run test authentication
When I run $npm run test
Thats my test scipts:
"test:load-envs": "dotenv -e .env.test", "test": "npm run test:load-envs npx jest",
I've tested it manually throught thunderClient and the error case runs fine...
On thunderClient trying to emulate the error:
I searched for someone with a similar error but I couldn't find an answer to my problem.
I can ignore this since it's a personal project, but I really would like to know how to solve it

.only does not work when running jest on multiple file coverage

describe.only() does not work when running jest --runInBand --forceExit --testTimeout=10000
when I use describe.skip() it works fine, but describe.only() is not working

Jest issues while running tests without flag --runInBand - my test fails

I'm having some problems with my node tests with jest.
When I write the command to run the tests without the --runInBand flag, some of my tests fail. And when I try to run with the --runInBand flag they all pass...
It's always a good option to use the --runInBand flag? Or I did something wrong?
(I'm working with some async tests...)

jasmine-node and bamboo - test failed

I using jasmine-node for testing node app, and have integration with bamboo, but the problem is when some of the test failed bamboo reports that command jasmine-node test-name.js exits with 1 and that on bamboo job dashboard I have label testless build without reports about tests.
Also I made wrapper in node to run that command and still getting that output of executing is 1.
Can I use this wrapper for bamboo, because I'm using --junitreport flag and artifact for junit tests?
Or I can setup jasmine-node to prevent throwing error if some of the test fails?
Just put the exit 0 at end of script in bamboo job.

How to run tests with gruntJS

So, how do I run the test suite in gruntjs? I thought it should be pretty simple and straight-forward but well, for me it wasn't :)
Since gruntjs should be able to run tests I thought that I could just run "grunt test", but that for some reason requires the server to run. I tried starting it in another process with "grunt server watch" but then again the "grunt test" fails.
How is grunt supposed to work?
'grunt test' is a task that starts server too when required. It starts a test runner, for example karma and karma runs the tests in browser environment.
The trick is to run karma and provide configuration items in karma.conf.js
A sample gruntfile on gruntjs website shows how to make qUnit work with grunt.
