Step Undefined when running Cucumber file with IntelliJ - cucumber

I am working on a Project and keep getting the Steps Undefined when running my feature file. I did copy and paste the recommended steps but I keep getting the same issue. Does anyone know what an issue may be?
[[[[enter image description here](](](](
I do have a runner file and tried everything but nothing seems to be working.


HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies error while publishing my MVC .net 3.1 core project to Azure

Not sure what details I should be providing to be completely honest, other than I googled and searched for this solution and I deleted everything and retried and didnt work out, I downloaded all the files needed, I added application settings and it added an error for me telling me that I need to install or update Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App, version 3.1.0, which I have installed and already existed anyway
I tried going to application event logs on Azure portal, there was 3 errors first this one which some people suggested going to web.config and changing it to Module not v2, and I dont see any web.config file in my mvc project
2nd error which I already talked about but its just not working, so I assume somehow its not seeing it??
3rd error Also this I am not quite sure what to do with it.
Lastly, as I said I am not sure what information I should provide, I dont have much time and I was asked to publish it on azure there was no problems and seemed easy but errors popped up and nothing on the internet fixed my issues, you can comment and I will add any required data to fix this.
Thanks in advance
I installed each and every package in the dotnet folder to make sure everything is right and everytime it recognized there is a file already and asked me if I want to repair I said yes but that didnt help
I checked my .json file if it had any errors like some people suggested
checked if Azure portal specified that I am using ASP.NET 3.1core which it did
~~I used search for "stdoutLogFile" to check if I can find it anywhere on my solution since I cant find my web.config but I there was no result~~
I found out that I can add the web.config and make changes to it, and I did so but there was no result for it, still same error (yes I change the publish profile and republish to make sure it took the changes)
[enter image description here][1]
[1]: I got these errors when I opened the profile.arm.json folder under the server dependency folder

Error message: > Could not create service of type FileHasher using BuildSessionServices.createFileHasher(). >

I've been trying to export my Godot app to a .aab to upload to the play store. I've successfully exported the first version of this, but exporting the second version after some edits to the code causes this error. The edits to the code makes it run without error in the Godot editor so I don't think the edits were the problem.
Here is the error message I am getting
Does anyone know how to solve this? I tried to locate the file using the finder(I'm using macOS) but couldn't find it.

Cant find module "../encodings"

When I try and make a request to my server I get the following:
Error: Cannot find module '../encodings' This is the same issue I face but nothing recommended on there works.
My project was working fine, then I moved the project folder to a different location and thats when the issue started. So I moved it back but the issue persisted. I cannot work on my project as this issue prevents me.
I tried removing node_modules and reinstalling but was unsuccesfull.
This is the line of code in question:
iconv.encodings = require("../encodings");
That path does exist and I can see it. I dont know whats wrong.
Its been days and I have not been able to find any solutions anywhere.
I am a beginner. Please let me know if I need to provide anything else that can aid.
So what I ended up doing was just creating a new project and copying over all of the files from the project in question. Everything then began to work correctly.

codedu ui gives access is denied error for the program under test

I dont know if anyone ever come up with this situation but today I come up with this weird situation with codedu, nothing works when I run tests. Today when I come to office , installed AccessDatabaseEngine for datadriven test and start a testMethod, none of my records are running, I took a new record and also not working. Restart VS or restart PC doesnt help. Please somebody help me getting out of this situation. When I run a test, it bring up the already open application (UAT) but can not play.
I am not sure whether its cause but I installed AccessDatabaseEngine before running any test. I tried to uninstall it but when I look at applications I cant see where its placed..
I noticed that I doesnt record all, I tried to record a new test. It throws "Access is Denied", while capturing the application
and it gives Control not found error when I try to run
I found some pages for same error
I checked CodedUITestBuilder config file and I see this line was commented and I changed it but this did not fixed.
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>
I also tried changing properties of CodedUITestBuilder.exe but again same result
Coded UI Test Builder fails to generate code for recorded action
Its fixed after I uninstalled the AccessDatabaseEngine . I installed it by clicking same exe. I should not install it because its too old, that is obvious with its icon.

RFT testscripts not executing

I have just installed RFT version 8.3.0 for testing a mainframe application. I imported the appropriate rftjdtr files to the project. But i am unable to execute any of the testcases. When i press the run ( or debug) button, nothing happens. There are no error messages popping up. I suspect it is a java configuration issue on my machine. I have tried comparing the settings with another machine where it is working fine. It is the first time that i am using RFT, so i do not know what to do. Can somebody please help me with this?
I have encountered the same issue. This may be because of workspace error. Create a new workspace and run the script.
