Spark event log not able to write to s3 - apache-spark

I am trying to write the eventlog of my spark application to s3 for consuming through the history server later , but i get below warning message in the log
WARN S3ABlockOutputStream: Application invoked the Syncable API against stream writing to /spark_logs/eventlog_v2_local-1671627766466/events_1_local-1671627766466. This is unsupported
Below is the spark config I used:
config("spark.eventLog.enabled", "true")\
.config("spark.eventLog.dir", 's3a://change-data-capture-cdc-test/pontus_data_load/spark_logs')\
.config("spark.eventLog.rolling.enabled", "true")\
.config("spark.eventLog.rolling.maxFileSize", "10m")
spark version - 3.3.1
dependant jars:
Only the appstatus_local-1671627766466.inprogress file is created, the actual log file is not created. But with my local file system its working as expected.

the warning means "the Application invoked the Syncable API against stream writing to /spark_logs/eventlog_v2_local-1671627766466/events_1_local-1671627766466. This is unsupported"
application code persists data to a filesystem using sync() to flush and save. clearly the spark logging is calling this. And as noted, the s3a client says "no can do".
s3 is not a filesystem. it is an object store; objects are written in single atomic operations. If you look at the S3ABlockOutputStream class -it is all open source after all- you can see that it may upload data, but it only completes the write in close().
therefore, it is not visible during the logging process itself. The warning is to make clear this is happening. It will appear once the log is closed.
If you want, you can set spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.downgrade.syncable.exceptions to true and it will raise an exception instead. That really makes clear to applications like hbase that the filesystem lacks the semantics it needs.


How to read stderr logs from AWS logs

I am using EMR steps to run my jobs.
Typically when I want to analyze the performance of a job or to understand why it failed, I look at the spark history server for DAG visualizations, and job errors, etc.
For example, if the job failed due to heap error, or Fetchfailed, etc, I can see it clearly specified in the spark history server.
However, I can't seem to be able to find such descriptions when I look at the stderr log files that are written to the LOG URI S3 bucket.
Is there a way to obtain such information?
I use pyspark and set the log level to
sc = spark.sparkContext
Any insight as to what I am doing wrong?
I haven't really tested this but as it's a bit long to fit in a comment, I post it here as an answer.
Like pointed out in my comment, the logs you're viewing using Spark History Server UI aren't the same as the Spark driver logs that are saved to S3 from EMR.
To get the spark history server logs written into S3, you'll have to add some additional configuration to your cluster. These configuration options are described in the section Monitoring and Instrumentation of Spark documentation.
In AWS EMR, you could try to add something like this into your cluster configuration:
'Classification': 'spark-defaults',
'Properties': {
'spark.eventLog.dir': 's3a://your_bucket/spark_logs',
'spark.history.fs.logDirectory': 's3a://your_bucket/spark_logs',
'spark.eventLog.enabled': 'true'
I found this interesting post which describes how to set this for Kubernetes cluster, you may want to check it for further details.

Pipeline Transform Logging on Apache Beam in Dataproc

Recently, I deployed a very simple Apache Beam pipeline to get some insights into how it behaved executing in Dataproc as opposed to on my local machine. I quickly realized that after executing that any DoFn or transform-level logging didn't appear within the job logs within the Google Cloud Console as I would have expected and I'm not entirely sure what might be missing.
All of the high level logging messages are emitted as expected:
// This works"Testing logging operations...")
The LoggingDoFn class here is a very basic transform that emits each of the values that it encounters as seen below:
object LoggingDoFn : DoFn<String, ...>() {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun processElement(c: ProcessContext) {
// This is never emitted within the logs"Attempting to parse ${c.element()}")
As detailed in the comments, I can see logging messages outside of the processElement() calls (presumably because those are being executed by the Spark runner), but is there a way to easily expose those within the inner transform as well? When viewing the logs related to this job, we can see the higher-level logging present, but no mention of a "Attempting to parse ..." message from the DoFn:
The job itself is being executed by the following gcloud command, which has the driver log levels explicitly defined, but perhaps there's another level of logging or configuration that needs to be added:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark --jar=gs://some_bucket/deployment/example.jar --project example-project --cluster example-cluster --region us-example --driver-log-levels com.example=DEBUG -- --runner=SparkRunner --output=gs://some_bucket/deployment/out
To summarize, log messages are not being emitted to the Google Cloud Console for tasks that would generally be assigned to the Spark runner itself (e.g. processElement()). I'm unsure if it's a configuration-related issue or something else entirely.

Instrumenting Spark JDBC with javaagent

I am attempting to instrument JDBC calls using the Kamon JDBC Kanela agent in my Spark app.
I am able to successfully instrument JDBC calls in a non-spark test app by passing in -javaagent:kanela-agent-1.0.1.jar on the command line when I run the app from the JAR. When I do this, I see the Kanela banner display in the console, and can see that my failed statement processor is getting called when there is a SQL error.
From my research, I should be able to inject a javaagent into the executor of a Spark app by passing in the following to spark-submit: --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-javaagent:kanela-agent-1.0.1.jar". However, when I do this, although the Kamon banner IS displaying on the console upon my call to Kamon.init(), my failed statement processor is NOT getting called when there is a SQL error.
Things I'm wondering:
Is there something about the way that spark-jdbc makes these JDBC calls that would prevent a javaagent from "seeing" them?
Does my call to Kamon.init() somehow only apply to code in the Spark driver, and not the executor?
Any other reason that you can think of that would be preventing this from working?

pass custom exitcode from yarn-cluster mode spark to CLI

I started a yarn cluster mode spark job through spark-submit.
To indicate partial failure etc I want to pass exitcode from driver to script calling spark-submit.
I tried both, System.exit and throwing SparkUserAppException in driver, but in both cases CLI only got 1, not what exitcode I passed.
I think it is impossible to pass custom exitcode, since any exitcode passed by driver will be converted to yarn status and yarn will convert any failed exitCode to 1 or failed.
By looking at spark code, I can conclude this:
It is possible in client mode. Look at runMain() method of SparkSubmit class
Whereas in cluster mode, it is not possible to get the exit status of the driver because your driver class will be running in one of the executors.
There an alternate solution that might/might not be suitable for your use case:
Host a REST API with an endpoint to receive the status update from your driver code. In the case of any exceptions, let your driver code use this endpoint to update the status.
You can save the exit code in the output file (on HDFS or local FS) and make your script wait for this file appearance, read and proceed. This is definitely is not an elegant way, but it may help you to proceed.
When saving file, pay attention to the permissions to this location. Your spark process has to have RW access.

Apache Spark FileNotFoundException

I am trying to play a little bit with apache-spark cluster mode.
So my cluster consists of a driver in my machine and a worker and manager in host machine(separate machine).
I send a textfile using sparkContext.addFile(filepath) where the filepath is the path of my text file in local machine for which I get the following output:
INFO Utils: Copying /home/files/data.txt to /tmp/spark-b2e2bb22-487b-412b-831d-19d7aa96f275/userFiles-147c9552-1a77-427e-9b17-cb0845807860/data.txt
INFO SparkContext: Added file /home/files/data.txt at http://192.XX.XX.164:58143/files/data.txt with timestamp 1457432207649
But when I try to access the same file using SparkFiles.get("data.txt"), I get the path to file in my driver instead of worker.
I am setting my file like this
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("spark-play").setMaster("spark://192.XX.XX.172:7077");
conf.setJars(new String[]{"jars/SparkWorker.jar"});
JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
List<String> file =sparkContext.textFile(SparkFiles.get("data.txt")).collect();
I am getting FileNotFoundException here.
I have recently faced the same issue and hopefully my solution can help other people solve this issue.
We know that when you use SparkContext.addFile(<file_path>), it sends the file to the automatically created working directories in the driver node (in this case, your machine) as well as the worker nodes of the Spark cluster.
The block of code that you shared where you are using SparkFiles.get("data.txt") is being executed on the driver, so it returns the path to the file on the driver, instead of the worker. But, the task is being run on the worker and path to the file on the driver does not match the path to the file on the worker because the driver and worker nodes have different working directory paths. Hence, you get the FileNotFoundException.
There is a workaround to this problem without using any distributed file system or ftp server. You should put the file in your working directory on your host machine. Then, instead of using SparkContext.get("data.txt"), you use "./data.txt".
List<String> file = sparkContext.textFile("./data.txt").collect();
Now, even though there is a mismatch of working directory paths between the spark driver and worker nodes, you will NOT face FileNotFoundException since you are using a relative path to access the file.
I think that the main issue is that you are trying to read the file via the textFile method. What is inside the brackets of the textFile method is executed in the driver program. In the worker node only the code tobe run against an RDD is performed. When you type textFile what happens is that in your driver program it is created a RDD object with a trivial associated DAG.But nothing happens in the worker node.
Thus, when you're trying to collect the data, the worker is asked to read the file at the URL you've passed to textFile, which is told by the driver. Since your file is in the local filesystem of the driver and the worker node doesn't have access to it, you get the FileNotFoundException.
The solution is to make the file available to the worker node by putting it into a distributed filesystem as HDFS or via (s)ftp or you have to trasfer the file into the worker node before running the Spark job and then you have to put as an argument of textFile the path of the file in the worker filesystem.
