Lane Detection in Real Time - conv-neural-network

I am new in Deep Learning and i want to make project about lane detection system in real time.
What should i do it in pretrained model like YOLO ? Any ideas ?
I'll be glad if this question be answered.


Tensorflow Object Detection: Using new detected images to retrain model [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have searched through this forum for similar questions but was unanswered (Updating Tensorflow Object detection model with new images). I have managed to create my custom train model (lets name it model1). Was wondering if can i use new images that are processed by model1 to further train model1? will it improve the accuracy of the model?
Accuracy will depend on the number of correctly classified images and not only on the total number of training images. If you consider that the new images are to be used for training (have correct labels), then you should consider re-training the model. Take a look at this post
You can use your current model (model1) in a number of ways:
on new images to detect bad results (hard examples) for new training
on new images to detect good results for evaluation
on the images in the existing dataset to detect bad images (wrong label etc.)
Some of the bad results from new images will be non-objects (adversarial) and not directly usable for training (but see this:
Removal of bad images from the existing dataset requires retraining from scratch unless there is some funky way of "untraining" images from a model.
Eventually one would end up approaching a perfect dataset that makes best use of the capacity of the chosen model architecture, although the domain may evolve over time.
I think the reason this is not much discussed is because most researchers have to work with common datasets so they can compare their approaches (brilliant read:
It might improve it but it is tricky. It would lead to overfitting. Improving the data set would actually help, but not with images detected by its own model. This kind of images are detected cause the model already performs well on them, so not much help.
What you need actually is quite the opposite. You need to teach the model to recognize the images that it didn't recognize before
The main problem of machine learning (that is the approach you are using for object detection here) is that of generalization. In your case, it is the ability to recognize objects of the same type as image you used for training, in images that were not used during training.
Obviously, if you were able to use all the possible images during training, your system would be perfect (actually, it would be a simple exact image matching problem). In a more realistic setup, the more training image you are using, the higher chance you have to obtain a better object detector.
Usually, it is however more valuable to add hard examples to your training set. Hence, if your application allows it (in terms of computation time in particular) you can indeed add all the images that are wrongly detected in your dataset (with the correct label) and it will probably help to get a better model, able to detect the object in harder condition on new images.
However, it really depends on what you are doing. If you want to compare your system to another one, you need to use the same (training and) test images to be fair. For benchmarking, you are not allowed to include test images in the training dataset! When you compute the accuracy (on a validation/test dataset) to compare several settings, be sure you are fair in this comparison.

How can I improve a tensorflow model to recognize vehicle registration plate detection?

I have struggled for a week to train a model that can give me the bounding numbers for extraction of vehicle registration plates. (It's a law enforcement initiative.) The latest attempt - there were many - went like this:
I used the pets pre-trained model.
I took images of roads and overlaid a different registration plate on each road image. The plate is always in the same position to simplify the generation of the xml files.
Upsized the plates to 300x80 - previously much smaller with similar results.
1600 training images and 200 testing images.
Converted the xml to csv and then to tfrecord format.
Trained the model using the ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config with minor changes, such as the num_classes and num_examples and paths.
Trained on an AWS GPU instance for a few hours.
Results are horrible. Windscreens are detected as plates and square fronts of vehicles are detected. I can upload if it will help.
I'm about to give up and use a text extraction algorithm, but that brings other complexities such as ignoring other text in the image.
I hate giving up, so any advice eagerly accepted.
Ouch. Down-voted already. Apologies. Marked as answered. Guess I misunderstood how to formulate questions. Plan B it is.

kNN to predict LPR

I am doing a License Plate Recognition system using python. I browsed through the net and I found many people have done the recognition of characters in the license plate using kNN algorithm.
Can anyone explain how we predict the characters in the License Plate using kNN ?
Is there any other algorithm or method that can do the prediction better ?
I am referring to this Git repo
Well, I did this 5 years ago. I will suggest you that, maybe right now is so much better to do this using ML Classifier Models, but if you want to use OpenCV. OpenCV has a pretty cool way to make ANPR using an OCR.
When I did it, I used a RasberryPi for processing and capture images and with c++ run openCV in another computer. I recommend you check this repo and if you're interested look for the book reference there. I hope my answer helps you to find your solution.

Multi layer perceptron for OCR [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I intend to use a multi layer perceptron network trained with backpropagation (one hidden layer, inputs served as 8x8 bit matrices containing the B/W pixels from the image). The following questions arise:
which type of learning should I use: batch or on-line?
how could I estimate the right number of nodes in the hidden layer? I intend to process the 26 letter of english alphabet.
how could I stop the training process, to avoid overfitting?
(not quite related) is there another better NN prved to perform better than MLP? I know about MLP stucking in local minima, overfitting and so on, so is there a better (soft computing-based) approach?
Most of these questions are things that you need to try different options to see what works best. That is the problem with ANNs. There is no "best" way to do almost anything. You need to find out what works for your specific problem. Nevertheless, I will give my advice for your questions.
1) I prefer incremental learning. I think it is important for the network weights to be updated after each pattern.
2) This is a tough question. It really depends on the complexity of your network. How many input nodes, output nodes, and training patterns that there are. For your problem, I might start with 100 and try ranges up and down from 100 to see if there is improvement.
3) I usually calculate the total error of the network when applied to the test set (not the training set) after each epoch. If that error increases for about 5 epochs, I will stop training and then use the network that was created before the increase occurred. It is important not to use the error of the training set when deciding to stop training. This is what will cause overfitting.
4) You could also try a probabilistic neural network if you are representing your output as 26 nodes, each representing a letter of the alphabet. This network architecture is good for classification problems. Again, it may be a good idea just to try a few different architectures to see what works best for your problem.
Regarding number 3, one way to find out when your ANN starts to overfit is by graphing the accuracy of the net on your training data and your test data vs the number of epochs performed. At some point, as your training accuracy continues to increase (tending towards 100%), your test accuracy will probably start to actually decrease because the ANN is overfitting to the training data. See what epoch that starts to happen and make sure not to train past that.
If your data is very regular and consistent, then it might not overfit until very late in the game, or not at all. And if your data is highly irregular, then your ANN will start to overfit much earlier.
Also, a way to test how regular your data is is to do something like k-fold cross validation.

poor results with cats and dogs dataset .How to improve the accuracy

Hi I have a program whose task is to classify between images of cats and dogs. My algorithm does not learn and does not improve its accuracy. Any ideas on how to increase the accuracy in convolutional neural network(I dont know how to share jupyter file ).
Any general ways to improve the algorithm will help
Well this question leaves a lot to the imagination, and therefore I can already assume that you tried to make a small neural network yourself.
1) Did you use convolutional layers?
2) Did you try transfer learning? (InceptionV3, Vgg16, Xception,...)
3) Do you have enough data? 1000 images a class approximately
Maybe this site can be useful to understand certain things:
If I did not help you at all, then please rephrase your question :)
