Pasting into a protected sheet - object

I would like users of my sheet to be able to add pictures to a protected sheet, but I do not want them to be able to move/manipulate the pictures that are already in the sheet. I know that I can select "Edit Objects" when I protect and that will allow others to paste, but then my images/objects that I want stationary are editable. Surely this is possible somehow.
I have tried to "lock" each object on my original sheet before I protect. I was hoping users would then be able to paste. The only way I can seem to allow them to paste is if I allow "edit object" when I protect.


Excel Spreadsheet tabs

it sounds simple but I am struggling
Do you know how to password protect a single sheet (there’s multiple sheets in the work book) so that you can only view it with a password. So the user can’t see it with the ‘read only’ option, I can only seem to be able to do it to the whole workbook. But just need it for 1 sheet only?
A visually undiscoverable and password-protected sheet. C4 has test, but you can't see it. I also removed gridlines for grins.
I thought about this for a bit, and here's my best answer:
Change the cell and font colors to be the same
Protect the sheet and disable the ability to change ANYTHING.
Hide the sheet, if necessary.
This would force someone to:
Have the password.
Select All fields on that page, and then change the font color.
If memory serves correctly, this can easily be hacked by importing the workbook to Google Sheets, converting it to a Sheet, and then re-exporting it back to XLSX. In other words, don't be trying to hide anything TOO sensitive here.

Protect some cells in an excel worksheet

Good day,
Im almost completed with my data tool which i am going to send to our offices across the country. i will like to ensure that most of the information stays the same. in order to do this, i will like to lock some cells on all the pages on my sheet.
i reseached online and there were suggestions about locking the cells and then protecting the page. however, when i do that, i cant edit ALL the cells on the prpotected page. is there a way to protect only some cells so that they are untouchable and some are edittable?
You must unlock the cells that should stay editable after protecting the sheet. You can do that in the Formating Cells Dialog. First select the cells you want to format. Then press {ctrl + 1}. On the protection tab, deselect the locked option. Then protect the sheet.

Lock range not whole sheet from being edited using vba

I have an excel sheet with 100s of rows. I want to be able to lock a particular range from being edited while the others can be left editable. And protect the locked range with a password.
Please help
Activesheet.protect locks the whole sheet. I want it only for a few cells.
F1 opens the Excel help. If you do a search in there, or on google, the top result would be the following link:
This should help you out.
In short:
Right click on the cells you want editable
Format Cells...
Tab Protection
For cells that people should be able to Edit: Uncheck "Locked". For cells that people should NOT be able to edit, leave the check for "Locked".
Click OK.
Next, go to the Review tab in the Ribbon and protect your sheet as normal.

Copy from unprotected workbook to protected workbook - Excel 2013

I received a protected excel file which only allows me to add values or select from a drop down list. The file has lots of different tabs, all in different format and questions.
I then unprotected the workbook to make my life easier (i.e. copy, paste, make notes etc)
using the code found here:
Now i am looking for a way to transfer all the values from the unprotected file back to the original file they sent me as I cannot submit an unprotected file. It is too many questions to do manually.
What is the best way to do this in excel 2013/VBA?
Thank you
It looks like you're wanting to do this on a sheet that previously had a password you didn't have access to. Also, it seems that you can't ask the worksheet creator to simply remove the password.
If both these are true, the best solution would be to save the modified sheet with the same name and send that sheet. From what I've seen, VBA and developer tools don't include a way to copy values to locked regions in a password-protected sheet, without unlocking that sheet:
ActiveSheet.Unprotect 'method to unlock current sheet, password may be required
ActiveSheet.Protect 'same to lock again
But, once a sheet is unlocked, you could loop through all cells in the region you want to copy from, and copy those values to the new sheet / workbook.
Please let us know if there's something else, or if something needs to be explained in more detail.

Is it possible to add a logo or other picture in an Excel sheet and lock its position on the sheet?

I am looking for a way to add a logo or other picture in an Excel sheet and lock its position on the sheet, so that the user won't get annoyed if he happen to grab it while using.
I tried locking cells, sheet, but nothing seems to work.
I am using Excel 2007.
Not really a programming question but the way to do this is...
Right click the image and choose Size and Properties.
Click Properties tab and under properties,(optional- choose Don't move or size with cells) and ensure the Locked box is checked.
Highlight the cells of the worksheet you want the users to be able to edit, right click inside one of them and choose Format Cells. In the protection tab uncheck the locked checkbox.
Then you can protect the worksheet. Click Home, then Format, then Protect Sheet.
Make sure you unselect Select locked cells, leave the top checkbox selected (Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells) as well as select unlocked cells checked.
