Configure "When a new email arrives (V3)" trigger to filter based on specific word or domain in the From field - azure

I created a short logic app where the trigger is "When a new email arrives (V3)" and I would like for it to trigger only for emails from a specific domain, let's say I know I can use the From parameter, but that requires me to manage list of emails, separated by semicolons.
How could I configure this to trigger only for emails?
I tried to use dynamic content but, so far I did not manage to figure it out.

You need to add a trigger condition to the flow.
Although our triggers look a little different, the concept should be exactly the same. First, you need to access the settings of the trigger ...
... and then you need to add the trigger condition.
In your case, the trigger condition will be like thus ...
#contains(triggerBody()?['From'], '')


Can Logic Apps Monitor a large number of calendars effectively?

We want to track changes in user calendars, but are concerned with how often we'd need to check 2000+ user calendars (Outlook).
Would the process of monitoring over 2000 user calendars present a problem for our network?
Trigger (Check for calendar change) -> ACTION (Http: update a DB)
The Trigger below checks a calendar every 2 seconds. Is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription" object where it simply handles a change notification?
For the question about how often to check the calendar events, it depends on your requirement. In my opinion, if you set check event every 2 seconds(it's a little bit more frequent), you'd better check if your logic app set as run in parallel. You can click the ... button of the trigger and click "Settings". Then check if it is same to below screenshot.
For your question about is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription". I'm afraid it doesn't exist a trigger which can implement this requirement in logic app. We can also check if any backend api can implement it, we can see the graph api document.
The example in above screenshot is for mailFolders, but it's same with events. We can see it is necessary to specify a user(like me) or a group before the /events. So I don't think we can monitor the subscription events. You can raise a post on Azure feedback page to suggest developer add this feature.

Send an email (using flow) when the text field changes in PowerApps

I have a PowerApps App which is linked to a SharePoint List. When the user makes some changes to the text field in the app; I want the flow to send the user an email regarding the update.
I've been trying to track the SharePoint List entry and see if the entry is modified, then send an email. But so far I'm unable to do so.
I've been able to send an email when a text field changes to a specific text; but I'm looking for something where a particular entry in the list is changed.
When an item is created or modified > Condition (Column is equal to Yes) > Send email based on the condition
You don't need Powerapps for the same, what I mean is you need Flow for this.
Create and Run your flow on SharePoint directly.
In your flow check whatever your field is changed, if changed then you can send the user email.
You do not need to depend on Powerapps, Flow can alone work for this scenario.
Ensure you are using the Sharepoint When an item is created or modified Trigger in Power Automate (the tool formerly known as Flow)
Add a Trigger Condition for the column in question. Something along the lines of #triggerBody()?.Status,'Pending')
Trigger Conditions are not very well documented at the moment, but provide a powerful way to control when a Power Automate runs.

How to create a metric alert in Azure that only fires during a specified timeframe?

I have a logic app set up that so that when a file is received on the FTP it gets put into the blob. The file is coming from a third party and it will be coming (supposedly) by 4am every morning. I want to set up an alert to know if the file didn't get received by 4am.
I've gone through all the different types of alerts and triggers, but I can't seem to figure out how to make one trigger when an event DOESN'T happen. I also can't figure out how to make the alert only check for a certain timeframe. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my own alert by adding an action onto the logic app, but I'm at a loss.
Out of the box I don't think it's possible.
You could create a simple BlobTrigger Azure Function that when the file is changed/uploaded, the function will fire. When the function fires you can write a custom metric to app insights that you can then query on in the alert.
I solved this issue:
So I set up a logic app with a recurrence of 4am every day. It sets a flag variable to false, then lists every blob within the folder the blobs are coming in to. It checks every blob in it to see if the last modified date is today (the folder gets emptied daily with another logic) If it finds one it sets the flag as true and then nothing happens. If it doesn't the flag is still false so it sends an email saying the file was not sent today.

Add multiple google schema ConfirmAction

I am working on a project that would require some authorized users to 'Approve' or 'Reject' a request.
I would like these actions to be performed right from the user's inbox.
Is it possible to add more than one ConfirmAction that will be disabled once one of them is clicked. If yes, kindly provide a sample markup.
Gmail only supports a single action. If you specify more than one action in your markup, only the first will be rendered.
Thanks for describing your use case, though, we plan to add new action types and this is a legit request.

Drupal time based triggers

I'm building an event signup system and integrating it with Ubercart. Each event is a product and has a price and a start time.
I wish to be able to trigger an action one week before the event starts. The action is supposed to send an email to the users that bought the event and perform a capture on the registrant's credit card. But where do I define the action and how do I trigger it one week before event start?
I assume you're talking about Drupal 6, since you're mentioning ubercart. Does the action to send the email you're takling about already exist?
If it does, you can assign it under Site Building | Triggers | Cron. If it doesn't show up in the list of actions, you might need the Triggerunlock module.
If the action doesn't exist, you're going to have to write the PHP code to send the emails and do the calculations. You will need to create your own module and either use hook_cron, or create a custom action.
