Azure Backlog Tab Events - azure

How to create the drag and drop event listener for the work item reparent action in a custom extension for the Backlog Tab (same as observers on the work item form)?
Contribution type does not work on this tab


How to call Add Task action in custom tab to show task for sales order?

I have customized the Sales Order screen and added a new tab to show Task for the sales order as shown in the Opportunity screen. I am trying to add action to the task grid and call the existing add task action.
How to i add the Grid toolbar button and call the existing functionality?
You could utilize out-of-box Activity data view defined in SOOrderEntry Graph. CRActivityList implements New Task, New Event etc. Link Activity data view to Grid control.
To add Grid Tool bar button, drag Button control to Grid node in designer:
Once dropped, specify Toolbar button properties:

Installshield event ordering

I have a custom setup dialog, which allows the user to select features.
Let's call them:
Feature A
Feature B
Once the user clicks the next button, a new dialog will open depending on what was selected.
My events look like this:
> New Dialog -> &FeatureA = 3 -> DialogA
> New Dialog -> &FeatureB = 3 -> DialogB
Obviously this is simplified, in reality there's OR clauses everywhere.
My question is why, even after changing the event order, only dialog B is ever opened, if both features are selected?
Note the second paragraph of ControlEvent Table:
The exception to note is that each control can publish a most one NewDialog or one SpawnDialog event. If you need to author multiple NewDialog and SpawnDialog control events in this table, also include conditional statements in the Condition fields that ensure at most one event is published. If multiple NewDialog and SpawnDialog control events are selected for the same control, only the event with the largest value in the Ordering column gets published when the control is activated.
You're best off giving mutually exclusive conditions to all NewDialog control events on a given control. Ordering them correctly should work, but this is easy to mess up.

Dynamic CRM 2011. Hide/show tabs using radio buttons issue

I have this code that hides tabs and shows tabs in CRM 2011. By default all tabs are hidden, but when the client has the product purchased (yes selected), the tab is showen.
The issue I am having is when I click yes and save & close. Then reopen the account, the tab is hidden, but the option is still yes.
The code is:
function showTab(tabNumber, optionField, optionValue) {
if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute(optionField).getValue() == optionValue) {
else {
The option I have is:
I got the code from this place:
Show a Tab Dynamics CRM 2011
I am still working on this.
You need to register this function on both the form's OnLoad event and the field's OnChange event. It sounds, from your description, that it is registered and working for the OnChange event but the OnLoad event.
You currently have the function registered on the onChange event for the radio button control.
Additionally, you need to register an onLoad event for the form.
Create a new web resource.
Open Form Properties.
Add form to available resources.
Add event handler onLoad, and call your webresource.
In the web resource you can just have a call to your showTab function.
When you open the form for customization, look at the top ribbon of the form. You will see Form Properties icon right next to Preview. Click on Form Properties and then add the JavaScript web resource in the Form Library.
Choose Event: OnLoad from the drop down and then click add under the Event Handler.
Choose the web resource of your choice, add the function name being used in your code (showTab).
This will add the function to your Onload event of the form.

How to get menu item selected event in Carbon

I'm trying to handle events related to clicking on or pressing enter on a menu item using the Carbon API in OSX (Cocoa is not an option).
I know about EventTypeSpec and kEventClassMenu and i've dug through the header files looking for the relevant kind constant to use, but i'm still a bit confused as to how I respond to the selection of a menu item. Do I need to handle a key down or mouse down event at the same time as a kEventMenuTargetItem? Do I need to handle kEventMenuMatchKey separately for the enter key?
I'm an idiot.. Events caused by menu items are handled by class command. So:
eventTypes[0].eventClass = kEventClassCommand;
eventTypes[0].eventKind = kEventCommandProcess;
will handle menu events.

Show or hide context menu item based on condition

How do I show or hide context menu items based on condition (For example, some item field value "True" or "False")? I`v added some custom actions for now (using features to add them), but would be nice to manipulate visibility of them.
I`m using WSS 3.0.
Thank you for response.
There is no Out of the Box option Provided by SharePoint / WSS 3.0 to dictate the Visiblity of the menu Item other than below items
Permission of the user on the Item (Add /Edit etc)
GroupID or as configured in the Feature of SharePoint
Status of the Items (Approved/Check In)
Two option you can try out is to do some Java Script hack using jQuery to control the MenuItem Visibility else use the SPGridView but in this case you will need to create a New Menu altogether and Adding of Menu Items using Feature is not possible.
