Border/Fill Around Strip Chart Points - colors

I know this question (or similar questions) have been posted, though I cannot seem to find what is going on.
I am doing a strip chart and I have tried using both geom_jitter(position = position_jitter(0.065)) and geom_point(position = position_jitter(0.065)), but I cannot seem to put a border around each of my points.
I have been only able to fill them with a colour, regardless of whether I use fill = or colour =.
ggplot(Titanic.Data, aes(x = as.factor(Survive),
y = Age,
colour = Survive)) +
geom_jitter(position = position_jitter(0.065)) +
labs(x = "Survive",
y = "Age",
title = "Strip Chart of Age vs Survive") +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("DarkBlue", "DarkRed")) +
theme_test() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
face = "bold",
size = 18)) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Here is what the graph will look like
The data set is huge, and I do not know how to add the file to this thread so here is a small portion of it.
Titanic Data


geom_mark_hull include empty spaces with no points

I am plotting biplots of NMDS and using ggforce::geom_marK_hull to create hulls around points representing fish communities from two sites, faceted by year and season (wet and dry):
I found that some of the hulls are including empty spaces without any points (e.g. Upstream group in wet season 2018 and Upstream group in dry season 2020). I have tried to adjust the expand argument but it seems the problem persists.
Any idea what the reason might be? I would appreciate any comments or help! Thanks in advance!
Raw data files used are fish.spp and fish.env. Codes are:
fish.nmds.k3 <- metaMDS(fish.spp, distance = "bray", k = 3)
fish.nmds.k3.sites <-$points)
fish.nmds.k3.sp <-$species)
(ggplot(fish.nmds.k3.sites, aes(MDS1, MDS2))+
ylim(-3, 3) + xlim (-3, 3) +
geom_mark_hull(aes(fill = fish.env$Site), expand = unit(3, "mm")) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "NMDS Plot of Freshwater Fish Community") +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 10),
panel.grid = element_blank()) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(fish.env$Year), cols = vars(fish.env$Season))

In drc() package, drm fct = L.4 finds wrong intercept parameters, even though the graph is right

I have a problem with the following code.
It calculates the drc curve correctly, but the ec50 wrongly, although the are closely related...
x <- c(-1, -0.114074, 0.187521, 0.363612, 0.488551, 0.585461, 0.664642, 0.730782, 0.788875, 0.840106, 0.885926, 0.92737, 0.965202, 1)
y <- c(100, 3.978395643, 0.851717911, 0.697307565, 0.512455497, 0.512455497, 0.482273052, 0.479293487, 0.361024717, 0.355324864, 0.303120838, 0.286539832, 0.465692047, 0.358045152)
mat <- cbind(x, y)
df <-
calc <- drm(
formula = y ~ x,
data = df,
fct = L.4(names = c("hill", "min_value", "max_value", "ec50"))
plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y), color="black") +
geom_point() +
labs(x = "x", y = "y") +
axis.title.x = element_text(color="black", size=10),
axis.title.y = element_text(color="black", size=10),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"),
axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black")
) +
formula = y ~ x,
method = "drm", color="black",
method.args = list(fct = L.4(names = c("hill", "min_value", "max_value", "ec50"))),
se = FALSE
) +
ylim(0, NA)
ec50 <- ED(calc,50)
This is the graph I obtain:
But if I print the parameters of the function L.4, I have the following result:
hill:(Intercept) 6.3181
min_value:(Intercept) 0.3943
max_value:(Intercept) 111.0511
ec50:(Intercept) -0.6520
max_value:(Intercept) is obviously wrong (it has to be 100), and, as a consequence, ec50 is wrong too.
I would also add that for other sets of data, the min_value:(Intercept) is wrong too (with values < 0...)
I cannot find the mistake, because the graph derived from the same function L.4 shows the right values.
Thank you very much for your help!
The upper asymptote in your case assumes a symmetrical curve (due to 4PL fitting). Meaning that both bottom and upper asymptote have the same inflection.
Your data might max out at 100 but the formula calculates the upper asymptote further than 100 (111) because that's where the actual asymptote lies, not the end of your data.
So the graph is based on your data, but the estimated parameters forces a symmetrical curve to fit it, and your asymptote increases. This will also shift the EC50.

Is there a possibility to place Canvas-objects in Tkinter-grids

Since you can create images, rectangles, lines and so on in the Tkinter-Canvas, I wonder if there is any possibility to place an image in a grid.
What I tried:
from tkinter import *
w = Tk()
background = Canvas(w, highlightthickness = 0)
for r in range(10):
ntexture = PhotoImage(PATH)
background.create_image(image = ntexture, row = r, column = 2)
background.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)
When I execute it, there is an IndexError.
The Problem:
There is are no attributes for row or column.
Do you know how to get the coordinates of rows/columnes or how to do it differently?
To use grid coordinates you need to use the .grid() method, rather than .pack().
In your case something like
bg = background.create_image(image = ntexture)
bg.grid(row = r, column = 2)

how to use vtkImageReSlice?

I am trying to use vtkImageReSlicer to extract a 2d slice from a 3d
vtkImageData object. But I can't seem to get the recipe right. Am I doing it right?
I am also a bit confused about ResliceAxes Matrix. Does it represent a cutting plane? If
I move the ReSliceAxes origin will it also move the cutting plane? When I
call Update on the vtkImageReSlicer, the program crashes. But when I don't
call it, the output is empty.
Here's what I have so far.
#my input is any vtkactor that contains a closed curve of type vtkPolyData
ShapePolyData = actor.GetMapper().GetInput()
boundingBox = ShapePolyData.GetBounds()
for i in range(0,6,2):
delta = boundingBox[i+1]-boundingBox[i]
voxelizer = vtk.vtkVoxelModeller()
VoxelModel =voxelizer.GetOutput()
ImageOrigin = VoxelModel.GetOrigin()
slicer = vtk.vtkImageReslice()
#Am I setting the cutting axis here. x axis set at 1,0,0 , y axis at 0,1,0 and z axis at 0,0,1
#if I increase the z value, will the cutting plane move up?
slicer.Update() #this makes the code crash
voxelSurface = vtk.vtkContourFilter()
voxelSurface.SetValue(0, .999)
voxelMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
voxelActor = vtk.vtkActor()
I have never used vtkImageReslice, but I have used vtkExtractVOI for vtkImageData, which allows you to achieve a similar result, I think. Here is your example modified with the latter, instead:
ImageOrigin = VoxelModel.GetOrigin()
slicer = vtk.vtkExtractVOI()
#With the setVOI method you can define which slice you want to extract
slicer.SetVOI(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zslice, zslice)
slicer.SetSampleRate(1, 1, 1)
voxelSurface = vtk.vtkContourFilter()
voxelSurface.SetValue(0, .999)
voxelMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
voxelActor = vtk.vtkActor()

Shape doesn't show all text

I need to create shapes labelled with a number but the shape doesn't display the whole number.
For example, where the number is 1 to 9 it displays, but for 10 to 19 it shows just 1.
I don't want to change the radius it have to be the same.
Dim textRectangles As Shape
Dim radius As Integer
radius = 15
Set textRectangles = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, (Range("D13").Left - radius / 2), _
Range("D13").Top - radius / 2, radius, radius)
textRectangles.Name = "Groups " & i
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Text = i
textRectangles.TextFrame.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
textRectangles.TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = 9
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = "Georgia"
textRectangles.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(220, 105, 0)
textRectangles.Fill.Transparency = 0.5
This is the current result:
This is the result I want:
How can I configure the shape to display the number where the number is 10-19?
There are a couple of theoretical options, but neither seem like they are going to work with radius = 15 and textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = 9.
First is textRectangles.TextFrame.AutoSize = True which resizes the shape to fix the text - however, this is going to expand the radius significantly.
Second is textRectangles.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape - however, this only works if the minimum value is radius = 33.
You may have to consider increasing the radius.
