Modelsim vsim commend opens notebook instead of waveform - riscv

I use vsim and it opens the files that I want to simulate on in notebook instead of running the simulationo n it.
I have tried looking for an explenation on google but could not find.


How to navigate from running python script in ubuntu terminal?

I am currently running a python3 script in Ubuntu server 18.04. When i type new commands into the command line it just prints the commands. My terminal window looks like this:
mitch#server:`$ cd /home/mitch/folder
mitch#server:`/folder$ python3
file running ...
text i input just shows like this
I need to keep the script running and run other commands, how do i navigate back to:
I'm new to servers/Ubuntu/commands so this may seem trivial! Thank you
So you can't "navigate" back to that, since you're technically already there, you're just running a script in your shell which is occupying your shell - think of it like you opened a program in full screen.
But you have a few options:
The most basic is to run the script in the 'background' this is a simple as adding a & to the end of your command (note that it will still send any message from the script into your terminal - if your script is programmed to send messages that is).
Another option is to use a terminal multiplex like which lets you have multiple terminals open, as well as split screen terminals and many other features. One of the more popular multiplexers is called tmux, just keep in mind that it does have a bit of a learning curve to it, but is extremely useful once you learn it.

How to run selected text using keyboard shortcut joined together with a command in background?

I am trying to be able to select text anywhere within my manjaro linux system and run it along with a TTS text to speech program. The program is called google_speech and it got a really clear default voice and is really easy to use, however I am finding it hard to implement what I want to do with it...
The program is ran by the following command:
$ google_speech -l en "I am just a robot but one day I plan to rule humans"
so I am trying to be able to select text and press a keyboard shortcut and the text will automatically be importing here:
$ google_speech -l en "HERE"
and ran as a command in the background hopefully without having to open a terminal window but if so then thats totally fine... I was thinking xclip would be able to do this but I can figure out what command or options I need to be using... my research so farhas gotten me nowhere...
Thanks you so much for your time and skills...

I can't get pythons output viewer to run

I just downloaded python on a new pc and now whenever I try to create a script the output viewer just closes down immediately when I launch it as a python file.
My original script was
import secrets
but it just closes down immediately. I thought that it was something with my code so I tried to just make the simple "hello world" script.
(print) "I hope this work"
and I had the same result as the first script, the output window opened up then immediately closed down.
I can get it to work using the python shell but I prefer doing all my coding using notepad++ and it would a real pain in the behind if I can't get that to work.
This is expected behavior if you run your scripts as you described, by opening them in Explorer. Your script completes execution in a terminal window, then closes immediately.
If you absolutely insist on running them on double click and still want to see your console, I suggest you create a .bat file at your python path with contents like this:
python -i %1
and them bind your double-click handler to use that file on .py extension. That way, Python will execute your file and go into CLI mode, preserving your terminal window and allowing you to type further commands.
My other guess would be that you want a console plugin to work right within Notepad++, in that case use nppexec:

Kernel gets busy when using

I am using jupyter notebook to practice this problem on kaggle
When I use the following code
import nltk # Download text data sets, including stop words
Kernel goes in the busy state and then I am unable to execute any cells further.
When you run, it launches an interactive GUI window that you can use to download resources. But very often this window is hidden behind other windows on your screen. Look for it, download anything you need and then close the downloader window in order for your script to return control to the notebook kernel.
To avoid hanging when your code gets to a download command, you could use a non-interactive download command instead. E.g.,"brown") for the Brown corpus, or"book") to get all resources needed when reading through the nltk book. These carry out the download (even if you already have the requested resource) without opening a GUI window. For this you'll need to know, or guess, the internal name of the resource you want.

How do I bring up the page where I write Python program, compile and run it, and see the output?

Sorry if my questions are extremely stupid, but I'm quite at a loss while trying to use Python from Ubuntu Linux. My friend installed the Pycharm for me. I can go without using any commands, to files-->Pycharm projects---> click on one project and see the files, which I can open.
But I'm lost as of how to compile and run the files and see the output at this step? The .py files saved before (written with hello world and some really simple ones) are opening, but how can I see the output?
Also, when I go to the programs by files-->Pycharm projects--->, file, do we code and run them from the terminal, using the Linux features? If not, how can I do all of the coding and running from the terminal?
Many thanks!!!
I'm not sure what you mean but "how can I do all of the coding and running from the terminal?" you can use nano to edit to code and run the code on the terminal too
see this link to know more about nano : HERE
