How to delete input variables? - gitlab

I have GitLab pipeline which accepts variables as input. When I have finished using it, I want to be able to delete the information after the stage has finished.
I have tried to hit the red X button on each variable input but after page refresh the information is there again. Also, I have tried to delete only the value box but this did not work too.


Can a SharePoint "Delay" action be resetted using a variable while its active?

Im creating a workflow for approvals using power automate. I also have this reminder system set up to remind them every hour for 4 times and then once a day afterwards. This works when I have a parallel task set up, but for this specific loop in the approval, im using apply to each since i can add as many people to review myd ocument as I want. I notice that I can't reset the delay action while its active because it is still running. The only way it gets reset is that the delay action is finished and starts the loop again and then the variable gets reset.
This works if the loop isnt inside an apply to each and the reminder system works as well.
enter image description here

Maximo 7.6 Change status dialog box (Notification E-mail field) default blank

Seeking for guidance, in Maximo 7.6 the change status dialog box has a field (toemailaddr) Label: Notification E-mail for work Order change status. See the picture below.
What I am seeking guidance on is how do I edit that field to where I make it to default blank over populating the user logged in e-mail by default? Is this even possible?
I have looked in the change status dialog on WOTRACK as well extracted Library.XML and did not find a way to change from it filling in by default with users e-mail to just remaining blank.
I apologize in advance if it shows to be tagged incorrectly.
Picture of what I am looking to change to show blank
It's the Maximo "" MBO class that is defaulting that value in.
If the presentation-level default values run after the MBO add() code, then a simple presentation "Default Value" control should allow you to override that.
If that doesn't work then you can try an automation script. It would need to be against the WOCHANGESTATUS object and on the "add" action. If that runs after the Java code then you could grab that field (toEmailAddr) and set it back to an empty string. I assume the screen would still update with that change.
I have not looked at the code for any downstream effects clearing this field might have. It could be that Maximo is coded to always send out that email and if the email address is empty it would likely error at that point.
create an automation script named WOCHANGESTATUS.NEW
(automation scripts that are named after a mbo followed by .NEW are executed when a new instance of a MBO is created, they can be used to initialize column values. )
put a single line in the script.
mark script active and save it

Control Tab - Blue Prism RPA

Is there anyone who knows how to get the environment information of an available process from the Control tab? I would like to retrieve the user's name and the start time. I attach a screenshot to better illustrate my question.
In your process make a data item and set Exposure to Session. Fill this Data Item with username by using a calculation step that moves your Environmental value into the newly created Data Item. You can also do the same for start time, but would just use the start time you can already see in your screen shot, if it was me :)
Go to Control room and launch your process and when the step you made in your process is done, you will have the data in control room by clicking 'Session Management' -> Show Session Variables.
If you want to see the values before running, then it's a question of where you pass user name to the robot. This can be in schedules or Env Variables.

basic blue prism email login object

Trying to learn basic blue prism.
I have made an object to login to my gmail account.
It enters the page where mail id has to be entered. The email id gets entered and the next page appears where the password has to be entered. But in the writer tool it shows the following message : "Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Write Stage 'Writer2' on page 'Initialise' - No elements match the supplied query terms"
I looked into all the most obvious bugs and I cant find anything wrong. Can someone please give any suggestions as to what the problem could be?
The specific error message you're getting indicates there's an issue with your spying of the element you're attempting a Write on.
Without knowing anything else about the way you've included/excluded certain attributes of the element you're attempting to write to, the only sound advice one could offer would be to open the Application Modeler and trial-and-error the "Match?" for each attribute until you're able to use the "Highlight" button and verify a single interface element is selected. (Usually in circumstances such as yours, the "Value" attribute of the element you've spied has its Match checkbox selected, but the value has changed since spying it, thus making it not a match.)
check if the data item you are storing the password in is of password type.
You can reset the password by going ahead with the "write" property and delete once and drag-drop again at the same place and click OK. reset the flowchart and run them again, you'll not get the error. I had faced the same issue earlier and got fixed.
It sometimes happens due to the slowness of your internet connection BP not able to read the data item info and directly moved to next steps, to fix it, you can use wait functionality and give the 8-10 sec of wait time.
Hope this helps.
stay blessed!
When spying a browser please make sure you are using HTML mode to capture the necessary Element (please note that BP only supports IE, so no Chrome or other browser!). Also, please remember that the browser page you are spying has to be launched from the Application Modeller in order to be "attached" by BP.
To cycle between modes, simply hit the Alt key after clicking "Identify" on the Application Modeller. After you have captured the correct area of the page where your password goes, uncheck all the attributes of the element that are blank and also the URL attribute (you should be left with 4 maybe 5 atributes left), then hit "Apply" and "OK". Click "Highlight" to make sure BP still finds the element of the page that you want. Then in your Process or Object canvas, use a "Write" stage and drop this element you just created in the Element field, and the password into the Value field (the value has to be between "" unless you are using a data item instead of typing it in). If you have done all this, the "Write" stage should most definitely enter the password into the password field. Good luck!

How to check LWUITList Contains Values?

I have created LWUIT Tabs ,when the user clicks on any tab, I want to execute some logic,the logic output will be some list of items,but the problem is when the user clicks on the tab again. My tab related logic is executing continously. I want to stop that,for that I want to place if condition, that should check my list contains values or not,can any one what should be the method I need to use?
myList.getModel().getSize() > 0
