Is is possible to make Desktop App with Nodejs along with Online connectivity - node.js

I am trying build an application that can run offline and online too. If the application is offline it must run with minimum functionality and if it get an internet it automatically push data online Any references or tutorials would be appreciated.
any references that can help me to achieve this.

Yes, surely that's possible and you already mentioned the tools: node.js and electron are suitable. Most electron apps do that (whatsapp and joplin directly come to my mind).
You can look in the source of those already available apps, but it might be difficult. I would start with the tutorial of electron and search for the features as "check internet connectivity" (i.e. here on stackoverflow)
Your question is a bit to broadly stated to help in detail.

Yes, surely that's possible. you can use the node.js and electronJs with Angular are suitable.
For Angular and NodeJs refer the below document:
Build a Basic CRUD App with Angular and Node
For ElectronJs refer the below demo project:
Electron Samples
Best luck !!


How to develop the backend while working with Flutter

I am pretty new to flutter.I just developed a reminder app.But that was mostly only front-end.But my next project I want to build a meat delivery service app.But this requires me to work on the backed as well.I have been getting pretty vague answers on the backend part of flutter.
Can anyone explain what like how exactly should I go with backend.I know Python for the start.Also you can use dart as well.I am confused.I just want to finish off things in the optiminum period of time.
I think you can use the App, this project is open-source and free, you can install the server and everything will free for you. Btw: App Write has the Flutter SDK. And this project has much big community
Can you more information from here
firebase is pretty good but you need to have an API. there is no other way to do backend without API. here is the whole documentation about restApi

Desktop applications with Meteor.js

The options I've found for creating desktop applications in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are:
Electron (formerly Atom-Shell)
NW.js (formerly Node-Webkit)
However, there doesn't seem to be any clear implementation for using meteor.js with these.
I've seen some other questions of people asking this, but no implementation. Can't even figure out by the answers what I should be trying to put together:
Meteor leaderboard app on node-webkit
Demeteorizer with node-webkit
How can I start a Meteor instance before launching a node-webkit?
This guys actually got it running but doesn't say how:
The idea proposed here is interesting—loading the desktop application completely from the web. However, I would like to allow my users to use the application offline.
There is an actual implementation, meteor-desktop-app, but it has no clear support for Windows. However, the atom-shell does support Windows just as NW.js does.
Has anyone figured out an implementation to allow meteor.js to operate as a desktop application?
If you drop the code from meteor-desktop-app into Electron Starter, you'll get Windows + Mac + Linux for free, as well as a build system you can definitely use for Real Apps.
Check out mongoclient's scaffold directory, it'll lead you to your electron app if you follow the steps from readme.

AngularJS app packaging for autonomous application

I wrote an angularJS app (with nodeJS and ExpressJS as my server). My app is totally independent from the server (I used pouchDB for the data). I would like to create an app/package that can be run from a computer or tablet. How can I do that?
I'm sure there are already lot of questions/answers about this topic but I couldn't find the right solution so I apologize in advance!
If you r looking for an full-stack framework, i can really recommend Ionic.
It is a framework, that contains it's own customizable ui-framework(build on sass bootstrap), it is build on cordova aka phonegap and makes it easy to deploy and test the code on android, ios, ... . It is also optimized for angularjs and offers for most functions a directive.
I really love it. I did write a blogpost in german: kkonstantin/ionic
Maybe take your existing frontend javascript code and make use of a css framework, to make it look great for all window sizes.
Like: Ratchet (build on bootstrap)
Then you just make use of Phonegap to deploy your html/css/javascript code to the plattforms.

How Do I Set Up The MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular & Node) stack on Nitrous.IO

I using the upcoming weekend to check two things off of my 2013 project list:
Give Cloud Development A Try
My game plan is to set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO and then use the stack to complete one of the many Angularjs tutorial projects available online.
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous or otherwise or if anyone is aware of any good blog post that go through the process for someone with little to no javascript development experience.
Also, if you have setup a MEAN stack are there any things you would do differently or are there any invaluable resources I should be aware of.
Some Resources I Found Useful:
I've been researching online for the past week and have uncovered some great resources, but it would be great to see what others have found or can suggest. Below are some links to some resources that I have come across that may be helpful to others:
Building Angular Start-up Stack - Toronto Meetup Stream Offers some great Video tutorials on Angular
Google's Angular site has a wealth of info.
USC Linux User Group Youtube video on MEAN on Amazon AWS
Thanks in advance for any resources, insights or guidance.
Since you are starting on JavaScript I would suggest that you start simple. For example
Build a simple web site with Node.js and Express (no Angular, no Mongo).
Deploy it to the cloud.
Then add Angular and see how the structure changes when you use an MVC framework on the client side (e.g. your backend becomes a plain REST API).
Then, play with Node.js and Mongo probably outside your simple Node/Express/Angular app to get the hand of a NoSQL database and database access from Node.js (the fact that everything is async brings some interesting challenges for beginners)
Then integrate Mongo into your app.
Ok, here's how I successfully set-up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO.
First, many thanks to Valeri V. Karpov and his The Code Barbarian blog. In July he had a blog post titled Introduction to the MEAN Stack, Part One: Setting Up Your Tools. I primarily followed his article, only making adjustment dictated by the Nitrous cloud platform.
So here are the steps:
Create A Nitrous Box: Go to the Nitrous site and sign-up for an account. Please note the free account does not provide enough storage to accommodate the full MEAN Stack. You'll need at least a "Start" pricing plan - at $9.99 per month.
Create A Nodejs Box: Once you complete your registration and select a pricing plan, its time to create a Nodejs box. Follow the instructions on the Nitrous site. The box comes preconfigured Nodejs.
Install Mongodb: To install Mongodb on your box, go to the shell prompt and type: parts install mongodb You can confirm the installation was successful by typing parts start mongodb. To stop the mongodb server you type parts stop mongodb.
Confirm your Node & NPM Installations: Type node at the command prompt. You should see a > sign if node is installed correctly. You are now in the node shell. Type control-c to exit the shell. Type NPM at the prompt and you should see some usage information
Install Express: type npm install express -g The -g flag means the package will be installed so you can run it from the terminal. Note, if you are using the free box you will likely encounter errors during the Express installation as a result of you exceeded the allocated storage.
From here on you can follow Valeri's article at Step 4 Creating an ExpressJS application..
Good luck and enjoy.
Use Bitnami I like it a lot, pretty simple and concise. In my case it was for Windows and it was a seamless experience

Any good NodeJS repos I can reference when building node RESTful API server?

I built a few nodeJS webapps earlier this year, but nodeJS development has been so fast that I feel like I'm already out of date. Any good nodeJS repos out there that do a great job building a RESTful api? (in terms of code organization, style, usage of npm modules, etc?)
Thanks so much for any help!
You should give Express a try, it's a web framework like Sinatra. There are a lof of example on using it on the github repo:
Here's a nice article with code sample:
I am using express on a webapp and are really satisfied with the request mapping for urls and static content. It also can create basic project structure for a quick start.
If your goal is a fast API development:
Why don't you try node-restify? It's inspired by express and is aimed at creating RESTFull api's :)
