Encountering an error while making an essay app with gpt 3 - gpt-3

so i was making a essay app i am getting this error index.html:24
POST https://api.openai.com/v1/completions 429
This is my code
Essay Generator
Essay Generator
Word Count:
Generate Essay
function sendTopicAndWordCount() {
// Get the topic and word count from the form
var topic = document.getElementById("topic").value;
var wordCount = document.getElementById("wordCount").value;
// Make the API request using a CORS proxy
fetch("https://api.openai.com/v1/completions", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer key"
body: JSON.stringify({
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": "essay on" + topic,
"max_tokens": wordCount,
"temperature": 0.1
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
// Display the API's response in the div
document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = response.text;
// https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://api.openai.com/v1/completions
I am trying to build an essay generator


Passing Step Function in Node.JS

In Pipedream, I have an OpenWeatherAPI request that successfully retrieves forecast data for temperature on a given day.
My goal is to send this forecast to send a PUT request to a service called Apilio that stores a temperature value for further evaluation.
I’m able to conduct the GET and PUT HTTP requests respectively, but unable to pass the data within Pipedream. In other words, I can manually type in a temperature value in the PUT request, but unable to pass it as a variable.
Here is my script thus far:
import axios from "axios"
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const feelslikeresponse =
return feelslikeresponse;
const { data } = await axios({
method: "PUT",
url: "https://api.apilio.com/api/v1/numeric_variables/(my UUID)",
return data.species
}, })
var data = { "numeric_variable": { "value": feelslikeresponse } };
let config = {
"method": 'put',
"url": 'https://api.apilio.com/api/v1/numeric_variables/(my UUID)',
"headers": {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic (my header code)'
data : data
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
Within the code preview, I am able to hover over steps.OpenWeatherAPI.$return_value.daily[7].feels_like.morn and see the temperature value, but subsequent references to it are lost.
I am still new to coding and would appreciate any pointers or guidance.
Thanks to Wesley for the lesson and scrutinizing syntax. Between this and some hints from the Pipedream forums, how Axios works, and other documentation, I worked out the solution as follows:
import {axios} from "#pipedream/platform";
export default defineComponent({
async run({ steps, $ }) {
const feelslikeresponse =
let data = JSON.stringify({
const { config } = await axios($,{
method: "put",
url: "(myUUID)",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Basic (headercode)",
data : data
return feelslikeresponse;

PayPal Partner Referrals API URL

I am having trouble setting up Partner Referrals when calling the PayPal API using Node.
Every time I attempt to call the API I receive the following error:
error: "invalid_token"
error_description: "The token passed in was not found in the system"
According to the documentation the URL to call is https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/customer/partner-referrals
Looking at the URL and the error message, I believe I am getting this error because I am using production credentials, not sandbox. However, I cannot find any documentation showing the production URL for this.
Am I correct in believing this is the sandbox URL? What is the production URL if so?
Ive followed the onboarding checklist but cant seem to make this work.
Here is my code:
getAuthToken = async () => {
const clientIdAndSecret = "mylongsecret";
const authUrl = "https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token";
const base64 = Buffer.from(clientIdAndSecret).toString('base64')
const response = await fetch(authUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': 'en_US',
'Authorization': `Basic ${base64}`,
body: 'grant_type=client_credentials'
const data = await response.json();
return data;
setUpMerchant = async () => {
let authData = await this.getAuthToken();
const partnerUrl = "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/customer/partner-referrals";
let data = {
"operations": [
"operation": "API_INTEGRATION",
"api_integration_preference": {
"rest_api_integration": {
"integration_method": "PAYPAL",
"integration_type": "THIRD_PARTY",
"third_party_details": {
"features": [
"products": [
"legal_consents": [
"granted": true
const request = await fetch(partnerUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+authData.access_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'data': data,
const partnerData = await request.json();
return partnerData;
Edit: I discovered the issue was I was running a GET request instead of a POST. The accepted answer is the correct URL
According to the documentation the URL to call is https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/customer/partner-referrals
The production URL does not have sandbox. in the domain.

Loop through axios data and perform another axios request and concat the two results into one JSON

So I have an axios request to a rapid API, my function looks like this...
//Initialize the lookup API that utalizes rapidAPI to get breach data
app.get("/lookup/:email/:function", (req, res) => {
var options = {
method: "GET",
url: "https://breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com/",
params: { func: `${req.params.function}`, term: `${req.params.email}` },
headers: {
"x-rapidapi-host": "breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com",
"x-rapidapi-key": `${config.RAPID_API_KEY}`,
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
The res.json(response.data); will show on the page a result like this:
"disclaimer": "This data is aggregated from BreachDirectory, HaveIBeenPwned, and Vigilante.pw.",
"info": "For full source info, request e.g. https://breachdirectory.tk/api/source?name=Animoto",
"sources": [
I want to loop through everything in the "sources" array, and call upon the following:
So, the first one will call upon https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v3/breach/123RF
So each result from that call will look like this:
"Name": "123RF",
"Title": "123RF",
"Domain": "123rf.com",
"BreachDate": "2020-03-22",
"AddedDate": "2020-11-15T00:59:50Z",
"ModifiedDate": "2020-11-15T01:07:10Z",
"PwnCount": 8661578,
"Description": "In March 2020, the stock photo site 123RF suffered a data breach which impacted over 8 million subscribers and was subsequently sold online. The breach included email, IP and physical addresses, names, phone numbers and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. The data was provided to HIBP by dehashed.com.",
"LogoPath": "https://haveibeenpwned.com/Content/Images/PwnedLogos/123RF.png",
"DataClasses": [
"Email addresses",
"IP addresses",
"Phone numbers",
"Physical addresses",
"IsVerified": true,
"IsFabricated": false,
"IsSensitive": false,
"IsRetired": false,
"IsSpamList": false
I want to make my res.json send over a JSON string that will have all the sources still there, along with the "Title","Description", and "LogoPath" from the API calls that it pulled for each one of the sources. So I will have a JSON string with the sources along with the title of each source, description of each source, and LogoPath of each source.
You have two options:
Create an array of promises and run with Promise.all
app.get('/lookup/:email/:function', async (req, res) => {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com/',
params: { func: `${req.params.function}`, term: `${req.params.email}` },
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-host': 'breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com',
'x-rapidapi-key': `${config.RAPID_API_KEY}`,
.then((response) => {
const requestTasks = [];
for (let item of response.data.sources) {
const itemOption = {
method: 'GET',
url: `https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v3/breach/${item}`,
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
return Promise.all(requestTasks);
.then((responseList) => {
for (let response of responseList) {
.catch((error) => {
Use async/await (promise) and for await for get data from for loop
app.get('/lookup/:email/:function', async (req, res) => {
try {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com/',
params: { func: `${req.params.function}`, term: `${req.params.email}` },
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-host': 'breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com',
'x-rapidapi-key': `${config.RAPID_API_KEY}`,
const response = await axios.request(options);
for await (let item of response.data.sources) {
const itemOption = {
method: 'GET',
url: `https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v3/breach/${item}`,
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
const itemResponse = await axios.request(itemOption);
} catch (error) {
This how I managed to make it works.
first: I didn't had any APi key (and didn't want to register to get one) So i used a dummy Api.
although the logic stay the same as i have tested the result.
second i kept all your initial url just next to the one i used.so you can easily switch back to your original url.
finally i put comment to any critical part, and i named variable in a
way that they almost describe what they do.
so you can copy past test it to understand my logic then adapt it to your use case.
here the code
// make sure to replace /lookup by /lookup/:email/:function after testing my logic
app.get('/lookup', async (req, res) => {
try {
// in this options no change just switch back to your url
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums',
// url: "https://breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com/",
// params: { func: `${req.params.function}`, term: `${req.params.email}` },
// headers: {
// 'x-rapidapi-host': 'breachdirectory.p.rapidapi.com',
// 'x-rapidapi-key': `${config.RAPID_API_KEY}`,
// },
// here you get all your sources list (in my case it an array of object check picture 1 bellow)
const allSources = await axios.request(options)
// because my dummy api response is a huge array i slice to limited number
const reduceAllsource = allSources.data.slice(0,5);
// note here you need to replace reduceAllsource.map by allSources.data.map
// because you don't need a sliced array
const allSourcesWithDetails = reduceAllsource.map(async (_1sourceEachtime)=>{
// here you can switch back to your original url
// make sure to replace [ITEM] by ${_1sourceEachtime}
const itemOption = await axios({
method: 'GET',
url: `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/${_1sourceEachtime.id}/photos`,
// url:`https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v3/breach/[ITEM]`
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
// this the place you can mix the 2 result.
const mixRes1AndRes2 ={
return mixRes1AndRes2;
// final result look like the picture 2 below
finalRes= await Promise.all(allSourcesWithDetails);
return res.status(200).json({response: finalRes});
catch (error) {
Picture 1
Picture 2

How can I use state to make a POST fetch request on my backend

I'm working on my first app right now which I created in react native for the front end and using Node JS as a backend and mongodb for the database.
I'm trying to implement register form for my user but I don't really know how to do this with the state because it keeps saying cannot evaluation this.state.name.
What I want to do is a POST request using fetch api to register an account it works using Postman so the error come from my front end.
So what I do is I create my function to do that but I want the body to represent the value the user typed in the different field which I store in the state when you'll see the code it will be clear.
If I use the state it does not work however if I put some value directly in my function it works.
This first thing is my function with the fetch API if I do this it does not work, below is how I get the state of each field (see the )
clickthebutton = () =>{
//var data = this.state
headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body : {
label="Your email address"
onChangeText={(text)=> this.setState({email:text})}
My state looks like this :
I would like to send the body, if I do body : this.state it does not send anything when I do a console.log(req.body) on my server it shows an empty object.
Thanks for any help
EDIT : Problem fixed, my function was not referring to my class.
First of all you need a correct element for your email and password inputs, for example (for email):
placeholder="Your email address"
onChangeText={text => this._onEmailChange(text)}
you also need a function to update the name value (you will need a similar function to update any value coming from a TextInput element)
_onEmailChange = text => {
this.setState({ name: text });
Then you can prepare your request as follow
fetch('http://localhost:5050/api/new/register', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
email: this.state.name,
password: this.state.password
.then(response => response.json())
.then(responseJson => {
// do what you want with the response here
.catch(error => {
You have specified in the header that you send in json format when you send. When sending to the server, you must convert to jsonString.
fetch('http://localhost:5050/api/new/register', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
Ok You can try use Formdata
let formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("name", this.state.name);
formdata.append("age", this.state.age);
formdata.append("password", this.state.password);
formdata.append("email", this.state.email);
fetch('http://localhost:5050/api/new/register', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
body: formdata
.then(res => res.json())
.then(reponse => {
.catch(error => {
After getting all form-data in your state you have two options to make a request to backend.
Either set Content-Type As application/text or remove header.
headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/text'},
body : {

Request must have at least one newMediaItem - Google Photos API

I'm trying to create media item using Google Photos API. Endpoint is documented here. If I copy and paste my payload to an API explorer which can be found in documentation, I get success:
Request inputed to an API Explorer and Successful response.
If I do the same in my node js program, I'm getting an error.
This is what I do:
const accessToken = "MyAccessToken";
payload = {
"newMediaItems": [
"description": "picture",
"simpleMediaItem": {
"uploadToken": "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"
const response = await fetch('https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:batchCreate', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`
payload: JSON.stringify(payload)
const json = await response.json();
And getting this response:
{ error:
{ code: 400,
message: 'Request must have at least one newMediaItem.',
status: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' } }
What could go wrong here?
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
It looks like you are setting the JSON payload in the wrong parameter in your call to fetch. It should be set in the parameter body (and not in payload). The JSON itself looks okay.
This snippet should work:
const response = await fetch('https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:batchCreate', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
Source: node-fetch 'Post with JSON' example
