Is using causal convolution / padding equivalent to shifting the outputs back? - keras

I'm having some trouble understanding the purpose of causal convolutions. Suppose I'm doing time-series classification using a convolutional network with 1 layer and kernel=2, stride=1, dilation=0. Isn't it the same thing as shifting my output back by 1?
For larger networks, it would be a little more involved to take into account the parameters of all the layers to get the resulting receptive field to do a proper output shift. To me it seems, if there is some leak, you could always account for the leak by shifting the output back.
For example, if at time step $t_2$, a non-causal CNN sees $x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4$, then you'd use the target associated with $t_4$, i.e. $y_4$
Edit: I've seen diagrams for causal CNNs where all the arrows a right-aligned. I get that it's meant to illustrate that $y_t$ aligns to $x_t$, but couldn't you just as easily draw them like this:
Non_Causal CNN Right-aligned

The point of causal convolutions is not to see 'future' data. This is important in real time sequential analysis because we won't have access to new information before it happens, however we typically do in training (due to having the whole training sequence). Therefore, causal convolutions begin t-k//2 and end at t (where t = current timestep and k = kernel size), rather than a typical convolution which starts at t-k//2 and end at t+k//2. This can be imagined as a 1-sided kernel, where instead of having the target pixel/sample be in the centre of the kernel, it's now the rightmost (going from L-R) part of the kernel.
Using your example, if the top orange dot in the following picture is t_n, then t_n has a receptive field stemming from t_n-4 to t_n due to it having a kernel size of 2 and 4 layers.
Compare that to a noncausal convolution (ignore the dilated convolution on the right), where the receptive field stems from t_n-3 to t_n+3 due to it being a double-sided kernel:


What are the best normalization technique and LSTM structure for forecasting an output with jumps (outliers)?

I have a time series forecasting case with ten features (inputs), and only one output. I'm using 22 timesteps (history of features) for one step ahead prediction using LSTM. Also, I apply MinMaxScaler for input normalization, but I don't normalize the output. The output contains some rare jumps (such as 20, 50, or more than 100), but the other values are between 0 and ~5 (all values are positive). In this case, it's important to forecast both normal and outlier outputs correctly so I dont want to miss the jumps in my forecasting model. I think if I use MinMaxScaler for output, most of the values will be something near the zero but the others (outliers) will be near one.
What is the best way to normalize the output? Should I leave it without normalization?
What is the best LSTM structure to handle this issue? (currently, I'm using LSTM with relu and Dense layer with relu as the last layer so I the output will be a positive value). I think I should select activation functions correctly for this case.
I think first of all, you should decide on a metric to measure performance. For example, do you want to use MAE or MSE? Or some other metric you decide based on the task at hand. For example, you may tolerate greater error for the "rare jumps", but not for the normal cases, or vice versa. Once you are decided on the error metric, ideally, you should set that as the cost function that the LSTM network would be minimizing.
Now the goal would be to minimize the desired error metric you set. If this was a convex problem, the scaling of the output will not matter. But we now that this is not the case with the complex deep learning architectures. What this means is that while minimizing the cost function with gradient decent, it might get stuck in a local minimum with a very delayed convergence. In this case, normalizing the output might help. How?
Assume that your output has a mean value of 5. With last layers parameters initialized around zero and a bias value of zero (i.e. the linear transformation of relu), the network needs to learn that the bias should be around 5. Depending on the complexity of the network this could take some epochs. However, if you normalize the data, or initialize the bias at 5, then your network starts with a good estimate of the bias and thus converges faster.
Now back to your questions:
I would at least make the output zero mean and use Dense layer with linear output.
The architecture you have seems fine, you can try stacking 2-4 LSTM layers if you think your input has complex time dependencies.
Feel free to update the OP with the the code and the performance you get and we can discuss what else can be improved.

What is the kind of filter does keras uses for conv2D in CNN?

I just didn't understand what kind of filter does keras framework for convolution neural network uses in the following line of code, is it for horizontal edge detection or verticals or any edge or any other feature??
Here it's a 7*7 32 filters with stride of 1 which we convolve with X
x= Conv2D(32, (7, 7), strides = (1, 1), name = 'conv0')(X)
Convolutional filters are not pre-disposed to any particular feature. Rather, they "learn" their duties through training. These features evolve organically through training, depending on what enhances the prediction accuracy on the far end of the model. The model will gradually learn which features work well for the given inputs, depending on the ground truth and back propagation.
The critical trick in this is a combination of back prop and initialization. When we randomly initialize the filters, the important part isn't so much what distribution we choose; rather, it's that there are some differences, so that the filters will differentiate well.
For instance, in typical visual processing applications, the model's first layer (taking the conv0 label as a hint) will learn simple features: lines, curves, colour blobs, etc. Whatever filter happens to be initialized most closely to a vertical line detector, will eventually evolve into that filter. In the early training, it will receive the highest reinforcement from back propagation's "need" for vertical lines. Those filters that are weaker at verticals will get less reinforcement, then see their weights reduced (since our "star pupil" will be sufficient to drive the vertical-line needs), and will eventually evolve to recognize some other feature.
Overall, the filters will evolve into a set of distinct features, as needed by the eventual output. One brute-force method of finding the correct quantity of features is to put in too many -- see how many of them learn something useful, then reduce the quantity until you have clean differentiation on a minimal set of filters. In the line of code you present, someone has already done this, and found that CONV0 needs about 32 filters for this topology and application.
Does that clear up the meaning?

Convolutional Neural Network - Visualizing weights

Main Problem
I cannot understand the Plot of the weights of a specific layer.
I used a method from no-learn : plot_conv_weights(layer, figsize=(6, 6))
Im using lasagne as my neural-network library.
The plot comes out fine, but I dont know how i should interpret it.
Neural Network Structure
The structure im using :
InputLayer 1x31x31
Conv2DLayer 20x3x3
Conv2DLayer 20x3x3
Conv2DLayer 20x3x3
MaxPool2DLayer 2x2
Conv2DLayer 40x3x3
Conv2DLayer 40x3x3
Conv2DLayer 40x3x3
MaxPool2DLayer 40x2x2
DenseLayer 96
DropoutLayer 96
DenseLayer 32
DropoutLayer 32
DenseLayer 1 as sigmoid
Here are the weights of the first 3 Layers :
** About the Images **
So for me, they look random and i cannot interpret them!
However, on Cs231, it says the following :
Conv/FC Filters. The second common strategy is to visualize the
weights. These are usually most interpretable on the first CONV layer
which is looking directly at the raw pixel data, but it is possible to
also show the filter weights deeper in the network. The weights are
useful to visualize because well-trained networks usually display nice
and smooth filters without any noisy patterns. Noisy patterns can be
an indicator of a network that hasn’t been trained for long enough, or
possibly a very low regularization strength that may have led to
Then why mine are random?
The structure is trained and performs well for its task.
Normally when you visualize the weights you want to check 2 things:
That they are smooth and cover a wide range of values, i.e. it's not a bunch of 1's and 0's. That would mean the non-linearity is being saturated.
That they have some kind of structure. Normally you tend to see oriented edges although this is more difficult to see when you have small filters like 3x3.
That being said, your weights do not appear to be saturated, but they indeed seem to be too random.
During training, did the network converge correctly?
I am also surprised at how big your filters are (30x30). Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with that.

Meaning of Weight Gradient in CNN

I developed a CNN using MatConvNet and am able to visualize the weights of the 1st layer. It looked very similar to what is shown here (also attached below incase I am not specific enough)
My question is, what are the weight gradients ? I'm not sure what those are and am unable to generate those...
Weights in a NN
In a neural network, a series of linear functions represented as matrices are applied to features (usually with a nonlinear joint between them). These functions are determined by the values in the marices, referred to as weights.
You can visualize the weights of a normal neural network, but it usually means something slightly different to visualize the convolutional layers of a cnn. These layers are designed to learn a feature computation over the space.
When you visualize the weights, you're looking for patterns. A nice smooth filter may mean that the weights are well learned and "looking for something in particular". A noisy weight visualization may mean that you've undertrained your network, overfit it, need more regularization, or something else nefarious (a decent source for these claims).
From this decent review of weight visualizations, we can see patterns start to emerge from treating the weights as images:
Weight Gradients
"Visualizing the gradient" means taking the gradient matrix and treating like an image [1], just like you took the weight matrix and treated it like an image before.
A gradient is just a derivative; for images, it's usually computed as a finite difference - grossly simplified, the X gradient subtracts pixels next to each other in a row, and the Y gradient subtracts pixels next to each other in a column.
For the common example of a filter that extracts edges, we may see a strong gradient in a particular direction. By visualizing the gradients (taking the matrix of finite differences and treating it like an image), you can get a more immediate idea of how your filter is operating on the input. There are a lot of cutting edge techniques (eg, eg) for interpreting these results, but making the image pop up is the easy part!
A similar technique involves visualizing the activations after a forward pass over the input. In this case, you're looking at how the input was changed by the weights; by visualizing the weights, you're looking at how you expect them to change the input.
Don't over-think it - the weights are interesting because they let us see how the function behaves, and the gradients of the weights are just another feature to help explain what's going on. There's nothing sacred about that feature: here are some cool clustering features (t-SNE) from the google paper that look at space separability.
[1] It can be more complicated if you introduce weight sharing, but not that much
My answer here covers this question
Long story short, weight gradient of layer l is the gradient of the loss with respect to the weights of layer l.
If you have a correct implementation of backpropagation, you should have access to these gradients as they are needed to compute the weights update at every layer.

Temporal convolution for NLP

I'm trying to follow Kalchbrenner et al. 2014 ( (and basically most of the papers in the last 2 years which applied CNNs to NLP tasks) and implement the CNN model they describe. Unfortunately, although getting the forward pass right, it seems like I have a problem with the gradients.
What I'm doing is a full convolution of the input with W per row, per kernel, per input in the forward pass (not rotated, so it's actually a correlation).
Then, for the gradients wrt W, a valid convolution of the inputs with the previous delta per row, per kernel, per input (again, not rotated).
And finally, for the gradients wrt x, another valid convolution of the pervious delta with W, again, per row, per kernel, per input (no rotation).
This returns the correct size and dimensionality but the gradient checking is really off when connecting layers. When testing a single conv layer the results are correct, when connecting 2 conv layers - also correct, but then, when adding MLP, Pooling, etc. it starts looking bad. All other types of layers were also tested separately and they are also correct, thus, I'd assume the problem starts with the calculation of the grad. wrt W_conv.
Does anyone have an idea or a useful link to a similar implementation?
