Changing the size of a FitImage in proportion to Swiper Size - kivymd

I'm trying to change the size of a swiper in kivymd while also making the image viewable at the same time.
source: "duck1.png"
radius: [20,]
radius: [20,]
size_hint: 0.3,1
Using that, I have been changing the size_hint of the swiper and when I do that the FitImage doesn't change in proportion, so when size_hint is changed to 0.3 and 1, 30% of the image is shown of the x axis and 100% on the y axis, which is in accordance to the percentages on size_hint yet I'm trying to make the image size change with the swiper to make the image completely viewable in a smaller swiper.


Fabric JS move image inside the image container

I need a functionality where i need to be able to position image properly inside the frame of the image itself.
As you can see in the image, the image container will be of a fixed size, and if the image is bigger than the frame itself, I need to be able to reposition image inside the frame. I tried clipping the image with a rectangle and positioning the image inside the rectangle but the clip creates a new image equal to the size of the rectangle so it has not worked so far. Is there any property in the fabric.Image class that lets us move image position inside?
Since Fabric.js v2, image cropping can be done using a combination of four properties: width, height, cropX, and cropY. (
As an example, an image with native dimensions of 500x500 pixels can be center cropped to 300x300 pixels like this:
width: 300,
height: 300,
cropX: 100,
cropY: 100

fabricjs call to canvas.toDataURL() resizes the dimensions of the canvas

I'm using fabricjs 1.7.17 and have seen this issue below on IE Edge, Chrome and Firefox.
where the canvas is being set with a width and height in HTML of 768px.
Within my fabricjs canvas init I've got:
editor.canvas = new fabric.Canvas('editor')
width: 1080,
height: 1080,
allowTouchScrolling: false,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(55, 55, 55, .33)',
rotationCursor: 'url(/static/img/rotate.cur) 10 10, crosshair'
}, {backstoreOnly: true})
The problem is when you call the editor.canvas.toDataURL() method the size of the goes from 768px to 1080px
If you call the browser's native canvas.toDataURL() method there isn't a jump in size.
Anyone bump into this and have a possible fix?
Here's a simplified jsfiddle:
Click on the "Native Canvas.toDataURL()" and you'll get the results to console.log and there will be no change to the displayed canvas in the preview window.
Click on the "Fabricjs canvas.toDataURL()" and you'll also get the results (the same) to console.log however; you'll also get a jump in the size of the in the preview window...this is what I'm trying to prevent.
I think the problem is actually a bug.
You set the canvas to 1080 for backstore dimension only, meaning that the canvas will be sized but the css will be left untouched.
A dataurl will reset the canvas after the process to fix it back in case the export to data url had a multiplier.
while this can be fixed at least for the non multiplied situations, a proper fix is needed.
The proper fix consist in setting backstore only during export so that the css does not get touched.
A better fix would be to do not touch the original canvas and create one on the fly just for exporting.
please go on official fabricjs repository and open an issue for this.

How to set radial-gradient with css in javafx

I have a Label. Try to set radial-gradient in my css for this lable.
How can i do it right?
If i set -fx-background-color: radial-gradient(center 50% 50%, radius 50%, rgb(104, 163, 193) 0%, rgb(23, 56, 99) 100%); - I receive an error "mismatched parameters"
Thanks for any help!
Setting gradients for Shapes
Here is an example I pulled from a small clock widget I wrote a long time ago:
-fx-fill: radial-gradient(radius 180%, burlywood, derive(burlywood, -30%), derive(burlywood, 30%));
The gradient shows up as the circular shading on the clockface just below the center of the clock.
Setting gradients for Labels
As you are using a label, the corresponding css attribute to use to shade the text of the label would be -fx-text-fill for the foreground text and -fx-background-color for the text background.
Here is a sample with -fx-text-fill and -fx-background-color styles applied to a label. The radial gradient used for the background is the same radial gradient that was used for the clock face.
Label label = new Label("xyzzy");
label.setStyle("-fx-background-color: radial-gradient(radius 180%, burlywood, derive(burlywood, -30%), derive(burlywood, 30%)); -fx-text-fill: white;");
Actual parameters to use for your gradient depends on your application
Of course, the configuration of radial gradients will vary depending upon exactly what gradient you wish to draw. Documentation for the syntax an construction of an expression to assign a radial gradient via css is contained in the JavaFX 8 CSS reference guide.

React Native Constant Layout on Multiple Devices

I have a minimal app with basic views, texts, images and buttons in react native. The problem I am facing, is in managing layout for multiple devices.
Any suggestions on how can I maintain a same (proportionate) view & font size for multiple devices (multiple screen resolutions and screen sizes).
For example, if I want a list view of items, where each row has one image on the left, some text in between and 2 buttons on the right (one below the other i.e. flex-direction: 'column'), how can I have this look good on a 5" device as well as a 10" device?
Also, consider the buttons have some borderRadius, if we are scaling the buttons, the borderRadius value will also need to be increased. How do I achieve this?
I have tried using PixelRatio.getFontScale() but this scales the font depending on only the resolution (from what I understood). Using this, makes a font of size 12 look bigger on a 5" device with higher resolution and smaller on a 10" device with lower resolution. So how can I manage font sizes for the react native app?
In addition to the PixelRatio.getFontScale() you can also use the Dimensions API to get the height and width of the window, and scale your components relative to that. I have built an app that runs on both iOS and android and use this to scale width's + heights.
Checkout the link Dimensions # Facebook - React Native
Will return you the size of the window
How about this library? react-native-scaled-layout
You can use scaled dimensions for your layout margin, height, padding ...
(36).scaled() /* or */ (36).d()
(36).widthScaled() /* or */ (36).w()
(36).heightScaled() /* or */ (36).h()
(24).fontScaled() /* or */ (24).f()
width: (100).w(),
height: (210).h() + safeAreaBottom,
borderRadius: (16).d(),
justifyContent: 'center',
paddingBottom: safeAreaBottom + (24).h(),

Getting width and height of an image in Pygame

How do you get width and height of an image imported into pygame. I got the size using:
, but I dont know how to get the width and height.
There are 2 methods available for getting the width and height of a surface.
The first one is get_size(), it returns a tuple (width,height). To access width for instance, you would do: surface.get_size()[0] and for height surface.get_size()[1].
The second method is to use get_width(), and get_height(), which return the width and the height.
I suggest going through the python tutorial, to learn more about basic data structures such as tuples.
