(Roblox) how can I cut a portion of a part(s)? - object

I am making a road merge in roblox but I would have to cut the road to fit the merge but I dont know how how can I cut it (I need something like (bool tool/brush/difference) in blender)
How do I fix this
I tried layering the straight road under the merge but it didnt work


how to create timelines that have multiple streams that merge and fork off each other?

I found this image / solution online. the source is included. it's a template that uses draw.io to create multiple timelines that look like merged code.
we have many projects that look like this. does anyone know how to do this programmatically in Excel.
The goal is to be able to manipuale the a program with data to generate this timeline.
any help is awesome.
ok - so after reaching out to couple of folks / reading online - I am going with using excel line graph with really large markers
and so, I get the following type. I am going to play with style and see if I can make the straight lines into curve lines
I can now overlay text as key markers.

make changes to {apacite}?

I would like to make certain adoptions to the apacite format. For example I would like to remove the commas between authour and year of publication. Is that possible and if so how?
I couldn't yet find any advice or work around.

How to devide RGB mask by name in Nuke with python

I am making an autocomp solution for my projects in Nuke and I want to be able to rename my RGB masks with their intended name.
So say these are my three RGB mask shuffle nodes stored in a list:
['RGB_boxes_01_-Box_red-Box_green-Box_blue', 'RGB_boxes_02_-Box_red-Box_green-Box_blue',
Thay each contain red green and blue channels that I want to split an rename "Box_red", "Box_green" and "Box_blue"
Now splitting the channels are easy, but renaming them to their intended name is harder. Anyone nows a good way to do this?
I thought it was a good idea to put "-" in front of every channel so that I can have a specific pattern when I am dividing, but so far I cant figure out how to do this.
I don't have much experience with python & channels, however I know that nuke layers/channels are immutable and permanent in a script - once they're created, they can't be destroyed without possibly editing the script manually.
Check out this API page around layers, it should give you the syntax you need for your code:
But its not actually a question about channels in nuke, but more a about how do I split these strings in this list based on a pattern.
So how do I make this
['RGB_boxes_01_-Box_red-Box_green-Box_blue', 'RGB_boxes_02_-Box_red-Box_green-Box_blue',
spit out this:
['Box_red', 'Box_green', 'Box_Blue']
['Box_red', 'Box_green', 'Box_Blue']
['Box_red', 'Box_green', 'Box_Blue']

Opencv : Some clue to detect a word pointed by an index finger on an image

I just want to do a quick project on my spare time :
I take a photo (with my webcam) of a page of a book with my finger pointing at a word on the page. Something like that:
I want to use opencv so I can isolate the word and translate it with OCR, etc ...
I cant' figure out exactly what to use in opencv to achieve this (I mean the "extraction" of the word in the complete photo), i read the tutorials but there is a lot of possibilities, so if someone can guide me by telling me what kind of functions do I need to use that would be kind :)
Thanks :)

panoramic text visualization with seadragon (or other)?

i'm working on a visualization of a text file with 100k lines, max 1k characters/line, as one large, navigable image.
similar to the bleak house example in blaise's ted talk demo of seadragon, but even simpler -- basically just the view from cat filename.txt, but with a view that's zoomed out so that the whole file is initially visible (each line fitting on the page width, without wordwrap) and can then be zoomed in on.
is this currently possible with seadragon? if not, any ideas on how i can attempt it?
(oh, and including hyperlinks would be great -- but i don't expect that'll be possible.)
Not sure you'll be able to go up to 100k lines but the OpenZoom SDK with the Flash Text Engine could get you pretty far.
Source Code
A second vote for the answer to this question... I'd like to use seadragon or other technology to achieve a similar effect.
