Remove php extension remove then I add / in url [duplicate] - .htaccess

This question already has answers here:
Remove .php extension with .htaccess
(17 answers)
Removing .php file extension with .htaccess file
(5 answers)
How to get rid of .php extension in .htaccess
(1 answer)
Remove .PHP File Extension in URL
(4 answers)
Closed last month.
url i want to change this url
I want to .php extension remove then I add / in url


.htaccess regex redirect avoid by file type

I have two URL conditions and I wanted to redirect them like this: to
Now the problem is, I am also using the URL for an older link like this one:
I wanted to avoid redirect with .xml extension here is my current redirect:
RewriteRule feeds/(.*)?$$1 [QSA,L]
It works fine but I don't want to redirect it with .xml based URL.
My question is - is there a condition that can help me to avoid the rewrite if a parameter contains .xml in regX (.*)?$
You can use a negative lookbehind:
RewriteRule feeds/(.*)?(?<!\.xml)$$1 [QSA,L]

disable .php and .html files from my directory listing?

How can I disable .php and .html files from my directory listing?
When someone visit my directory
All other files except .php and html should be listed.
Add the following line to your .htaccess file
IndexIgnore *.html *.php
This tells the Apache web server to list all files except those that end with .php and .html .
If you want to disable all files and directories form listing ,Add this line to your .htaccess
IndexIgnore *
The wildcard '*' means it will not display any files

Is it possible to wildcard a filename string to password protect a file with htaccess?

Example: wp_file*.log -- what that should do is to password protect every file whose filename start with wp_file and ends with .log -- for example wp_file-22.log and wp_file_randomfile.log.
The way I would make this, is by adding a rewrite rule for those files, redirect to some PHP file with the origional request in the GET. The PHP file can than show a password box and eventually the content of the log file once logged in.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule wp_file(.*)\.log /somePHPfile.php?logFile=wp_file$1 [L]
(not tested)
If you dont need access to the log files via your website (but use e.g. ftp), than you can rewrite the requests to those files to another page
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule wp_file(.*)\.log /index.php [L]

Case-insensitive htaccess 301 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have about 300 redirects in the following format
Redirect 301 /post/My-Blog-Post.aspx
That works great except the redirects are case sensitive and going to /post/my-blog-post.aspx doesn't redirect.
There isn't a pattern for the old URL to new URL so this would likely have to be a flag for every redirect.
How can I get the URL to redirect no matter the case?
Don't think there's a way to make the Redirect directive (part of mod_alias) case insensitive, but there's a mod_rewrite flag that you can use. You'll need to change all of your redirects from this:
Redirect 301 /post/My-Blog-Post.aspx
RewriteRule ^/?post/My-Blog-Post.aspx$ [L,R=301,NC]
Note the NC flag, meaning "no case". This will match any URI that looks like /post/my-blog-post.aspx and ignores case, and redirects it to
However, if you want to make "My-Blog-Post" a variable of "a-new-post", I mean if you want /post/My-Blog-Post.aspx to be redirected into /blog/a-new-post/ either /post/this.aspx into /blog/this/ or /post/that.aspx into /blog/that/ or even /post/anything.aspx into /blog/anything/, you can try to use this code in you .htaccess hidden file:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^post/([a-z0-9-_]+).aspx$ /blog/$1/ [R=301,NC]

want to replace .php?url= this part by / from my url using .htaccess

In my website there is a link like this
for better SEO I want to make it like this
just want to replace '.php?url=' by '/'
My question is how can i do this by editing my .htaccess file ?
If it's only for that one URL, then you could try this:
RewriteRule ^backlinks/([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*)$ backlinks.php?url=$1 [L]
So requested URLs like will be redirected to
