Swagger error in Office 365/Outlook step in Logic App - azure

this seems really weird and I'm not sure how to fix. Any tips would be appreciated.
I have an Office 365 Outlook step called Send An Email (V2). When I add this directly to the logic app, it works fine. When I export the template and deploy from visual studio, I get this error from that step:
Error in Swagger definition SyntaxError: The object is not a valid Swagger API definition
Does anyone know why this would be? All the other steps I'm deploying like this work fine.
Also, an alternative for sending email would be fine.


Office-js addin with webapi on Azure. Fetch error

Windows 10 20H2, VS 2019 Community
Application contains one office-js addin (typescript) + one Webapi core (c#) in a container, both components communicating with a fetch function thanks to cors.
It works properly on my local computer.
I published both components on azure, the webapi component being derived as a container instance. I checked that the correct azure addin address was entered in the webapi startup module.
Now, each individual component works properly (proof with messages from the addin and with postman for the webapi) but fetch function raises errors (message = "failed to fetch).
Could someone tell me what I did miss ?
Thanks in advance.
Closed. Finally it was about :
debugging in localhost is not enough. You have to test with Swagger. In my case I had a wrong return with a String[] and the decoration of the controller was not ok
having a plain Web api application (ie : with a wwwroot)

struggling to get 'deploy to azure button' to work

I'm struggling to get a Deploy to Azure button to work and hoping someone can help,
my code in the readme.md looks like
[![Deploy to Azure](https://aka.ms/deploytoazurebutton)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/<url encoded link to raw template>
when I try the button it takes me to the deploy screen, only I get an error:
"(x) Error parsing template. Please ensure template is valid JSON. Invalid symbol at character position 4. (3 other errors)"
the template validates and works as expected when deployed manually through Deploy a Custom Template,
the raw uri to the template in our tfsgit repo returns the raw template as expected
(the raw uri uses msoft's pattern of https://dev.azure.com/{{organization}}/{{project}}/_apis/sourceProviders/{{providerName}}/filecontents?repository={{repository}}&path={{path}}&commitOrBranch={{commitOrBranch}}&api-version=5.0-preview.1)
I'm guessing might be some kind of authentification issue, I've tried basic auth with username:password#https://... or maybe it only works with github.com, either way I'm completely stuck
nothing I try seems to work, and azure won't show me the json it's trying to parse,
I was wondering if someone else has had a similar issue and would be able to point me in the right direction here
thanks in advance

Docusign: Sample Code Cannot Connect to '/app-shell'?

I'm using the sample code provided by DocuSign in the Github project "qs-01-node-embed-signing-ceremony-master".
I've obtained and added my accessToken and accountId.
When the sample code is run via npm start, it displays an error message in the browser window:
Cannot GET /app-shell
Chrome dev tools shows this:
The sample code appears to contain no file named app-shell.
How can I correct this?
I looked at this sample code and tried it from scratch. I cannot find a file named workbox-core.dev.js in there and when I tried it - it worked just fine.
Please check if this is not something in your environment that may be causing this.
Try a new fresh clone from scratch just in case.
It looks like there are unaddressed caching anomalies with the demo code. Selecting "Empty Cache and Hard Reload" in Chrome fixed it.
After successfully signing the test doc, I still got the "Cannot GET /app-shell" message, but that glitch seems to be specific to the demo code.
Hopefully this is enough of a test for me to start implementing Docusign in my app.
Note: It appears that this demo was not built with create-react-app or other tech that auto-rebuilds and reloads the page when the source is edited.

GCM With Xamarin.ios

I have implemented GCM with Xamarin.ios , I am able to get Device Token and GCM ID , But i am not able to recive Notification sent by Push sharp library . I am seeing log and i am getting below issue.Can this be reason of not receiving notification ?. Also we are new in Xamarin ,It will be hlpful if somebody can help us with podfile.
You have enabled the CloudMessaging service in Developer Console, but it appears as though your Podfile is missing the line: 'pod "Google/CloudMessaging" or you may need to run pod update in your project directory.
You need to add this component and implement it in your AppDelegate There are code examples of how to do so in the Getting Started section.
You need to add this component and implement it in your AppDelegate There are code examples of how to do so in the Getting Started section.

Python2 connexion framework - controller in directory structure

I am playing around with using the connexion framework to setup a REST API access for my application.
My application is is built on python2, I installed the connexion framework for python2 and played around with the yaml file via the editor (editor.swagger.io). I downloaded the Python Flask server code, converted it to be compatable with Python2 and tested for a single controller.
When the controller is placed in the same directory as the place where the server is run. Everything was fine - all routes were added and working as expected. I then proceeded to split the controller based on some business logic and wanted a tree structure for each controller.
Something like
and so on.
This does not work for python2. It seems to work for python3. Any ideas why?
I get the following error from logs
DEBUG:connexion.api:Security Definitions: {}
DEBUG:connexion.api:Validate Responses: False
DEBUG:connexion.api:Creating API blueprint: /api
DEBUG:connexion.api:Adding swagger.json: /api/swagger.json
DEBUG:connexion.api:Adding swagger-ui: /api/ui/
DEBUG:connexion.api:Adding /api/magic1/{name}...
ERROR:connexion.api:Failed to add operation for GET /api/magic1/{name}
In the yaml config file I add the OperationId as api.magic1.func1() and so on.
Following the information you provided here the operationId should be set to api.magic1.magic1_controller.func1 and not api.magic1.magic1.func1().
You are missing to provide more details about your problem. Code snippets would help to guide you in a more detailed solution.
