concat_ws and coalesce in pyspark - apache-spark

In Pyspark, I want to combine concat_ws and coalesce whilst using the list method. For example I know this works:
from pyspark.sql.functions import concat_ws, col
df = spark.createDataFrame([["A", "B"], ["C", None], [None, "D"]]).toDF("Type", "Segment")
df = df.withColumn("concat_ws2", concat_ws(':', coalesce('Type', lit("")), coalesce('Segment', lit(""))))
But I want to be able to utilise the *[list] method so I don't have to list out all the columns within that bit of code, i.e. something like this instead:
from pyspark.sql.functions import concat_ws, col
df = spark.createDataFrame([["A", "B"], ["C", None], [None, "D"]]).toDF("Type", "Segment")
list = ["Type", "Segment"]
df = df.withColumn("almost_desired_output", concat_ws(':', *list))
However as you can see, I want to be able to coalesce NULL with a blank, but not sure if that's possible using the *[list] method or do I really have to list out all the columns?

This would work:
Iterate over list of columns names
df=df.withColumn("almost_desired_output", concat_ws(':', *[coalesce(name, lit('')).alias(name) for name in df.schema.names]))
Or, Use fill - it'll fill all the null values across all columns of Dataframe (but this changes in the actual column, which may can break some use-cases)"").withColumn("almost_desired_output", concat_ws(':', *list)
Or, Use selectExpr (again this changes in the actual column, which may can break some use-cases)
list = ["Type", "Segment"] # or just use df.schema.names
list2 = ["coalesce(type,' ') as Type", "coalesce(Segment,' ') as Segment"]
df=df.selectExpr(list2).withColumn("almost_desired_output", concat_ws(':', *list))


Better way to swap column values and then append them in a pandas dataframe?

here is my dataframe
import pandas as pd
data = {'from':['Frida', 'Frida', 'Frida', 'Pablo','Pablo'], 'to':['Vincent','Pablo','Andy','Vincent','Andy'],
'score':[2, 2, 1, 1, 1]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
I want to swap the values in columns 'from' and 'to' and add them on because these scores work both ways.. here is what I have tried.
df_copy = df.copy()
df_copy.rename(columns={"from":"to","to":"from"}, inplace=True)
df_final = df.append(df_copy)
which works but is there a shorter way to do the same?
One line could be :
df_final = df.append(df.rename(columns={"from":"to","to":"from"}))
On the right track. However, introduce deep=True to make a true copy, otherwise your df.copy will just update df and you will be up in a circle.
df_copy = df.copy(deep=True)
df_copy.rename(columns={"from":"to","to":"from"}, inplace=True)
df_final = df.append(df_copy)

Apply style to a DataFrame using index/column from a list of tuples in Python/Pandas

I have a list of tuples that represent DataFrame index row number and a column name, in a form:
[(12, 'col3'), (16, 'col7'), ...].
I need to be able to find rows/column values that correspond to those tuple values in another dataframe and mark them red for example. Usually I use
from here: and it works but in this case I am not sure how to map those tuple values with a dataframe in a function. Any help is much appreciated.
You can use custom function with at for set values by tups:
tups = [(12, 'col3'), (16, 'col7'), ...]
def highlight(x):
r = 'background-color: red'
df1 = pd.DataFrame('', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
#rewrite values by selecting by tuples
for i, c in tups:[i, c] = r
return df1, axis=None)

Common column names among data sets in Python

I have 6 data sets. Their names are: e10_all, e11_all, e12_all, e13_all, e14_all, and e19_all.
All have different numbers of columns and rows, but with some common columns. I need to append the rows of these columns together. First, I want to determine the columns that are common to all of the data sets, so I know which columns to select in my SQL query.
In R, I am able to do this using:
# Create list of dts
list_df = list(e10_all, e11_all, e12_all, e13_all, e14_all, e19_all)
col_common = colnames(list_df[[1]])
# Write for loop
for (i in 2:length(list_df)){
col_common = intersect(col_common, colnames(list_df[[i]]))
# View the common columns
# Get as a comma-separated list
cat(noquote(paste(col_common, collapse = ',')))
I want to do the same thing, but in Python. Does anyone happen to know a way?
Thank you
It's not that different in pandas. Making some dummy dataframes:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> e10_all = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,2], "B": [2,3], "C": [2,3]})
>>> e11_all = pd.DataFrame({"B": [4,5], "C": [5,6]})
>>> e12_all = pd.DataFrame({"B": [1,2], "C": [3,4], "M": [8,9]})
Then your code would translate to something like
>>> list_df = [e10_all, e11_all, e12_all]
>>> col_common = set.intersection(*(set(df.columns) for df in list_df))
>>> col_common
{'C', 'B'}
>>> ','.join(sorted(col_common))
That second line turns each of the frames' columns into a set and then takes the intersection of all of them. A more literal translation of your code would work too, although we tend to avoid writing loops where we can avoid it, and we tend to loop over elements directly (for df in list_df[1:]:) rather than going via index. Still,
col_common = set(list_df[0].columns)
for i in range(1, len(list_df)):
col_common = col_common.intersection(list_df[i].columns)
would get the job done.

PySpark - Add a new nested column or change the value of existing nested columns

Supposing, I have a json file with lines in follow structure:
"a": 1,
"b": {
"bb1": 1,
"bb2": 2
I want to change the value of key bb1 or add a new key, like: bb3.
Currently, I use to load the json file into spark as DataFrame and to map each row of RDD to dict. Then, change nested key value or add a nested key and convert the dict to row. Finally, convert RDD to DataFrame.
The workflow works as follow:
def map_func(row):
dictionary = row.asDict(True)
adding new key or changing key value
return as_row(dictionary) # as_row convert dict to row recursively
df ="json_file")"new_json_file")
This could work for me. But I concern that converting DataFrame -> RDD ( Row -> dict -> Row) -> DataFrame would kill the efficiency.
Is there any other methods that could work for this demand but not at the cost of efficiency?
The final solution that I used is using withColumn and dynamically building the schema of b.
Firstly, we can get the b_schema from df schema by:
b_schema = next(field['type'] for field in df.schema.jsonValue()['fields'] if field['name'] == 'b')
After that, b_schema is dict and we can add new field into it by:
And then, we could convert it to StructType by:
new_b = StructType.fromJson(b_schema)
In the map_func, we could convert Row to dict and populate the new field:
def map_func(row):
data = row.asDict(True)
data['bb3'] = data['bb1'] + data['bb2']
return data
map_udf = udf(map_func, new_b)
df.withColumn('b', map_udf('b')).collect()
Thanks #Mariusz
You can use map_func as udf and therefore omit converting DF -> RDD -> DF, still having the flexibility of python to implement business logic. All you need is to create schema object:
>>> from pyspark.sql.types import *
>>> new_b = StructType([StructField('bb1', LongType()), StructField('bb2', LongType()), StructField('bb3', LongType())])
Then you define map_func and udf:
>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import *
>>> def map_func(data):
... return {'bb1': 4, 'bb2': 5, 'bb3': 6}
>>> map_udf = udf(map_func, new_b)
Finally apply this UDF to dataframe:
>>> df ='sample.json')
>>> df.withColumn('b', map_udf('b')).first()
Row(a=1, b=Row(bb1=4, bb2=5, bb3=6))
According to the comment: You can add a field to existing StructType in a easier way, for example:
>>> df ='sample.json')
>>> new_b = df.schema['b'].dataType.add(StructField('bb3', LongType()))

Filtering rows in Spark Dataframe based on multiple values in a list [duplicate]

I want to filter a Pyspark DataFrame with a SQL-like IN clause, as in
sc = SparkContext()
sqlc = SQLContext(sc)
df = sqlc.sql('SELECT * from my_df WHERE field1 IN a')
where a is the tuple (1, 2, 3). I am getting this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.67] failure: ``('' expected but identifier a found
which is basically saying it was expecting something like '(1, 2, 3)' instead of a.
The problem is I can't manually write the values in a as it's extracted from another job.
How would I filter in this case?
String you pass to SQLContext it evaluated in the scope of the SQL environment. It doesn't capture the closure. If you want to pass a variable you'll have to do it explicitly using string formatting:
df = sc.parallelize([(1, "foo"), (2, "x"), (3, "bar")]).toDF(("k", "v"))
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM df WHERE v IN {0}".format(("foo", "bar"))).count()
## 2
Obviously this is not something you would use in a "real" SQL environment due to security considerations but it shouldn't matter here.
In practice DataFrame DSL is a much better choice when you want to create dynamic queries:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df.where(col("v").isin({"foo", "bar"})).count()
## 2
It is easy to build and compose and handles all details of HiveQL / Spark SQL for you.
reiterating what #zero323 has mentioned above : we can do the same thing using a list as well (not only set) like below
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df.where(col("v").isin(["foo", "bar"])).count()
Just a little addition/update:
choice_list = ["foo", "bar", "jack", "joan"]
If you want to filter your dataframe "df", such that you want to keep rows based upon a column "v" taking only the values from choice_list, then
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df_filtered = df.where( ( col("v").isin (choice_list) ) )
You can also do this for integer columns:
df_filtered = df.filter("field1 in (1,2,3)")
or this for string columns:
df_filtered = df.filter("field1 in ('a','b','c')")
A slightly different approach that worked for me is to filter with a custom filter function.
def filter_func(a):
"""wrapper function to pass a in udf"""
def filter_func_(col):
"""filtering function"""
if col in a.value:
return True
return False
return udf(filter_func_, BooleanType())
# Broadcasting allows to pass large variables efficiently
a = sc.broadcast((1, 2, 3))
df = my_df.filter(filter_func(a)(col('field1'))) \
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd
df_spark.createOrReplaceTempView("df") # we need to create a Temp table first
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM df where Departments in ('IOT','Big Data') order by Departments").show()
