Getting undefined from process.env[serviceBus] - node.js

I am working on BE side of a project. I have many service bus URLs in my env and wanted to get them dynamically.
Env looks like this
SB1 = 'Endpoint=link1'
SB2 = 'Endpoint=link2'
sample code of mine
const serviceBus = "SB1";
const connectionString = process.env[serviceBus];
This logic is working fine when I run locally, but when I deploy my code. It is not working.
Please correct my approach or suggest me a better approach to do this.

Hi first make sure you have the .env file also uploaded on the server because many times by default project setting .env files are added to gitignore.
Also if you are using express.js then make sure that you make your .env file available by require('dotenv').config()
and install dotenv by command npm i dotenv
you can use it like process.env.serviceBus


getting 401 response codes on a deployed React App that worked fine in development?

I am trying to complete a Redux project and got everything to work fine in development on my own machine but when deployed, the browser is failing to recognise my hidden environment variables so not passing client keys to Api calls and thus making unauthorised requests. I have a '.env' file with the keys in them and then refer thus...
const API_URL =${process.env.REACT_APP_OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY}&units=metric;
I have looked up the problem on here and think I understand what's going wrong but don't know how to put it right. I am deploying site via Netlify from my Github repo and my build settings appear to be correct. I thought 'npm run build' took care of all that for me?
99% finished a project and now scratching my head furiously...
Try defining variables in .env file starting with REACT_APP like:
Try using it anywhere like:
const apiUrl: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL;
Set the environment variables specifically within the Netlify UI. So 'Deploy Settings > Environment > Environment Variables' then variable -'REACT_APP....' value - '*****' for each variable you want defined.

how can i get dynamic url in nodejs? (mernstack)

hi im trying to make forgot password/reset password service.
let me show you the logic of this service.
(simply, send email in react(localhost:3000/forgotPassword) -> click link in email -> route to localhost:3000/resetPassword)
1.send email in frontend
The content is to write down the email of the account you joined.
비밀번호 리셋하기 <- this is direct to http://localhost:3000/resetPassword
3.forgotPassword.js in node.js
Here, I want to change resetURL(http://localhost:3000/resetPassword) to dynamic URL. Because I will distribute this soon.
3.package.json in react
I was able to do api communication from react to node by specifying proxy here, but /api/resetPassword does not work in node.
To sum up, I want to use the code used by React on the node as well. Like this.
You are looking to environmentalise your configuration.
You could do it through an environment variable, like this:
const baseURL = process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:3000'
const resetURL =`${baseURL}/resetPassword`
If you use the dotenv package, you can support configuration through environment variables or from a .env file.
If I understand correctly, your interested in setting up a dynamic variable for the url in your react app. Try just setting an environment config file, either a file for each environment you are developing in (i.e., Dev, QA, PROD) or a single file with multiple shared Env variables. You can even add an env variable to your package.json file for example.
NOTE the approach below would work for linux and mac, but not windows
please use the resources below for more information. This approach has been made available for react-scripts#0.9.0 and higher.
"scripts": "APP_URL=http://localhost:300 npm start"

NestJS - Using DotEnv

I am working on the NestJS along with TypeOrm (MySQL).
Project itself is provisioned by Terraform, run by Jenkins and deployed on K8.
I will use process.env.******* for the DB Connection, and
when it comes to the deployment (test, stage and prod), I really don't care. Jenkins provides the credentials (provided by Terraform).
However, I want to have a local mode, where it is friendly to other developers to start the service locally.
In my previous project, I had extra file in the root. That file was only wrapper, which loads dotenv and then the main app file.
Something like this:
const lambdaApp = require('./index');
That was simple and easy to use. I just have .env.example file, and if you need if you set it up yourself.
I figured I shall do the same with the NestJS. Unfortunately, I am stuck.
If I were to use local.index.js to start the dotenv, then How can I load and execute the main.ts file. I could call the bootstrap() function, but it wont work.
Simple approach that did not work:
const mainApp = require('./main.ts');
The main.ts, needs to be converted to js from ts.
I could probably find some way to do it in code, but it's looks really wrong. There has to be a simpler way to achieve this, which, unfortunately I am not seeing.
This was the case of not reading the documentation and reinventing the wheel. In my defense, I can say there are so many things to read, I don't have time. That is pure truth, but time and reading can be managed. I should have checked the official documentation first, and I would find the answer in there.
Anyway, right here it is explained. I will not post any codes
samples, since it is pointless to do it. They also use dotenv library and env file.

Understanding require in nodejs related to the AWS module

I'm going through a project where in app.js the AWS module is required and its config is set via AWS.config.update. In a later file, AWS is required again but this time it uses the credentials set in the app.js file earlier. How does this work? I would have thought that we need to set the credentials again since the module is being re-imported in a different file.
It would help to see the project structure or files but here is what I am thinking:
app.js is run first (as I am guessing this is your index) and thats where the credentials are configured originally.
Then later, when you require the module again in a different point of the application, since app.js already executed at the start there is no need to reconfigure the AWS module as it already holds its present configuration.

Where should I store secret strings on Node server?

Well, I've come with a problem. How can I store passwords, db url and important strings that should not go to my public version control?
I've come up with 3 solutions. The first works only on dev:
var config = require('./config');
var port = config.serverPort;
module.exports = {
'serverPort' : '8182'
The second one should work both on dev and prod. But the config.js file was added on the .gitignore file, so it won't be upload to the server. When the server tries to require config.js and can't find it, it will throw an error.
var config = require('./config');
var port = process.env.PORT || config.serverPort;
The third is to use only process.env variables, but this only works on production. And, if I'm testing on local machine, I may need to paste my secret strings and remember to remove it before sending to the public version control.
So, what should I do?
The common solution is to add a config.js.example file to version control (that contains empty/dummy values to document what's available).
Then you add config.js to .gitignore (or whatever suits your VCS).
To run your application you simply copy config.js.example to config.js and put in the proper values.
Of course the path to config.js can be taken from an environment variable to allow easily using different configs - but still, you wouldn't put the actual config files under version control (unless you have a separate private repo for config files etc)
It does make sense to always require a config file to exist. Even in development. While the default settings may be suitable, chances are good that many developers on your application want to configure things anyway or simply test things with non-default values.
The dotenv package can be used to load configuration and secrets from a .env file into process.env. For production, the .env file doesn't have to exist.
const oauth2 = require('simple-oauth2').create({
client: {
id: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
secret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET
.env file:
Here is my suggestion:
1. Using a mix of file and env variables
You can manage secret strings using a mix with config files and process.env variables.
You can do something like this:
var port = process.env.PORT || config.serverPort;
Since now, working with docker is the rule, you should try this one.
2. Using a Sample
You could add a config.json.example to your repo with an example of the variables you should define but here you will have to remember to change it when you deploy to production.
Just remember to add the real config.json to the .gitignore file.
This one is not my preferred but still an option.
There's a node package that handles this very similar to the Ruby On Rails approach with their credential system: schluessel
It lets you save your secrets in an encrypted vault file and stores the key separately. This vauft file can be checked into your version control system, as long as you keep your key file secret.
You can create vault files for different NODE_ENVs.
If you surrender the key either via a key file or via an environment variable,
you can access your credentials very easily from within your app.
