Create a default Description Template in Perforce - perforce

What are the steps and commands to create a default Description Template in Perforce on client side not server. For example, the description should look like this whenever user creates a new changelist.
Row1 :
Row2 :
Row3 :
Row4 :
I think we can use form-out. what are the steps and commands involved? There are no proper articles on net. If here we can get solution it will be really helpful.


How to set scenes in the new Philips HUE API node-hue-api v.3

can anyone give a description on how to set a specific scene to a specific lamp in the new node-hue-api v.3?
For example the Scene ID would be id="shshshshsh" and the Group ID group="8"
There is an example in the github repository for the project that shows how to set a light state on a specific light as part of a scene,
You mention a group in your example here though, so are you specifically referring to a GroupScene? If so the state of the lights in a GroupScene are stored in the Group itself, so you would need to modify the Group.

GetStream: Prevent adding the same activity in flat-feed

I'm using a flat-feed, to be able to follow and unfollow other profiles.
But as i see it, i want to group the verbs as it is possible in the aggregated-feed.
Because i want to aggregate likes to the same activity.
user2 and user3, likes image1.
user1 follow user2 and user3.
Meaning that user1 now have two activities, of users liking the same image and i want it to be displayed as one activity.
Should i handle this myself by sorting it with the foreign key and then collect the activities into one? Or can i somehow blend the flat-feed with aggregated-feed?
This How to build a news feed with aggregate and flat types? is similar, but i need to be able to follow and unfollow.
After finding out that i could combine flat-feed and aggregated-feed i came up with this setup:
In this example beneath, User2 is publishing an artwork, meaning that User2-feed now includes an activity that shows his artworks.
Shortly after User3 likes his newly posted artwork, meaning that User3-feed now include an activity that shows his like of the artwork.
User1 is following User2-feed and User3-feed which create User1-aggregatedfeed that include all activities from the two feeds, that User1 is currently following. It means that User1’s own activity will not being shown in his own User1-aggregatedfeed unless he is following his own feed, which isn’t possible.
The same artwork that is added to User2-feed is also added to Artist1-feed because the artist of the artwork is Artist1. Meaning that the same artwork is now added to two feeds that User1 is following. But activity will only be added to User1-aggregatedfeed once, because we store the “artwork publish” activity with the same foreign key.
Flat-feed combined with aggregated-feed example

How to reuse a cucumber feature

I have a cucumber feature called "A" located at "C:\cucumber tests"
Now I want to create another cucumber feature call "B".
The first part of the steps of feature "B" will be exactly the same as in feature "A". I don't want simply to copy all the steps in feature "A" to feature "B"
Is there anyway to call feature "A" in feature "B"?
I appreciate it.
ruby version:
I don't believe you can call an entire scenario, but you can call steps from a step using the steps method.
Given /^(.*) is logged in$/ do |name|
steps %Q{
Given the user #{name} exists
Given I log in as #{name}
This will at least allow you to reuse your stepdefs, but not your scenarios.
For more information see Cucumber Docs
If you are willing to put the features in the same file, you can use the background to run the same steps for each.
Background: Login the user
Given I have an admin account
And we have a user named "john"
And I am logged in
Scenario: Reset Password
When I reset the users password
Then the server sends an email to "john"
Scenario: Lock User
When I lock the account for "john"
Then "john" cannot log in

Change the licensed to name in VisualStudio

i'm having trouble being able to change the "licensed to" in visual studio 2012. if i publish an app it's coming out as "HP" and it needs to be from me. I found an article online about this but the steps don't seem to be logical.
can anyone help me with this?
here is the article that i found:
the problem is for step 2 in the registry i don't have "username" and also for step 4 i don't know what this is (replace the placeholder with your own username)
any help would be amazing!!!
If the UserName value does not exist in Registration, you'll need to create it yourself.
Just create it as a new string value, and set the value to your name.
The "(replace the placeholder with your own username)" just means to replace {YOUR_USER} in the given path with your user name.
For example if your user name is 'Superior', navigate to C:\Users\Superior\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0

Load Runner facing isse during Dyanmic data handling

I am using load runner 9.5. I am facing a problem during Dyanmic data handling. Scenario is given below-
I have Library management application. Login-> Select book(data display based on User credential) -->Purchage and Logout.
Ex: Guest user: 50 Books display to choose
Admin : All Books display choose
Normal user : 100 Bokks display choose
Please help me How to handle these type of dynamic data based on user role. Is there need to create different script with different role ?
Please follow the below steps -
Record the same flow with the same user credential 2 times (Replica of first script)
Compare the scripts using W diff
Find the values which are different like purchase order, timestamp and user session.
Correlate the values which are highlighted in yellow means value which is different in each script.
Have you had the benefit of training in LoadRunner and a mentor for your first year of work in this field?
