Count of orders - ADF- aggregation - azure

How to convert this CSV file input to the given output in ADLS using ADF?
Input data:
Output data:
I want to find the count of order ids city wise and country wise using Data Flow. This is similar to roll-up aggregation.

Take three aggregate transforms in dataflow to do this. First is to calculate the count of orderid for every country and city combination. Second aggregate transform is to calculate the count of orderid for every country. Third aggregate transform is to calculate the count orderid for the full table. Below are the detailed steps.
Same input data is taken as source.
img:1 source data preview
Create two new additional branches by clicking + symbol near to Source transformation and click new branch.
In each branch add aggregate transformation.
Aggregate transformation1 settings:
group by : country, city
aggregates: total_order=count(order_id)
img:2 aggregate transform1 data preview
Aggregate transorm2 settings:
group by: country
aggregates: total_order=count(order_id)
img:3 aggregate transform 2 data preview.
Aggregate transorm3 settings: No column in group by.
group by:
aggregates: total_order=count(order_id)
img:4 aggregate transform3 data preview.
Next step is to union all these tables. Since all of these are not in the same structure, Add derived columns transformation to aggregate2 and aggregate3 and create columns with empty string.
Join aggregate1,derived1 and derived2 transformations data using Union transformation.
img:5 Data preview after all transformations.
img: 6 Complete dataflow with all transformations.


Data Filter Expression in ADF

I am trying to filter data in Azure Data Flow.
However, I do not know how to do this.
What I want to do is to extract only the records with the largest value in the "seq_no" column among those with duplicate IDs.
I just don't know what function to use to achieve this.
I await your answer.
Any answer would be appreciated.
Sorry for my bad English, I am Japanese.
Thanks for reading.
You can use aggregate transform and group by id and take the max(seq_no). I repro'd the same. Below are the steps.
Sample data is taken as input.
img:1 Source Transformation data preview
Then Aggregate transform is taken. In Aggregate settings,
id is given as group by column and aggregates expression is given for seq_no column as max(seq_no).
Aggregate transform output data
img:2 Data preview of Aggregate transform.
In order to get the other column data corresponding to maximum of seq_no column, Join transformation is used.
Left stream: aggregate1
Right stream: source1
Join Type:Inner
Join conditions: source1#id==source2#id
img:3 Join Transformation settings
img:4 Join transformation data preview
Select transformation is used and removed the extra columns.

Dataflow expression builder greatest max integer ADF

I am using data factory's expression builder to build dataflows (Aggregrate Function) to 1. group movies by year, 2.find the max rating of movies 3. Return movie title for max.
I have already grouped by year so I'm trying to return something like
max(toInteger(Rating)) or greatest(toInteger(Rating))
and also get the 'title' of the movie that is max, can this be done in expression builder?
The Aggregate transformation defines aggregations of columns in your data streams. Using the Expression Builder, you can define different types of aggregations such as SUM, MIN, MAX, and COUNT grouped by existing or computed columns.
I tried to repro the issue with sample data and I can observe that getting the movie title isn't possible in Aggregate function in mapping data flow.
In Data preview we can see we are only getting group by column and aggregate column. There is no option to include movie name column here.

Pivot all table in Azure Data Factory - Mapping Data Flow

I am new to Azure and am trying to see if the below request is achievable with data factory I have my csv file with this sample data :
I have this result
My expected data/ result:
enter image description here
Which transformations would be helpful to achieve this?
enter image description here
Use the pivot transformation to create multiple columns from the
unique row values of a single column. Pivot is an aggregation
transformation where you select group by columns and generate pivot
columns using aggregate functions.
The pivot transformation requires three different inputs: group by columns, the pivot key, and how to generate the pivoted columns.
Refer Microsoft official document: Pivot transformation in mapping data flow

Azure Datafactory: How to implement nested sql query in transformation data flow

[![enter image description here][1]][1]
I have two streams customer and customercontact. I am new to azure data factory. I just want to know which activity in data flow transformation will achieve the below sql query result.
FROM customercontact
WHERE customerid IN
(SELECT customerid
FROM customer)
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
I can utilize Exist transformation for inner query but I am need some help on how I can fetch the first row after sorting customer contact data.So , basically I am looking for a way to add limit/Top/Offset clause in dataflow.
You can achieve transformation for a given query in data flow with different transformation.
For sorting you can use Sort transformation. Here you can select Order Ascending or descending.
For top few records you can use Rank transformation.
For “IN” clause you can use Exists transformation.
Refer -
Here is my sample data in SQL as Source
I have used Rank transformation.
After rank transformation one more column i.e. RankColumn got added.
Now to select only top 1 record I have used Filter Row Modifier. I used equals(RankColumn,1) expression to select Top 1 record.
Now finally use Sink activity and run pipeline.

Return count in ADF Data Flow

I have an ADF Data Flow that outputs 2 sets of values (Name, Location) as shown below:
Is there a way to output the count of Names in each Location via ADF Data Flow?
You can do it with Aggregate action. I tested it with your data.
Start with Aggregate action's Group by section, add location as group by columns.
Mention aggregated column name in the Columns and count(name) as aggregate expression.
Verify the aggregate's result in Aggregate's Data preview
