Updated data is not getting reflected in the grid in Telerik blazor - observablecollection

Trying to show the updated data in the grid using ObservableCollection for that i have created a loop in that i am calling the service method which holds all the data then assigning this data to the instance of the ObservableCollection. Binded this instance to the data parameter of the grid. Updated records are present in the data but in the UI it is not reflecting also used StateHasChanged but still this does not works.
Without using Rebind need to update the list


Caches property of graph in Acumatica

I noticed that graph.Caches[typeof(MyDac)] is quite useful in Acumatica to manipulate values in other DACs. What would be the proper way to use it, for example when I update a value in another DAC? Do I have to persist right after it, or will it be saved to DB when I run graph.Action.PressSave(), even if I am not using this DAC in any of the view in the graph?
The PXGraph.Caches collections contains DAC objects loaded in memory on the server. In a graph it is accessed directly as this.Caches and in an extension it is accessed through Base.Caches. While not technically acurate it can be thought of as a global DAC cache. The DAC objects contained in DataView.Cache is a subset of the DAC objects in PXGraph.Caches.
The usual pattern for persisting records is by using graph DataViews. The PXGraph.Action.PressSave() will persist the records when the current record of the primary DataView of the graph is properly set.
The primary DataView of the graph is declared in the ASPX PrimaryView property of the PXDataSource element:
<px:PXDataSource ID="ds" runat="server" PrimaryView="Document" TypeName="PX.Objects.SO.SOOrderEntry" >
Setting PrimaryView.Current record in the BLC graph is required for the Save action to persist the DataViews records.
It is also possible to persist DAC objects in DataViews without invoking the Save action. To do so you would perform a CRUD operation and then Persist the DAC objects in the DataView using:
While it is possible to do the same operations on PXGraph.Caches there are few situation where this is required in user code because using DataView is the preferred method of persisting DAC objects and access to DataViews is available when you have the BLC.
Where PXGraph.Caches is especially useful is when working with PXGraph instead of a BLC, often found in the context of generic code. You can access DataViews of the BLC like SOOrderEntry.Document with a reference pointing to the SOOrderEntry BLC. However if all you got is a reference to the PXGraph base class of the BLC you don't have access to the DataViews. In that case you can still access the DAC objects in PXGraph.Caches. By knowing the type of the DataView DAC objects for example SOOrderEntry.Document is of SOOrder type and will be in PXGraph.Caches[typeof(SOOrder)]. For user code this pattern is more common in custom attributes that have access to the PXGraph object but not the BLC. In BLC it's more common to work on the DataView.Cache instead of PXGraph.Cache.
Another possible scenario where accessing PXGraph.Caches could be useful is when you have many DataViews of the same type. If you want to query all updated DAC objects of a same type that are in multiple DataViews you can itereate on Caches[typeof(DAC)].Updated. It's also quite common to simply fetch a reference to a Cache object using Caches[typeof(DAC)] that will then be passed to another Acumatica framework method by input parameter. In this case it's often a matter of convenience because the same Cache reference could be obtain through DataView.Cache.

Restrict User input for PXSelector and use it only as a lookup

I have a case in my customisation project, were I have a PXSelector that I want it to solely act as a lookup, and would not like the users to input any data via the selector and create new records.
I could not find a way to limit this from the attribute itself, therefore I tried to limit it from the events that the control fires. The idea was that in the FieldUpdating Event I would verify whether the value inserted by the user can be found in the selector's key column, if not I would revert it back to the old value. The problem was that cancelling the event had no effect on the selector and since I did not know what the previous value was, I could not revert it back manually.
It sounds like you are trying to use a filter. You need a PXFilter view which then could be used to display data in a grid for example.
You can search the source for "PXFilter to find good examples. One I found is APVendorBalanceEnq which uses public PXFilter<APHistoryFilter> Filter
PXFilter views are not committed to the database. Typically you would create a new DAC for the filter based on your needs but you can use existing DACs that are bound to tables without the fear of the data making it to the database. With the filter you simply use the field values rather than load records into the view.

How to update lookup field of CRM entity using Azure Logic App?

I am currently writing an Azure app which is expected to update records in CRM. I am successfully able to update normal fields, but updating of lookup field is not working.
It gives an error saying -
Property lookupfieldid_value cannot be updated to null. The reference
property can only be deleted.
I am supplying the values in the designer, but when I look at the code view it always shows "lookupfieldid" as null, whereas "lookupfieldid_value" contains the value which I have supplied.
Anyone having an idea of how to pass lookup field value to update CRM records using Logic App?

Cocoa Bindings not updating NSTextField value

I have two windows, one is a table view to display content. One is a window for inputting content.
I have an NSTextField binded to a property in my app delegate. When I change a value in the text field, the app delegate property will change. However, if I go the other way and programmatically change the property's binded key, the value of the text field does not update. However, it does in the table view.
What is going wrong here? How can I update text field?
I tried all 3 of these with the same result
[_addEntry setValue:#"Chet" forKey:#"payee"];
[_addEntry setPayee:#"chet"];
_addEntry.payee = #"chet";
Here's a simple example to elaborate on my point
the label and the textfield are bound to the "str" property. It is initially null. press log to see that in the console. press change str button to change the string. Log to verify. Note that the label and the textfield do not update!
"What am I trying to accomplish?"
Here's the project I am working with:
I am trying to use Cocoa Bindings as much as possible. I have a table with a bunch of data. However, each entry is going to have an array of images associated with it. Thus, when I add a new entry, I need to open up a new window so I can set the properties of that entry (rather than through the table) along with upload some images.
I am not sure I am implementing the addEntryWindow correctly. It seems like I should create and destroy the window each time I open and close it. This doesn't appear to be happening.
Also, [[self addEntry] setDate:[NSDate date]]; doesn't seem to fix the problem for me.
How are you programmatically changing the field? Are you using KVO? Is the field inside of a NSManagedObject instance?
Bindings work through KVO. Core Data disables some aspects of KVO for its own internal uses and you might be tripping over one of those.
Update your question with the code sample and lets see what is going on.
Both windows don't necessarily need to be in the same xib but they do need to be talking to the same instances. Ideally they should both be talking to the same instance of NSManagedObject and therefore talking to the same NSManagedObjectContext.
Who is the owner of each window?
Is the owner the same?
If not, is a new Core Data stack being created?
In your test, I was able to correct it by how you were editing the property
- (IBAction)press:(id)sender {
[self setStr:#"this"];
You were accessing the iVar directly instead of the property. When you access the iVar directly KVO does not fire.
In addition, in your xib files you were accessing self.str which is unnecessary. It should be just str.
Are you doing any direct property access in your actual project?
You can do a get accessor and then a set accessor:
[[self addEntry] setPayee:xxx];
Based on the variables you are using I wonder what you are trying to accomplish. Can you post the exact code of the programmatic change you are trying to enact?

record store in j2me

I have 2 forms and the data should be stored in the record store only after filling all the fields in both the forms and if we switch from one form to another the fields in the form should contain whatever the user has entered. So how do I store the previous data and auto populate it when he switches from one form to another?
You need to indicate whether you are actually using LWUIT manually to build the form or using the GUI builder. Also the answer for 1.4 differs from the answer to 1.5.
If you are using LWUIT 1.5 just use LWUIT4IO's Storage classe's writeObject method. Create an object that implements the com.sun.lwuit.io.Externalizable interface and contains your data. You will need to register it using the LWUIT4IO Util class.
There is a sample for serializing data within the Tipster demo in LWUIT, it stores hardcoded and modified data into storage.
If you are using 1.4 just go over the RMS API. Not the most intuitive API in the world but usable for storing data.
You can get the values from RecordStore and populate that values into another Form. Look on the following article for how to read/write/update the record's into RecordStore.
J2ME record management system
Update record's in record store
RMS basics
you can have one public DataObject Class.
Now Create getter & setter public method in it and access them from anywhere in the project.
