auth0 custom DB connection Postgres Connection Error - node.js

We are using auth0 for user authentication & authorization, and configured custom DB with postgresDB.
Auth0 account is using node 16 as runtime engine for running custom DB scripts.
Loaded postgres template and modified with required changes.
When testing the script, it was giving error saying postgres.connection is not a function.
The same code works well for other account which have node 12 as runtime.
Any suggestions?

This is common issue when using old version of pg.
Latest pg version supported in Auth0 is 8.7.1
So you can update the statement
Also please refere for correct way to use the Client from pg.


How can I force Firebase Realtime Database URL without "default-rtdb"

My realtime database URL is like
When I start my node.js server I have error message :
#firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: Firebase error. Please ensure
that you have the URL of your Firebase Realtime Database instance
configured correctly.
My Firebase config is :
# Firebase
When I'm trying to debug npm library, I can see that namespace is indeed "myprojectid-default-rtdb" but can't find where to change it.
I tried to set databaseURL with query string ?ns=myprojectid but not better.
By searching on Google I could read :
For recently created Firebase projects the default database URI
usually has the format https:// Databases in projects
created before September 2020 had the default database URI For backward compatibility
reasons, if you don’t specify a database URI, the SDK will use the
project ID defined in the Service Account JSON file to automatically
generate it
Could you help me to find a solution please?
There's no way to change the name of the default database instance that is created in your Firebase project. If your project is on the paid plan, you can add additional database instances where you fully control the name, but not for the default one.
You will have to update your project configuration to use the correct database URL. If the database in the US data center, that'd be:

NuxtJS & Firebase : upgrading to NodeJS 16 engine breaks Firestore listener (Firebase rules)

I've been using NuxtJS (v2.15.8) with Nuxt Firebase (v7.6.1), running on NodeJS engine 12 (v12.21.0 to be exact) for the web application I've been developping incrementally for the past couple of years and my web app is now quite complex.
I am trying to upgrade NodeJS to the latest LTS version (v16.13.2) and encounter one major issue after switching version of NodeJS (using nvm) and changing the package.json of my five packages from node 12 to node 16 :
package.json :
"engines": {
"node": "16",
When running exactly the wame web application after these changes, it starts correctly but Firebase Rules seem to break, with this error FirebaseError: false for 'get' # L61, false for 'get' # L268.
It is a cryptic error, but from experience and from all I could find online, it happens when a call to Firestore that gets blocked by defined Firebase Security rules). In my case, it happens on a "onSnapshot" call to listen to the changes of the currently logged in user. Some other calls to Firestore (using "get" and not "onSnapshot") seem to work fine, and the Firebase Authentication works well too.
Here is the full error stack :
loggedInUser.js?384a:65 Error listening to user changes
FirebaseError: false for 'get' # L61, false for 'get' # L268
at new n (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:188:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10426:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10427:1)
at n.onMessage (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10449:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10366:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10397:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:15160:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:15218:1)
The portion of code triggerring the error is :
listenUser({ commit }, userId) {
const userRef = this.$fire.firestore.collection('users').doc(userId);
userListener = userRef.onSnapshot(function(userDoc) {
if (userDoc.exists) {
const user = userConverter.fromFirestoreData(;
commit('SET_LOGGED_IN_USER', user);
function(error) {
console.error("Error listening to user changes", error);
As soon as I revert back to Node 12, the same call works fine and isn't blocked by the Firebase rules, so the error doesn't appear.
I therefore have several questions :
Does anyone understand what's happening there ? Is there known changes in the behavior of Firebase rules directly related to the NodeJS engine ?
Do you think this issue can come from Nuxt or its Nuxt Firebase module are not working correctly under NodeJS 16 ?
It is required to also upgrade NuxtJS to a newer version or should it be possible to simply update the Node Engine ?
Is it required to update to a newer version of Firebase (modular implementation) despite the Nuxt Firebase module stating :
"This module does not support the new modular syntax from Firebase v9+. If you plan to use the new modular mode of Version 9, we advise you to implement Firebase manually as described in the following medium article. It is currently unclear when, and if, this module will support the new modular mode."
Source : their Github repo
Any help to understand what's going on here is welcome !!
Thanks a lot for your help !
Regarding your questions:
I'm unaware of what is causing this issue but there are no known changes in the behavior of Firebase Rules depending on the NodeJS version you are using.
It's hard to assess without having more information. However I deployed a sample NuxtJS app following this guide on NodeJS 16 and it worked. Additionally the error code, as you mentioned, is caused when a Firestore Rule blocks a query. Therefore I think the root cause might be in the NuxtJS firebase module.
I wasn't able to find any documentation suggesting that you need to upgrade NuxtJS when upgrading NodeJS. Additionally you mentioned that you are using version 2.15.8 of NuxtJS which according to this release notes is the latest version.
I'm unsure on further support for NuxtJS considering that statement, but according to this Firebase documentation it is recommended to upgrade to version 9.
If you decide to attempt to upgrade to firebase v9 make sure to also upgrade Nuxt Firebase module to version 8.0.0 or higher, this version provides support to the compat library so you can use Firebase v9 although still with the old syntax, more information can be found here.
Lastly, if you'd like to test if a Firebase rule is working as expected you can quickly test it using the Rules Playground.
Long story short : upgrading to Firebase v9 worked.
Before I did that, I got stuck with rules preventing me to access firestore documents as soon as I tried running the project under Node16 engine.
So I had to do the following changes :
updating Firebase to v9
implement the configuration through a plugin rather than the nuxt-firebase module
make all the required changes in my code to make use of v9 modular (I didn't try using the compat version)
Now that I use the latest version of Firebase, I tried again switching to NodeJS 16 and it runs fine, including the Firebase security rules.

How do i use the Kenitco API from a Console App

I'm using Kentico V10 and I can run the website locally. However, when i try to use the API from a console app, i'm getting the following error.
{"Object type 'cms.class' not found."}
The stackTrace has a call to check license. I'm following this page, and it says you have to add a license for your domain, but what domain is used when you are running from a console app?
I'm using this code from taken from this page.
string userName = "myuser";
// Gets the user with the specified user name
UserInfo userInfo = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName);
// Gets the authentication URL for a specified user and target URL
string url = AuthenticationHelper.GetUserAuthenticationUrl(userInfo, "SecuredSurvey");
If that was available via the REST API, i'd be happy to get the URL that way, but from what i can see, it's not available.
Kentico has some good documentation on how to use the API in an external application, specifically a console library here.
Very notable steps are:
Connecting to the database; make sure you use the same connection string as in your web.config
Install the Kentico.Libraries NuGet package
Initialize Kentico in your application in the Global.asax file.
Write custom code all day long.

Deploying Github-Passport-Stategy Integrated App with Now

I'm new to application deployment, I have an Express application which uses Github's Passport strategy to authenticate users and saves them to a (remote) MongoDB database, when using localhost, my application works as expected.
I'm using the Zeit Now (OSS plan) CLI tool which was installed globally with NPM.
The issue
When I deploy my application using "now" inside the root of the project-folder and then goto "" and swap the Homepage-URL and the "auth/github/callback" [callback] URL from "http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback" with the URL generated by Now - so it becomes "" I get redirect-uri-mismatch :
I've tried several times and can't figure it out.
You change the callback on GitHub, but the same setting inside your app is not changed. So they mismatch.

Authentication error when connecting to specific mongodb database

I am currently using nodejs with mongodb native driver. So my mongodb has been set with admin auth with root role, so I can log in using robomongo or command line just fine. So back to my project, I m able to connect to mongodb just fine if i set my connection string:
However, if I use this connection string:
It return as:
MongoError: Authentication failed
I am able to access the db using command and robomongo, is there anything I can do? I have added the admin user under the db, but still got the same problem.
The database you specify is the one you authenticate on. If the user is not known/has no roles for that database it cannot authenticate to it.
What you can do is either create the (or a new) user for that database or use an authentication database parameter.
this worked for me :
first solution on connection :
mongoose.connect('mongodb://....', {
// add this line
or second solution add to the uri "?authSource=admin" :
** to note that I am using mongoose and this is the documentation specefic statement and the url :
authSource - The database to use when authenticating with user and pass. In MongoDB, users are scoped to a database. If you are getting an unexpected login failure, you may need to set this option.
