Use url-schema as href value in gmail - gmail

I am trying to insert a url-schema as the href attribute value in an email but when the email arrives, the href has been removed from gmail and hence the button is not clickable.
If I put a normal link with the http(s) protocol I don't have any problem. I found some similar questions as: question 1, question 2, but there isn't a solution.
There is a method to prevent that behavior?


Docusign responsive signing text tabs

I have a form that has a few fields that need to be filled in for the last signer after 2+ people have already signed it. They cannot be prefilled as they are not known at the time the document is generated.
I'm sending an HTML document to the Docusign API and have it working great for the first set of signers. The problem is when I try to add text tabs to the document (<input data-ds-type="text" /> following this page) I receive a 400 error back from the Docusign servers with this error message:
Some of the supplied HTML tags, attributes or CSS properties on a guided forms tabs were not allowed. Disallowed: HTML attributes [input:data-ds-type]
How can I do this?
Check that your HTML is valid and all characters in it are correct.
The responsive signing HTML validator is much more strict than the one browsers typically have. a bad HTML will break the whole thing and won't let you create the envelope and the error message unfortunately right now is not as helpful as it can be, but I'll ask to improve this.

Adding HTML tags in Outlook add-in information message

How can I show an html anchor tag in
Office.context.mailbox.item.notificationMessages.addAsync method for "error" key? I have a scenario where user should be able to click on a link from this error message and navigate to a different page.
I tried embedding elements as it's display the 'Dismiss' hyperlink right next to these error message by default. However, this displays these tags as it is.
Please help.
Unfortunately, this capability is not supported for notification messages. They cannot display HTML content and will not honor anchor tags.

I want to extract the url from the <a #href= '#' onclick="redirectpage(2);return false" >...</a>

I'm using scrapy and passing SplashRequest, I want to extract the url from the #href as usual, but when I inspect the href to get the actual url, it is not assigned the url I'm looking for, but instead I see '#', then when I hover the mouse on that '#' I can see the url I'm looking for.
How can I get that url then follow it using SplashRequest ?
the HTML code is shown below:-
<a #href= '#' onclick="redirectpage(2);return false" >Page 120</a>
When I hover the mouse on #href I see the url I'm looking for as shown below :=
To get href/url attribute :
I believe this is efficient for any page
For getting the URL, you should use some of the dynamic data fetching methods,
Click the particular URL and view the Url in response.
If the content not available in the page source, then its loading dynamically via some scripts.
we should handle things that way.

PySide/PyQt Text in QTextBrowser disappears after clicking on a link in it

I have the following variable appended to 'QTextBrowser'. It does appear as a link, but when I click on it all the text in the 'QTextBrowser' disappears. All the function the 'anchorClicked' signal is connected to does is print something in the shell so that I know that the signal was received.
word = '<a href>' + '<span style="background-color:#C0C0C0">' + word + '</span>' +'</a>'
def test(self,argv_1):
Probably what's happening is that the text browser is attempting navigate to the href specified in the anchor. But since the href is empty, it just shows a blank page.
If you want to stop automatic link navigation, try this:
(NB: the anchorClicked signal will still be sent when the link is clicked).
You can also prevent this behaviour by calling self.textBrowser.setSource(QtCore.QUrl()) in the function connected to the anchorClicked signal (in your case test()).
For an example, see what I did in my answer to your other question here:
This allows you to still have some links that take you to other pages, and some that don't (you call the above line of code to prevent the page change, only when certain urls are passed to your function)
Use html2text to download the URL to matching directory for every link on the page. Reformat as HTML, adding headers and rewiring the links. Then do this recursively every time you click on a link and you effectively have a working web browser. The links will actually work. I would like to see someone do it in less than 3 pages if they can.

article:publisher meta tag cannot be parsed as profile

According to this update...
...I thought article:publisher (with page ID or URL) would put a like button for the representative page when shared links are posted to walls? The debugger seems to think differently... what am I missing?
Debugger info:
Object at URL 'http://' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value 'http://' for property 'article:publisher' could not be parsed as type 'profile'
article:publisher is for Facebook pages, article:author is for individuals.
The "Follow" and "Like" buttons will only appear for people who haven't already followed the author or liked the publisher page.
