How to tranfer all data from SQL server to Azure API for FHIR database(managed server)? - azure

I'm trying to transfer all of my data from SQL server to azure api for fhir.(Managed Server)
Any idea what should be the starting point for this task. I have thousands of patients in the SQL server.
I need to transfer all of my current data into azure cosmos db. Also, our EMR stores all the data into SQL Server. So once I'm done with this bulk transfer any idea how can I transfer this new data into azure cosmos db every day.
I will really appreciate your help on this. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have tried to convert my data into FHIR resources. I can insert them manuall into FHIR server. But I cannot do this for all the data.

If you're looking to transfer this data every day, keeping both in sync, you probably need to look at some Middleware to handle this for you, such as Mirth Connect.
A Mirth channel could look for new records in SQL Server, transform the data into a bundle of FHIR resources, then either pass the bundle on to an API of your own which handles the FHIR server update, or run the update itself inside the channel.
The downside with this approach is that the FHIR transformer plugin for Mirth requires a commercial license. You could also use the open source version of Mirth, transform to HL7, then run the HL7 files through the open source Microsoft FHIR Converter to produce FHIR resources, then run the insert/update yourself. (More work on your end.)


Solution architecture for data transfer from SQL Server database to external API and back

I am looking for a proper solution architecture for a data transfer scenario from SQL Server to an external API and then from the API back to SQL Server. We are thinking of using Azure technologies.
We have a database hosted on an Azure VM. When the value of the author of the book table changes, we would like to get all the data for that book from related table and transfer it an external API. the quantity of the rows to be transferred (the select-join) is huge so it takes a long time to execute the select-join query, After this data is read it is transformed and then it is sent to an external API (over which we have no control) The transfer of the data to the API could take up to an hour. After the data is written into this API, we read some reports from this API and write these reports back into the original database.
We must repeat this process more than 50 per day.
We are thinking of using Logic app to detect the trigger from SQL Server (as it is hosted in Azure VMs) publish this even to an Azure Data grid and then use Azure Durable functions to handle the Read SQL data-Transform it- and Send to the external API.
Does this make sense? Does anybody have any better ideas?
Thanks in advance
At this moment, Logic App SQL connector can't detect when a particular row changes, it will perform a select (which you'll provide), and then it will check for changes every X interval (you'll specify).
In other words, SQL Database doesn't offer a change feed like CosmosDB where you can subscribe to events and trigger an Azure Function.
Things you can do:
1-Add a Trigger on SQL after insert / update which will insert the new/changed row into a separated table, and then you can use Logic App / Azure Functions to query this table and retrieve data.
2-Migrate to Cosmos DB and use the change feed + Azure Functions
3-Change your code to after insert into SQL Database, also add a message with the Identifier for the row you're about to insert / update, then add it to a Queue, which will be consumed by Azure Function.

Apply local DB changes to Azure SQL Database

I have a backup file that came from Server A and I copied that .bak files into my local and setup that DB into my Sql Server Management Studio. Now After setting it up I deployed it in Azure Sql Database. But now there were change in the Data in Server A because it's still being used, so I need to get all those changes to the Azure SQL Database that I just deployed. How am I going to do that?
Note: I'm using Azure for my server and I have a local copy of Server A database. So basically in terms of data and structure my local and the previous Server A db is the same. But after a few days Server A data is now updated and my local DB is still the same as when I just backup the db in Server A.
How can I update the DB in Azure to take all the changes in Server A and deploy it in Azure?
You've got a few choices. It's just about migrating data. It's also a question of which data you're going to migrate. Let's say it's a neat, complete replacement. Then, I'd suggest looking at the bacpac mechanism. That's a way to export a database, it's structure and data, then import it into a new location. This is one mechanism of moving to Azure.
If you can't simply replace everything, you need to look at other options. First, there's SSIS. You can build a pipeline to move the data you need. There's also export and import through sqlcmd, which can connect to Azure SQL Database. You can also look to a third party tool like Redgate SQL Data Compare as a way to pick and choose the data that gets moved. There are a whole bunch of other possible Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) tools out there that can help.
Do you want to sync schema changes as well as Data change or just Data? If it is just Data then the best service to be used would be Azure Data Migration Service, where this service can help you copy the delta with respect to Data to Azure incrementally, both is online and offline manner and you can also decide on the schedule.

Moving data from MsSQL to Cosmos DB of FHIR server(open source version)

I am using Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to move patient resource data from MsSQL to Azure cosmos DB of FHIR server. I have installed the FHIR server using the below github link.
I am able to move MsSQL server data inside FHIR cosmos db server but data format is not matching with FHIR server apps.
Example :- I have patient data with sql server side and we want to move all data with FHIR cosmos db ("resource type ":"Patient")and query on it. FHIR sever apps/services is not able to map with MsSQL server data.
Are there any Azure functions that can be run so that the bulk
ingestion of data into the FHIR server ?(Posting data with Postman is one way which is not feasible for bulk data)
Thanks in Advance.
#Vinayaka you are on a right track with Azure function.
In a nutshell, it is a simple post/put requests of FHIR resources from MS SQL into FHIR Server endpoints.
One approach could be a simple Azure function or a console app, that loops through FHIR json resources and post them in async way.
My humble advice: bump up capacity/throughput of FHIR server before running your ingestion process/load, and downgrade it as needed once ingestion of FHIR resources is completed.
You could also reuse Microsoft FhirImporter function for your case.
You could build a Data Factory pipeline to load the data to CosmosDB in the correct format. You may need to do some transformation to get the data into the format that FHIR expects.

Does azure data factory support real time copy activity?

I want to copy data from an on-premise oracle db to sql server on a real time basis.
Data Factory has many strengths, but frequency is not one of them. Have you considered a different approach?
For real time integrations I would recommend Functional App, Logic App and/or Service Bus. I would call this App whenever there is a relevant change in the oracle DB. Alternatively you could have an API on top of this on-premise oracle DB that you call from a scheduled APP.
If you expect heavy traffic you might want to consider using a Service Bus. The illustration below shows how Azure Service Bus sends data from a Publisher(on-premise) to a Subscriber(Azure sql DB) using Topic Message.
Illustration of large scale service bus dataflow
Ref. Azure Service Bus
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
You can copy data from an Oracle database to any supported sink data store. For a list of data stores that are supported as sources or sinks by the copy activity, see the Supported data stores table.
To copy data from and to an Oracle database that isn't publicly accessible, you need to set up a Self-hosted Integration Runtime. The integration runtime provides a built-in Oracle driver. Therefore, you don't need to manually install a driver when you copy data from and to Oracle.
For more details and step by step procedure, refer Copy data from and to Oracle by using Azure Data Factory.
You can also use custom activity as per your needs. Refer custom activities.
Hope this helps.
You could copy data incrementally. But there is frequency limitation. Please reference this post.

Which Azure products are needed for a staging database?

I have several external data APIs that I access using some Python scripts. My scripts run from an on-premises server, transform the data, and store it in a SQL Server database on the same server. I suppose it's a rudimentary ETL system run with Python and T-SQL.
The system is about to grow quite a bit with new APIs and will require more complex data pipelines (for example, some of the API data will be spun off to more than one table). I think this would be a good time to move the system onto Azure (we are heavily integrated with Microsoft so it will have to be Azure!).
I have spent a few days researching the Azure products that would let me run Python scripts to access data from web APIs and store the processed data in a cloud database. I'm looking for advice on what sort of Azure products other people have used for similar jobs. At the moment it seems I will need:
Azure SQL Database to hold the processed data that can be accessed by various colleagues.
Azure Data Factory to manage, log, and schedule the pipeline jobs and to run my custom Python scripts (is this even possible?).
Azure Batch to run the aforementioned Python scripts but I'm not sure about this.
I want to put together a proposal basically and start thinking about costs but it would be good to hear from someone who has done something similar - am I on the right track or completely off? Should I just stay on-premises? Thank you in advance.
Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse are good for relational data. And if you want to use NoSQL, you could go with Azure Cosmos DB. If you want to use Files to store data, you could use Azure Data Lake.
For python scripts, you could use custom activity or Data bricks for Azure Data Factory.
Azure SQL Warehouse should be used if the amount of data you want to load is in petabytes. Also, Azure Data warehouse is not meant for complex transformations. I would recommend it for plain data load with PolyBase.
